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About mamasa

  • Rank
    CBB National Player of the Year
  • Birthday 08/13/1971

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    Columbus, IN

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  1. mamasa


    Guess you don't know what gaslighting is (see what I did there?). I kinda would love to see a grown adult tell me, to my face, to pipe down. Woody brought every bit of the ill will on himself. His arrogance and lack of results rubbed people the wrong way, they spoke up and Woody acted like a petulant child. Just calling it like I see it
  2. mamasa


    You're quite the gaslighter!! It's not his job or place to "put people in their place"- he acted like a ***** and got treated like a *****
  3. mamasa

    Olympics Thread

    At least the US is keeping it close in rugby vs Fiji (38-5 lol). I love rugby- my buddy went to Indiana State and played rugby for them. They needed some fill in players, so I volunteered vs IU. Big mistake. Broken nose and a concussion later, it's one of my favorite sports. Nobody parties like rugby players
  4. mamasa

    General WBB Thread

    Class of ‘11
  5. mamasa

    Music Thread

    This is one I'm not familiar with (other than their backstory)- I'll have to check it out!
  6. mamasa

    Music Thread

    April Wine does a great cover of that on Harder Faster (another criminally underrated band lol)
  7. mamasa

    Music Thread

    I inherited the original Sticky Fingers album with the working zipper from my uncle, had the original E. Pluribus Funk Grand Funk album in the shape of a coin, and a bunch of others that I wish I still had (when I moved out 25 years ago, my mother stored all of my albums in their non-AC attic).
  8. mamasa

    Music Thread

    Criminally underrated band!
  9. mamasa

    Bloomington Food Choices

    And Janko’s was amazing as always!!
  10. mamasa

    Bloomington Food Choices

    Just a bump here- it’s our 26th anniversary- first Nick’s then Janko’s!
  11. mamasa

    Music Thread

    True story- me and my friend were outside the Bluebird in Bloomington after a P Funkshow (30 years ago). My friend was eating a chili dog. We were back by the bus. George Clinton walked out and looked at my Buddy and said what are you eating there? my buddy said chili dog from the cart here. George took a big bite of it and said that’s a damn good chili dog. Such a nice guy he was so welcoming to us.
  12. mamasa

    Mike Woodson and His Coaching Staff

    I know I'm asking for trouble with this statement, but I honestly don't think I've ever met someone who didn't love Garl
  13. mamasa


    Christ this thread is juvenile
  14. mamasa

    The Golf Thread

    I didn’t know whether to hit Like for the shot, or Laugh for the comment!