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HoosierHoopster last won the day on May 14 2023

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About HoosierHoopster

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    All Big Ten 1st Team

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  1. HoosierHoopster

    (C) Kel 'el Ware - COMMITTED TO INDIANA

    Can’t even stay on the court in summer league….
  2. HoosierHoopster

    (C) Kel 'el Ware - COMMITTED TO INDIANA

    What no Edey, on 1st or 2nd team? hahahahahaha
  3. HoosierHoopster

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    interesting. that's a lot of scholly players
  4. HoosierHoopster


  5. HoosierHoopster


    "Good Lord" you ignore everything and repeat the same BS. It's a tired act man, I understand you're a Woodson apologist, I get it. Later.
  6. HoosierHoopster


    All correct. And it will fall on deaf ears. The VOLUME of 3 point shots is the problem, and it has never mattered who we had to shoot, it's Woodson's offensive scheme to play through the post (but I don't know what play through the post means....). What I am very much hoping for is to see that change this season -- there will be no excuse if it doesn't. And really, if Woodson has us shooting next season I'll be at the front of the line applauding him. Let's go Woodson, bring the modern offense, you've got the players.
  7. HoosierHoopster


    You're calling people dense...
  8. HoosierHoopster


    The only guy here dodging anything is you. There are numerous college teams with mediocre outside shooting who shot far more on volume than IU, because, news flash to Woodson’s (apparently your) 70’s bball mindset, more 3’s almost always beats more 2’s because, golly, basic math. Why don’t you look up how many shots PU took since you’re so enamored of PU-Edey ball (the guy who B1G refs allowed to elbow everyone down). Your argument is dead in the water. I don’t know what playing through the post means?? Yeah, you’re a joke. Count me out of further meaningless discussion witb you. Life’s too short.
  9. HoosierHoopster


    Doesn’t work Stu. No excuse for bottom of all DI ball, that’s ridiculous.
  10. HoosierHoopster


    That’s just false. We have shot by numbers at the bottom of Div I every year under Woodson. Not, not that many, it’s not, not that many - it’s bottom of all Div I ball. You just make excuses. This is what Woodson has been, a coach who insists on playing through the post. He’s been quoted saying he doesn’t consider the 3 ball that important. What’s not hard to understand is that he has deliberately ignored the arc. What the question now is, is whether he’ll change that approach now that there’s no question we have ample outside shooting. And btw, Bako can shoot.
  11. HoosierHoopster


    It won't become irrelevant. It doesn't matter if you can hit threes if you don't shoot them. There's no getting around that under Woodson we have shot, on VOLUME, at the very bottom of Div. I ball. There's no excuse for that. And if we run 2 bigs for extended minutes without different looks, and continue to barely shoot 3's -- that is SCHEME -- we'll lose, especially in the tourney. Of course scheme matters.
  12. HoosierHoopster


    My biggest gripe with Woodson / staff isn't talent evaluation, it's style / system of play. Every single year under Woodson it's been 2-big play through the post 1970s style ball. That's an above-obvious recipe for failure in today's game, he has continued to largely fail, and yet he stubbornly insists on running it. TJD largely saved him but we still couldn't do anything in the tourney with that ridiculously outdated and simplistic "scheme" and yet he just keeps doing it -- but in fairness, JHS was a great addition and that's part of the talent evaluation side. What has been killing me every season under Woodson is the simply absurd shooting on volume at the very bottom of Div 1 ball. There is absolutely no excuse for that. That was up to now, though. I am cautiously -- cautiously -- optimistic, and giving Woodson the benefit of the doubt this season, that we will see different looks, more perimeter- based guard and wing-based sets, actions, with more outside shooting with what we, very clearly, now have in some very skilled guard additions, including experience. This is Woodson's year to show he's not a stubborn old man who either can't or isn't willing to adjust his 2-big play through the post style of ball. If he does I'll be the first to get in line behind him and celebrate a return to good basketball. If he doesn't, I'm done with him (for what that matters)
  13. HoosierHoopster

    The Basketball Tournament 2024 - Assembly Ball

    One of the most unsung IU alum. He was always an all around skilled stud of a player, didn’t have the athletic game pretty much everyone thought he’d need to make the League but he worked his way in. Another great ambassador for IU
  14. HoosierHoopster

    The Basketball Tournament 2024 - Assembly Ball

    No box score available?
  15. HoosierHoopster

    General WBB Thread

    It was annoying to watch her against IU, and generally annoying to me for a while to endure all the adulation and fan love -- but then the more I watched her play the more I recognized she's one of the best the women's game has ever seen, and she's just a rookie in the WNBA, and already, despite being heavily targeted and aggressively defended (the fouls on her are nuts), she's doing things no other player has done before her. She's a special player, hands down.