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About jbeaman9

  • Rank
    Bench Mob
  • Birthday 09/04/1992

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    Small Town Southern Indiana

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  1. jbeaman9

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Lots of smoke currently....
  2. jbeaman9

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Some online saying Michigan doesn't seem to be recruiting him as hard anymore
  3. jbeaman9

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Supposedly sold Rice and Carlyle on shooting as many 3's as you'd like. Give Essegian the Devonte Green green light and let's cook!
  4. jbeaman9

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Won't matter....
  5. jbeaman9

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    How many spots do we still have? 4? If Carlyle and Rice end up committing like the crystal balls predict. Portal C - drops to 3 Still have room to add 3 more guys.. Newton, Cupps, Leal are scholarships 11, 12, and 13 regardless who shows up.
  6. jbeaman9


    Not sounding promising per Rabby Can only hope it is a meniscus, 5-6 week recovery much better than ACL/MCL. Had a QB I coach tore his meniscus mid-season this past fall. Was back playing in a post-season game 5 weeks later. If he can return to full contact football in 5 weeks, I have no doubts Trey will be fine. Just have to hope it is the best case scenario here.
  7. jbeaman9


    Red items usually have red dye 40 and that causes me to become even more irritable, so no, sorry. I only take other colors of pills. Thanks for the offer though!
  8. jbeaman9


    Can you share some of your kool-aide with me, please.
  9. jbeaman9


    Archie got 4, so every coach for the rest of time must be given 4 regardless of other factors.
  10. jbeaman9


    Fans? Maybe a small part. style of play, Woodson’s offense, publicly bashing a Montverde player, publicly stating it’s not his job to run sets for shooters. fan craziness is a simple cover.
  11. jbeaman9


    @Chris007 @JerryYeagley23 @KathywithaC what say you all?
  12. jbeaman9


  13. jbeaman9


    "2) There’s a meeting happening next Tuesday that will likely via leaks/smoke shed some light on the administration’s focus." Focus as in retaining or letting go or focus as in which direction to pursue a replacement?
  14. jbeaman9


    Another thing I want to add to your post because I thought it was good stuff: I have seen some online say "he's just another former IU guy" There is a MAJOR difference between Woody and May, besides the obvious of age and whatnot. Dusty was a manager, had to BUST HIS TAIL daily to perform his duties to the highest level, no scholarship, no playing time, no glory, did it for the love of the university. Didn't have the god given skill and athleticism of Woodson. He has worked very hard through the ranks and you think he's going to come here and sit around? No. Chance. He'd be hungry to prove himself and has had to his entire basketball life.
  15. jbeaman9


    While I agree that the academic expectations are there, it doesn't change the fact Collins has brought in more higher rated players more consistently to the Big Ten than Dusty has at FAU. Regardless what the academic restrictions might be, May has had more success with less talent (247 rated talent) than Collins.