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About steubenhoosier

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    Bench Mob

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  1. steubenhoosier

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    I’ll “poke the bear”-your words, not mine, while you hold on to some cockamamie delusions that a guy who emphatically turned IU down several years ago will suddenly have a come to Jesus moment and head to Bloomington. Or maybe the Stevens idea is a “ giant waste of time” as you say.
  2. steubenhoosier


    Maybe. Or if the team does well there will be the narrative that, of course they did, because the team was bought. My hope is that the team excels for the players. They are the ones who are putting in the blood, sweat and effort. If the results then elevate Woodson, so be it. If the team doesn’t perform up to expectations, then he needs to be held accountable. I have said that before, but it appears that some folks want to ignore that
  3. steubenhoosier


    And I was not aware that he was also at Huber.
  4. steubenhoosier


    Do you even read what you are responding to. I said that I was NOT excusing anything. Tried to understand whether there was a logical explanation for his not being at the coach’s meeting. When I learned that he could have been at both events, I acknowledged that. Always confrontational, or just here?
  5. steubenhoosier


    Nope, not an excuse. An honest question and a possible explanation which, based on the responses I got shows he could have done both events. Do you guys always have to take the low road whenever someone posts something that doesn’t fit your narrative?
  6. steubenhoosier


    When were the meetings? Wednesday he was at Huber for the annual fundraiser. Which would you rather he attend if there were a conflict?
  7. steubenhoosier


    Maybe it’s my age, but I don’t ever recall Woodson being considered the second coming ,
  8. steubenhoosier


    Understand… however Woodson’s age is repeatedly brought up by folks here… which should have no bearing on his ability to coach. The recruiting trail you point out should be a responsibility of the staff , don’t you think? Younger guys who have the connections to 17-19 year olds. Woodson certainly needs to be involved, but the staff should be doing the heavy lifting. My point is… judge Woodson for the on court results but don’t bring the age issue into the conversation. Hell, we’re about to elect a president who will be in his mid 70’s. If the upcoming season is a cluster, then time for a change. But let the upcoming season play out before making a decision … based on performance, not age.
  9. steubenhoosier


    Ever hear of something called ageism? Last I checked there are laws against even mentioning a person’s age in regards to their employment
  10. steubenhoosier


    What if he does? What if IU makes the FF? What would it take for you to give him any credit? I don’t know if Woodson can pull it off or not but I am going to at least give him the opportunity. Are you that connected to the program that you know, 100%, that “ his buddies “bought him a roster? Or is that your sorry @$$ lame explanation? I get that there are folks wanting Woodson gone. What I don’t get, and frankly what is really pathetic, is the assumptions that lead to those opinions.
  11. steubenhoosier


    Huh… I thought that the old folks were stereotyped as closeted minded
  12. steubenhoosier


    Of course you wouldn’t
  13. steubenhoosier


    Or… what if you let this next season play out, and then make a decision?
  14. steubenhoosier

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    Would rather he is ready for the start of the season.
  15. steubenhoosier

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Caleb Love also pulls out of the draft and will return to Arizona