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About ib4iu

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    5-Star Recruit

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  1. ib4iu

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Since Conwell was always going to want starter minutes, as far as shooters go, I like the Goode fit better than any of the other targets that were out there. We might see hockey subs after all. In all seriousness the depth we’re building will allow Galloway to slowly work his way back. I wouldn’t be surprised coming off surgery if he plays a lot fewer minutes to start the season. Can’t rush him back and have an X experience again.
  2. ib4iu

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Instead of hoping Mike Woodson would only play one big let’s shift the hope to MR continuing to develop his athleticism and shooting to play more outside. I’d much rather put hope in MR than MW.
  3. ib4iu

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I’d rather have that group run it back than the group IU has running it back. Coach included.
  4. ib4iu

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Does Woodson even know we’re recruiting these guys? I’m not even a bit joking. There is no way he can possibly keep track of all the names being thrown at him. I really don’t think he wants anything to do with roster construction which is why IU is talking about the GM role. I guess my point is Woodson isn’t telling these kids they’ll be starting because he doesn’t even know who he’s talking to
  5. ib4iu

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Agree physically he won’t have a problem. But I expect his numbers would dip simply from the offense of Schertz vs Woodson
  6. ib4iu


    That could be the case, but I still think if he were getting calls or some interest from Louisville as rumored, if that core can stay together he’d be better served to stick at ISU one more year than move on to SLU. SLU has had some big name coaches in the last 25 years and outside of like 2-3 seasons they’ve not been anything but have been one of the highest paying A10 jobs. No coach has been able to have sustained success there. Seems kind of like an Iowa or Minnesota type of gig in the A10. #SchertztoIU2025
  7. ib4iu


    I’m the Josh Schertz hype man. And if he and the core stick st ISU one more year and have a deep run we go after him and bring Conwell and Avila for their senior seasons.
  8. ib4iu


    Goodman just tweeted that Louisville is hiring Pat Kelsey from Charleston. Leaves an opening for us and Schertz. Maybe he waits for a bigger job than SLU.
  9. ib4iu


    Hard to have continuity when the staff believes in only recruiting 1-2 year players and not 4 year guys.
  10. ib4iu


    Schertz stayed in D2 for 11 years. Yes it’s way more money but St Louis has historically been one of the best paying jobs in A10. His history suggest he may not want to jump around and around. I posted it already but I hope he stays at ISU and they’re somehow able to keep that core together for another run next year. All 5 starters would be back. And then after a deep NCAA run, IU can get him after next.
  11. ib4iu


    Lost both games the week they were ranked. 2 starters got hurt and missed or only partially played those 2 games. Which I believe cost them the NCAAT. Losses to bad teams.
  12. ib4iu


    Can you imagine the level of negative recruiting going on against us? Everyone wants Conwell if he leaves ISU. And he would be great for us. But he would be for every other big program too. All a rival school has to do is play Woodsons sound bites. He’s completely recruited against himself to get top level guards.
  13. ib4iu

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Take of the rose colored glasses. You think a kid right now in the northern half of the state that is anywhere between 7-17 has dreamt of playing at IU. Thats insane with the last 9 years we’ve had and the successes of Purdue and even Butler. Unless they’re from an IU household.
  14. ib4iu


    Our best case scenario now in my mind, is Josh Schertz stays at ISU one more year (won’t happen) and IU gets him. If you watch his interviews they are fun and laid back, much like Pearl. His teams are fun to watch. Needs better defense but he has connections in the state, already has Matt Graves on staff, and is a proven winner. This guy might actually be Bruce Pearl 2.0. If he spends one more year at ISU, it will be very similar to BP spending 4 years at Wisconsin-Milwaukee before Tennessee.
  15. ib4iu


    I’ve reached the stage where I hate watch. I made it to one game in Bloomington. It was for NW. Seeing the pathetic lack of movement in person on offense was even grosser than on tv. No one moves. It’s disgusting. on another note. Many believe or are high on Oats. He’s never made it past a S16. I get we can’t be choosers where we are and will end up being beggars but that guy isn’t without flaws. Especially the way he handled the B Miller stuff. I’d rather have someone with other checkered past than that.