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About Banksyrules

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    All Big Ten 2nd Team

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  1. Banksyrules


    I would like a permanent bold font…..
  2. Banksyrules

    IUWBB - News and Notes

    How could you not like how this women’s program is built.
  3. Banksyrules


    Following the Coach Crean method of scheduling. Can’t wait till somebody throws the “ have you seen our win / loss record” as an excuse until the big ten season starts.
  4. Banksyrules


    And because those coaches were awful but Woodson is meh? You become ok with that? You keep pushing until you get it right. The goal is championships not “yay we made the dance or yes we made it to the sweet sixteen” . Again recalibrate your goals. Forget the guy and just be honest with yourself…….. he’s not the guy.
  5. Banksyrules


    So no substance with your reply. Just names…..soft.
  6. Banksyrules


    If you know soccer, he should have been gone after the World Cup but more importantly not even hired in the first place (brother was in the hiring process). Relative to the rest of the world, we are a sad joke in soccer.
  7. Banksyrules


    Management had its part I wont deny that. But the man crossed so many bridges that no one wanted to play for by the end. And if anything this speaks to my larger point that needs to stop being overlooked. We ain’t doing squat as a program if we don’t have a respectable administration. Good administration’s don’t give their besties the highest paid job in the state of Indiana lol. Good lord. You guys are sad defending this garbage.
  8. Banksyrules


    Comparing RMK with Woodson…. Wow. Maybe you should apply for the athletics job because you seem to have a high opinion what in reality is very &^* coaching .
  9. Banksyrules


    And if he’s retained? By the way- this has same path as the US Soccer job. Administration still want to keep him after doing horribly. It’s taking an entire fanbase to actually make his firing a possibility by unified and calling out sponsors and a constant stream of fans saying they won’t pay for games until a change is made. This possibly goes way beyond good or bad record I fear.
  10. Banksyrules


    Yeah. That’s how it’s done. Cough Duke and UNC. Loser mentality. You’ve accepted mediocrity.
  11. Banksyrules


    Again generalizing people. You’re afraid to go to specifics. Look I’m avid New York Knicks fan. There was a kind of respect then but the reason he got fired was because of the very same reasons we see evident now. A sense of entitlement. At New York he didn’t want to bring in meaningful assistants because he thought he knew everything. Also he couldn’t build our team because he burned a ton bridges and a lot of players were put off by him. There are degrees to these things. You’re paying a guy 3 million dollar a year and he buys himself the best roster he’s ever had….. and the best ceiling most of us have is sweet sixteen with a possible elite 8 chance. What the heck are we even doing? That’s loser mentality and defeatism. You play to win championships. Not to settle for mediocrity .
  12. Banksyrules


    Broad statements to excuse a poor coach. Sad.
  13. Banksyrules


    Would you say this is Woodson’s best team ever assembled? If so where is their ceiling for you?
  14. Banksyrules


    Truth be told if I wouldn’t blame Stevens for never coming. The administration is a complete ^%&@ show. Need both sides to work well with each other.
  15. Banksyrules


    Roy Williams rejected UNC 3 different times before he said yes (two public, one private). I agree long shot. But you never say never. It’s bad for business.