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About TadQueasy

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    5-Star Recruit

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  1. TadQueasy


    Thank you madam nostradamus
  2. TadQueasy


    Has there been an announcement on the winner of the trustee election? Good or bad for IU athletics ??
  3. TadQueasy


    why did the title of this thread change to lower case
  4. TadQueasy


    The preseason and non conference schedule is meaningless in the big picture. He has to win a lot of games in the Big 10 and in the tournament if he wants to keep running the show.
  5. TadQueasy


    My fan base? I am a '98 graduate of Indiana. Born and raised in Indiana. Grew up dreaming of playing basketball for Knight. I don't really get what you are saying here, but I am a life long fan of IU and have been on the campus. We all have a right to our opinions and that is what this place is all about. It just seems that you live in this world where only you have the right opinion on anything. You remind me of an old dude I used to work in a factory with. He was always unhappy and whining. Yet anytime someone else complained about anything he would get on his soapbox about how no one today understands anything and if only people would listen to him things would be better.
  6. TadQueasy


    Thanks for showing my point perfectly. When your posts are criticized it is explained away because of your long tenure of being a fan and how you know what things should look and act like. When anyone else says anything negative it is considered nonsense. Only thing better would be if you had put this in an email and shared it with the class. We should all be thankful we have you here to hold us to such a high standard. Happy 4th of July!
  7. TadQueasy


    Going back to the season, you are all over the place. But one thing remains true, the only proper response to anything IU related is yours.
  8. TadQueasy


    Who is Tyme that is being discussed?
  9. I want to win as well. I am just more and more convinced we will not do that under Woodson's leadership and wish we would jettison him.
  10. I gave my opinion on how the article came across to me. If you disagree that is fine. I am not asking for anyone to agree with me. Just my thoughts after having read the article a couple times.
  11. The article is fine. It just comes off to me like a piece intended to kiss Woodsons butt in order to justify what he did and even more importantly to take some heat off him for how he did it. Like I have said, what he did is probably the right call in the big picture. But how he did it combined with all the other things going on with him and IU just leave a bad taste in my mouth.
  12. Nah not awkward at all, we can disagree on it. That is what this place thrives on.
  13. It did make him look like a fool, and that is the best part. Other than that it was a good article if you are really pro Woodson. What Woodson did was fine and maybe even the right decision, but it just continues to show what an egotistical fool he really is.
  14. TadQueasy


    In my head I think you are probably right. But my heart is going to hold on to the thought that he told some folks he wants to Coach IU at some point. And dammit let us hold on to that dream.