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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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3 minutes ago, Class of '66 Old Fart said:

Not sure if that's in jest or not.  If it isn't, IMO there is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL a member of the BoT would sign up on btb let alone use a screen name so close to their real name.  Nothing personal DoctorP but that's a pretty crazy take.

It’s definitely a crazy take. However I think it’s also crazy to believe a random internet stranger has intimate knowledge of the relationship between the Indiana University athletic director and chairman of the board. And is willing to post at all no matter who they are. A BOT member is as good a guess as any lol

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Just now, Kentuckysucks said:

Cathy Langham attended IU from 1976-1980.  Who else attended IU during those years?  Who did she likely end up idolizing as she watched games those years?  Very similar to Buckner and probably has a friendship with Woody.

It's a direct conflict of interest and likely a breach of fiduciary duties to the University.  People like that need to stay the hell out of athletics.  It is not their wheelhouse.  She's already talked about emotions.  Making decisions based on emotions and not fact and reality is exactly how we got into this flaming dumpster fire in the first place.


If you're a trustee you're going to inherently have a deep, personal connection to the university. At least I would hope so.

And that connection will inform far more important things than basketball ... such as ... academics and research! If basketball was really enjoyable during a trustee's time at IU and they're passionate about that too? Understandable and completely appropriate.


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1 minute ago, ThePaulieWalnuts said:

Been to 4 men’s bball games, 3 women’s bball games, 2 football games and a soccer game since last August.  Not to mention the parking passes, food/drinks, gas and other expenses.  Can’t forget the few hundred dropped buying merch.  Won’t be doing any of that if Woodson is retained.  I feel for the players but I’m not going to keep doing this, paying for a mediocre product because people are still living in the past.  This program needs a jolt and a vision, as well as a coach that knows what they’re doing.  Woodson is not that.

IU is going to have a real problem. They enrollment continues to drop for instate kids. And the basketball program which is what made the entire state love IU and IU basketball is dropping fast as well. If/when decisions are made to keep Woodson and keep this cycle of not prioritizing the basketball program it will fall off. Attendance will start to wane and overall support will be gone. 

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4 minutes ago, Class of '66 Old Fart said:

Not sure if that's in jest or not.  If it isn't, IMO there is absolutely NO WAY IN HELL a member of the BoT would sign up on btb let alone use a screen name so close to their real name.  Nothing personal DoctorP but that's a pretty crazy take.

Don’t undersell the site you guys have created. We could have US Presidents posting here!!

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4 minutes ago, Kentuckysucks said:

Cathy Langham attended IU from 1976-1980.  Who else attended IU during those years?  Who did she likely end up idolizing as she watched games those years?  Very similar to Buckner and probably has a friendship with Woody.

It's a direct conflict of interest and likely a breach of fiduciary duties to the University.  People like that need to stay the hell out of athletics.  It is not their wheelhouse.  She's already talked about emotions.  Making decisions based on emotions and not fact and reality is exactly how we got into this flaming dumpster fire in the first place.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that the new poster this morning is in fact, Cathy Langham. I would be extremely surprised if a BOT member would come on here with that as their username.

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Would an actual Trustee really sign up for this message board with basically their real identity? Weren't we just wondering the other day about if they actually care/read/hear about what goes on in these forums lol.

I appreciate tensions are running high but let's avoid personal attacks on any new poster, even if they're suspected of being part of our collective frustration

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Just now, Home Jersey said:

Would an actual Trustee really sign up for this message board with basically their real identity? Weren't we just wondering the other day about if they actually care/read/hear about what goes on in these forums lol

Short answer....no

Long answer......noooooooo

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1 minute ago, Tasmanian Devil said:

That doesn’t necessarily mean that the new poster this morning is in fact, Cathy Langham. I would be extremely surprised if a BOT member would come on here with that as their username.

Agreed.  Just saying the BOT needs to stay out and let Dolson do his thing.

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4 minutes ago, ib4iu said:

IU is going to have a real problem. They enrollment continues to drop for instate kids. And the basketball program which is what made the entire state love IU and IU basketball is dropping fast as well. If/when decisions are made to keep Woodson and keep this cycle of not prioritizing the basketball program it will fall off. Attendance will start to wane and overall support will be gone. 

They chose that path 

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Too many cooks in the kitchen!  (Pun is convenient, if not intended). Major college athletic departments with hugely successful major programs (in both $$$ and winning) have a one way channel, typically between university presidents and their athletic directors. Their objective is 100% aligned - win and maintain/increase major program status. At these places, it is implied in taking a board spot that it requires 100% loyalty  to give leadership full leeway to do what is necessary to win (hiring, firing, aggressively fighting alleged NCAA violation charges, recruiting, NIL development, etc.) or in the least, a clear understanding not to get in the way. Many actively help facilitate AD and Prez leadership direction to get things done - implied part of the board role. Places where this unity in commitment to winning and the leadership behind making key decisions is lacking often get dysfunctional (Auburn football, Nebraska football, UCLA bball n football, and sadly, probably IU basketball). 

Keeping Woody, and not going for a grand slam - or even triple, or double if that’s where we end up - would be a watershed moment - in a no bueno historical way. The batting record v expectations and future prospects are on tape — and that decision would be strike out city!! I have to believe this is common knowledge among a solid amount of the kitchen crew. They just can’t be too outwardly public w/it at this point.

Clear the kitchen, with a few elbows if necessary, find a winning vision and execute - damn the torpedoes! 

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I thought Woodson had said they had interviewed for the job before Miller was hired. He just didn't feel like it was a serious interview. To be honest if I was Glass I would be annoyed to interview someone whom you have no interest in hiring because they have zero qualifications. Just that their an alum and coached unsuccessfully in the NBA. But it makes former players Happy. How about let's make serious big boy decisions and not worry about people's feelings.

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