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Home Jersey

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    All Big Ten 3rd Team

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  1. Home Jersey

    (2025) - PG/SG Kiyan Anthony

    Not an entirely regrettable miss/pass IMO
  2. Home Jersey

    Brian Walsh Assistant Coach

    Right. Like, that's pretty embarrassing for Walsh to have out there. Such butthurt dweebs.
  3. Home Jersey

    Brian Walsh Assistant Coach

    There's got to be a way the program can shut these dorks up, cease and desist or something. If they've got more credible info/gossip like this and continue creating drama, it's just more evidence what a mistake it ever was to do business with them in the first place. And how the way the relationship was severed, was also handled poorly, in a potentially damaging way. There is no reason for them to air dirty laundry like this unless they're comfortable going scorched earth with MBB. Sigh. They're annoying like gnats.
  4. Home Jersey

    fIre CoAch woodsoN ThREAD

    My take on this, as someone who doesn't actively root against the team but understands why one would, is that you'd probably go into every game thinking you're okay with either outcome. If we win, cool. If we lose, ultimately, one step closer to finding the right coach to take us where we all want to go (winning championships). I'd think it's one way of keeping yourself from being too invested in a product you don't believe in/coach you don't trust. I think you can definitely root for the team and players without supporting the coach. I don't think there is necessarily a Rubicon moment at all, because somebody who takes the approach of actively rooting against the team, would likely believe any success the team has this year is in spite of Woody, not because of Woody. If they go on a great run to finish the year, I think everyone would be happy about that. Some would remain skeptical that the success is sustainable/replicable. He would certainly get another year to prove whether he can achieve all he set out to do here.
  5. Home Jersey

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    I could go for fall weather ASAP, these heat waves are killing me over here. Don't think I've ever been so excited for IUFB. Regardless of how people felt about Walton's commentary style, he was a literal and figurative giant of the sport. Will be sorely missed during those late night Pac 12 games... which I suppose will now be late night B10 games. Truly the end of an era. I'm hoping, and cautiously optimistic, that this new era for the B10 will feature our best/most consistent guard play since the Yogi years. Seems to be the plan based on roster construction. Eager to see it on the court. Too lazy for that amount of math, but the countdown on the team site + my calculator app tell me, at the time of writing this post... We have almost exactly 2,673 hours. Spend em wisely ya'll. Go Hoosiers!
  6. Home Jersey

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    112 days until the first game of the year.
  7. Home Jersey

    fIre CoAch woodsoN ThREAD

    Since we're planning our call outs and storylines, can we create a BTownBanners WWE Universe?
  8. Home Jersey

    fIre CoAch woodsoN ThREAD

    I don't think anyone gets to tell someone else how to be a fan. I don't root for them to lose but it's similar logic to tanking for the draft. As long as nobody is being hurt, if someone does something you wouldn't/find distasteful, you can just agree to disagree/ignore. Different strokes for different folks. It's really not that serious. We're all random guys on the internet. It doesn't impact winning and losing. Who cares. We all want IU to win championships. Different ideas of how to get there, but big picture, we all want the same thing. Kumbaya, my Lord... (sing it with me Hoosier nation)
  9. Home Jersey

    fIre CoAch woodsoN ThREAD

    And why does he apparently have a perception that fans don't get to enjoy their team's success simply because they were skeptical in the offseason/preseason? Holier than thou much? "True fans" ... if we have a very successful season, go ahead and give yourselves a pat on the back and a big ole cookie with some milk. You good boys will have earned it. The rest of us will have to sit in the naughty corner wearing our dunce caps.
  10. Home Jersey

    (2025) QB - Julian Lewis

    Stars and national ranking be damned. This kid can play no matter what label they wanna put on him. And if he wants to be here, he’ll be welcomed with arms wide open. This would absolutely be a statement recruiting win for CCC and staff. Do we know who the lead recruiter is, Sunseri?
  11. Home Jersey

    College Bball Thread

    Maybe a dumb question and off topic for the thread, but has Indy done something recently that makes it especially appealing for big events? Feel like every time I turn around they’re hosting some huge sporting events, concerts, conventions, etc. Don’t recall that being the case while I was around 10-15 years ago. Does anyone know if something policy related is driving that or more based on city layout and convenient proximity to venues or something? Just curious. I’d love to visit soon, seems like there’s usually something new/cool going on.
  12. Home Jersey

    fIre CoAch woodsoN ThREAD

    It's nobody's job to spoon feed you information, or anything, except your IRL caretaker spoon feeding you nourishment. You're just so far out of your depth. I provided confirmation that the Tyme account was using a paid AI tool to amplify their message, by their own admission, it was on their account. You admittedly don't spend time on X, so are largely uninformed about this topic of conversation. You had an extremely weak response when a screenshot was shared and called me a stalker. LoL. "Facts don't care about your feelings" or whatever you and your buddies like to say. Your reference to an insurrection is completely incoherent... and why do you think anyone gives two sh!ts about your "source" or anyone else reading this message board? Lmao.
  13. Home Jersey

    (2025) QB - Julian Lewis

    Would be quite the big fish to land. QB Room with Tom Allen: Sorsby, Jackson, Williams, McKibbin, Purcell QB Room year 1 with CCC: Kurtis Rourke, Jackson, Cherry, Mendoza, Purcell Night and day. In year 2, possibly adding Julian Lewis to the mix? Incomprehensible leap forward in talent at IUFB, if it becomes official.
  14. Home Jersey

    fIre CoAch woodsoN ThREAD

    Submitted without additional comment.
  15. Home Jersey

    fIre CoAch woodsoN ThREAD

    On the bright side, tickets being cheaper means total expenses for my next home game trip to Bloomington will be lower. Sucks the football team has a bye week when IUBB plays SCar at home. Looks like I'll have to book the weekend of IUBB vs. Southern Illinois / IUFB vs. Michigan...