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go iu bb

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    All Big Ten 3rd Team

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    : Phoenix, AZ

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  1. go iu bb


    We hear that every year we've left an open scholarship and it hasn't happened yet. Really good players don't tend to enter the portal at that time. If they do, there are probably other issues that might make them less desirable. That is also outside the portal entry window so they'd have to sit out a whole season which I guess would make them not eligible until the middle of the next season which is also less than desirable. So that is a terrible reason to not use a scholarship.
  2. go iu bb


    Better to have someone that could step in and not need him than to need someone and have an open scholarship. Center depth is a question mark and this would address that even if it's not highly skilled depth. He'd be another big to practice against. Those are the basketball positives. He'd also bring up the team's GPA. From what I saw, his two main foci are academics and basketball without much partying. So he'd be a good example/role model/influence for the younger players without drama or other locker room distractions. Seems like he would be a solid culture piece. This is also someone who is clearly comfortable being a bench player, so no conflict there. Of course, this is all just speculation at this point but I disagree that it would be "just filling the 13th scholarship" since he would bring some positives and no downside. Besides, it's not your money so why would you care how that scholarship is filled? I thought you were Team Woodson now so if this is what he wants it must be the right move.
  3. go iu bb


    I'm not sold but it's not something I need to worry about as I don't see him ever coaching at IU. For now we're stuck with Woodson and after him it'll likely be yet another underwhelming hire.
  4. go iu bb

    (2025) - PG/SG Kiyan Anthony

    From something I read recently, it seemed like IU cooled on him. He said something to the effect that he wasn't hearing much from them. Edit: here it is. This was in another thread and was written 1 week ago. https://www.thedailyhoosier.com/iu-basketball-recruiting-moreno-schedules-more-visits-three-guards-trending-unfavorably/ "Finally, Kiyan Anthony, son of Carmelo, indicated IU has not been heavily involved in his recruitment of late. He said the following to Joe Tipton of On3: “They’re still recruiting me, but not as hard as they were. I feel like Coach Woody is just trying to figure it out. But they’re still on my list so I’m just waiting on them to reach out and whatnot.”
  5. go iu bb

    Brian Walsh Assistant Coach

    Wasn't there a similar rumor about Adam Howard after the season? Did that rumor maybe confuse Walsh and Howard? Or am I confused and remembering incorrectly?
  6. go iu bb


    Compelling arguments.
  7. go iu bb


    You may not, but plenty of people do. Like I've said before, it's not that everything was great then a bunch of people turned on Woodson after 1 bad season. It's that a bunch of people weren't convinced he's a good coach based on his first 2 seasons. Then last season happened giving even more evidence to support that.
  8. go iu bb


    He can't really defend any of the bad coaching Woodson did in years 1 & 2 so he ignores those. He'll only respond to posts about last year because he can just blame that on a bad roster. His only "criticism" of Woodson is being too loyal to the guards he already had or something like that. So if the post doesn't allow that, he won't respond. So the blame for roster building falls on Woodson but most of the blame for last season falls on the players, the guards in particular. That seems to be his stance.
  9. go iu bb


    Good point. For how big his teams have been, Woodson hasn't been able to get them to rebound very well. Thanks for pointing that out.
  10. go iu bb

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    I'm pretty sure that walk-ons will be a thing of the past in the near future. For all sports. This stems from a recent court case they lost.
  11. go iu bb

    (2025) SG - Braylon Mullins

    I'm starting to suspect that your name isn't actually Barrel Rick.
  12. He barely played. He kept getting injured.
  13. go iu bb


    IMO, all 3 years his teams have played at a level which is less than the sum of their parts. They just seemed like better years than they were because Miller was his opening act and after him it's not hard to look good.
  14. go iu bb


    Right. When he was hired he talked about a 4-out offense then immediately reneged on that. "He has TJD" was the excuse. So people expected something different last year only to get... surprise, surprise... more the same except without TJD.
  15. go iu bb


    He has his chance since he didn't get fired. You seem to be trying to tell people they are wrong to be skeptical of his coaching. You're not going to change the minds of anyone with your excuses. The team next year will either convince people or not, but you won't no matter how much you defend Woodson. Also, it's not just last year. Even his first two seasons, while better than Miler (not hard), didn't exactly build confidence that he could do the job well. So this isn't just 1 bad year and people turned on him. This is people unconvinced through 2 years then last year. To add to the disaster that was last year, he repeatedly refused to take any blame for it, always blaming others and often throwing the players under the bus. You like to make it seem that last year was the 1st year that there were complaints about the offense and not taking enough 3-point shots. That has been consistent under Woodson. In '22-'23, they were 48th in 3-point percentage but 341st (!) in attempts. Should they have been taking more 3-pointers that year? Absolutely. You like to point out Purdue and their shooting. They had Edey which tremendously helped their outside shooting. IU had TJD which had a similar effect. They were able to shoot well despite Woodson's scheme, not because of it. ("It's not my job to get him shots.") This showed last year. So not only did he not get better guards, he didn't adjust his scheme to compensate for the ones he had.