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About IUFAN1976

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    All Big Ten 3rd Team

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  1. IUFAN1976


    You definitely said it much much better than I did!
  2. IUFAN1976


    My guess is to help the APR, I think that is what is is called. Also to have a practice dummy, lol! Last but not least, it’s Mike Woodson, who knows what his thinking is, lol but he did catch a lot of crap last year for not filling it.
  3. IUFAN1976


    He’s a 7 Footer from South Carolina State. Didn’t put up great stats. They are probably putting him on the team to help with practice and since he graduated with a 4.0 GPA, academics! At least they are filling it, lol.
  4. IUFAN1976


    You can see by how he treats others outside of his inner circle!
  5. IUFAN1976


    And it will remain in the forefront for many of us!
  6. IUFAN1976


    I think it was always in the works for him to get a 4th year regardless of last years outcome but one could only wish and hope, lol
  7. IUFAN1976


    That’s not true! I for one liked the hire of Mike Woodson for many reasons but when he kept playing 2 bigs every year, didn’t seem to embrace the 3 ball, had poor roster construction last year but instead of taking responsibility for that, he blamed fans and pitted fans against fans, and his god like attitude really turned me off on him. He’s not a genuine good person, IMO and his entitlement attitude has really put that dagger in me for liking him as coach. I can state many other reasons but posting reasons is just repeating what I and many others have stated
  8. IUFAN1976


    Exactly! I would say Woody gaslit this thread, lol!
  9. IUFAN1976


    And I bet if things don’t improve this year, I predict over 2000 pages by the end of December. And it’s been both sides, not just one! And you have participated in that too, you aren’t innocent!
  10. IUFAN1976


    I think a lot of us repeat stuff/issues
  11. I thought so too! I thought these refs were very inconsistent
  12. IUFAN1976


    I wouldn’t call it so much better but we did make the tournament but I felt our record should have been a little better than it was
  13. IUFAN1976


    I agree, 25 wins is the floor, IMO. This team is deeper and should have much better guard play and he should be able to match up to teams better with this roster. The only real weakness depth wise is the center position but if he uses them right, that shouldn’t be a problem
  14. IUFAN1976


    I can buy that too!
  15. IUFAN1976


    We recruited over Gallo this year and I think he would have been ok with it last year too! That was just an excuse used by the Woody fan club, lol! Personally, I think Woody and staff gave up because Woody’s attitude is, if you don’t want to play for me or IU, I don’t want you! He didn’t seal the deal!