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About Deserthoozier

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  1. Deserthoozier

    2024-2025 IUBB Schedule

    Seattle....just kidding...maybe???
  2. Deserthoozier


    Only if he’s a huge Purdue fan!!
  3. Deserthoozier


    Pure conjuncture…“Remember Scott, you’re just sooo lucky to be in this position! Everyone has bad days at work. Remember the seats you get! At least this was a closed door meeting that no one heard, even if they can sorta sense it!”
  4. Deserthoozier


    She should get an NIL bump from Hoosiers Connect!
  5. Deserthoozier


    I’d say we come up w/roughly the same overall GPA,…solidly in the C range! I didn’t break wins by year, but generally agree. Lower on embarrassments…Liam McNeely, Boogie, X speed, MM tacos, key in state recruiting no shows until arm twisted, B1G NcAA coaches mtg no shows, sr night statements, plays inside out 90’s style (even if the case, read the room!!) etc. Solidly mid “C” work…but “It’s Indiana!!!” @$4.5MM a year.
  6. Deserthoozier


    Grades filled in for the CMW era
  7. Deserthoozier


    So, which part is he making up, for what reason? How’s their history with transparency…or lack thereof? How about Woody’s?
  8. Deserthoozier

    Fire Scott Dolson

    I know it’s largely shrapnel, but someone might have got their hand caught in the till a bit today - discussion probably most fitting for this forum topic choice.
  9. Deserthoozier


    Few things… Hysterics often go over the top and can be cheesier than ripe Roquefort, often to the point of annoyance, BUT their interest in supporting and commitment to IU athletics, and basketball specifically, as fans can’t be denied. In addition, they have put tremendous time and energy into capturing a pretty incredible oral archive of IU basketball history - many generations worth - something I’m pretty certain even the deepest program insiders on here have learned from, and even if many won’t admit, have greatly appreciated (even those who feel they have to proclaim ‘I don’t listen’). YES, in addition to being super cheesy, they can be self promoting…but, they’re in the entertainment biz…and promoting a product, that ultimately promotes IU athletics - and often in the vein of raising NIL…which guess what, is critical to program success. In general, their goofiness has created an environment that has lent itself to willing participation from key people in IU athletic, especially basketball but not only, history past, present and future! Their criticism of Woody and program decisions, as well as that of some of their guests, added to their credibility…sharing the frustrations many/most of us have felt about coaching decisions. This is the Fire Mike Woodson forum F F s!! Woody was certainly in his right to cut off access, but the petty way he handled it…in particular to guys who although out of bounds sometimes…supported NiL efforts, fan engagement, and HIRED his kids…speaks more to him, his thin skin and his way over inflated self aggrandizement—than it does to the merits of the Hysteric guys. A leader in a position at that level should not only expect criticism, but be able to manage it much more professionally. Sadly, that’s not Woody. This team needs to win!!
  10. Deserthoozier

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Over half the roster is FR & SOPH…can’t wait for Woody’s response that ‘we’re a young team’ when facing struggles and missing expectations in January. Many new folks too…so ‘we’re still learning each other’ when struggling in February. Oops, wrong thread…sorry! Hope this works and we win…got my knife and fork polished and on the ready to eat crow!!
  11. Deserthoozier

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Gotta view it as win, win! If we get great talent and do really well…well then it’s tough to root against. If we get talent, or not, and Mike’s mediocre again…then he gone!!
  12. Deserthoozier

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Disagree strongly! Over the past 20-30 years, that small cheating ‘minority’ has solidly been the UK’s, Duke, Kansas (since forever), UNC, Arizona, Louisville..probably MSU in the B1G… and others that are continuously lauded as the true blue bloods with the top tier coaches. Strong argument to be made that having a really good cheating system in place has had more impact on winning than having an outstanding coach. Open up no rule NIL and player transferability where everyone’s able to compete on a more level playing field-and surprise…all of a sudden there seems to be a great deal of parity as we’ve seen immediately in the past 2-3 years. Even some mid-major boats have been lifted. I get it’s out of control, creates mercenaries for hire chasing the top $$$, creates farm system of mid majors, compromises team/player continuity that we all historically have enjoyed. But, the second a ‘cap’ is instituted there’s going to be a meeting of Kansas boosters directly connected to Bill Self to determine how they can ‘help’ overcome any potential cap obstacles - just like they used when there was a very specific cap…$0! Someone mentioned above-likely move is to a model where players are employees and have formal contracts. Agree, and thats fine - we just better be competitive in the process for determining how much to put on the table…and for finding ‘supplemental’ revenue streams..cause that’s where it jumps to - immediately. Or we can dwell in middle of the road…and keep pointing to the ole banners for another 40 years.
  13. Deserthoozier

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Putting a cap in place would just revert back to teams that will/have aggressively cheated in the past to find ways around the new ‘rule’ - and pay over it, under the table. Not sure about your faith in the NCAA’s ability to enforce rules equitably, but mine is less than zero! The wild west is liberating to programs like IU…who have major fan bases and financial supporters—but didn’t have admins willing to do things under the table like most of the elite teams over the past 30 yrs. Wild West (free market) has at least provided us with an opportunity to swim in the same pool with some recruits, and maybe even be competitive. FYI .. it was never the drop ceilings! I get that free market ruins the purity of the game, wrecks continuity, potentially crushes mid-major long term competitiveness…but this is big business now, not idealistic amateurism. That still exists…just in non-revenue college sports!
  14. Deserthoozier


    It smells bad in West Lafayette! Only 5 more until parity!!
  15. Deserthoozier

