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Hoosierfan2017 last won the day on July 12

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About Hoosierfan2017

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    NBA Rookie of the Year
  • Birthday 07/10/1994

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    Bloomington, IN

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  1. Hoosierfan2017


    With as insufferable and divisive as Woodson has been following an awful season, it’s hard to imagine him changing character and becoming someone likable if he’s having a good season. But hey, maybe a really great season would make Woodson decide to ride off into the sunset. That would be worth celebrating.
  2. Hoosierfan2017


    And which poster was that?
  3. Hoosierfan2017


    Lmao piss off. You’re not the arbiter of IU fanhood. You can’t sit there and argue with a straight face that Tom Allen winning a couple more games last year to save his job would’ve been the best thing for the IU football program. Yet according to you, I’m a phony for rooting for those losses. Instant gratification isn’t always the best thing.
  4. Hoosierfan2017


    Only if you promise to keep participating in it.
  5. Hoosierfan2017


    Last year? Absolutely. The season was a lost cause. The few wins he picked up at the end of the season did nothing for IU’s postseason, but they may have saved Woodson’s job. Folks are going to feel how they feel about that, but I view it as no different from a team tanking for a top draft pick. Sometimes a loss is the best thing for a program. I did the same thing with IU football last season. I didn’t like Tom Allen, the team was terrible, so I rooted for losses because that was the only way to get rid of him. It worked and IU ended up with Cignatti. Can anyone really argue that IU football would be in a better position if Allen had squeaked out a couple wins to save his job? This year I plan to just not watch/pay attention. I don’t like Mike Woodson, and I don’t like watching his teams play basketball. At least IU football might be fun this year.
  6. Hoosierfan2017


    I’ve never claimed to be a Mike Woodson fan. I’ve hated the hire from day 1. I root for the result that will get IU a new coach.
  7. Hoosierfan2017


    “Put in their place” what awful discourse lmao. You would fit right in with the Mike Woodson brain trust. I don’t care to root for a coach who feels the need to “put fans in their place” for being upset after a terrible season. He sucked at his job last season. Instead of owning that he attacked the fans, attacked the media, and likely coordinated a social media campaign also attacking the fans. I wouldn’t keep buying a company’s crappy product after the CEO attacked consumers for being upset with the crappy product. Same with Mike Woodson. The only “butt hurt” person is Mike Woodson, evidenced by him blowing up on the Hysterics for being moderately critical of him. He expects complete capitulation despite coming nowhere close to earning it.
  8. Hoosierfan2017


    UK did what IU did, hired a guy only because he went to the school, and they still managed to make a far better hire than IU did. Administration just can’t/wont get out of its own way.
  9. Hoosierfan2017


    The self-righteous schtick is especially ridiculous given that you sent multiple page-long letters to Scott Dolson during the season. You chastised people for not sending letters demanding that Woodson be fired then, and now four months later you’re chastising people for not being Woodson lovers.
  10. Hoosierfan2017


    He does it at least once a week lol
  11. Hoosierfan2017


    Yeah no one has ever worn a jacket into a game before.
  12. Hoosierfan2017

    EA Sports College Football 25

    The graphics look absolutely amazing. Not making it for the old generation was the right call. Looks so much better than Madden. So far it’s every bit as good as I hoped.
  13. Hoosierfan2017

    EA Sports College Football 25

    Today’s the day boys. Bloomington will be a city of champions once again.
  14. Hoosierfan2017


    Looks great! I would add in “Must not live on the East Coast”
  15. Hoosierfan2017

    2024-2025 IUBB Schedule

    They’ll buy him a school to coach after he gets fired from IU.