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  1. 10 points
  2. 10 points

    Bloomington Food Choices

    Just a bump here- it’s our 26th anniversary- first Nick’s then Janko’s!
  3. 8 points
    One of the most unsung IU alum. He was always an all around skilled stud of a player, didn’t have the athletic game pretty much everyone thought he’d need to make the League but he worked his way in. Another great ambassador for IU
  4. 8 points


    The self-righteous schtick is especially ridiculous given that you sent multiple page-long letters to Scott Dolson during the season. You chastised people for not sending letters demanding that Woodson be fired then, and now four months later you’re chastising people for not being Woodson lovers.
  5. 7 points
  6. 7 points
  7. 7 points
    Just noticed—Luke Goode sitting with Trayce and Gallo.
  8. 7 points


    My biggest gripe with Woodson / staff isn't talent evaluation, it's style / system of play. Every single year under Woodson it's been 2-big play through the post 1970s style ball. That's an above-obvious recipe for failure in today's game, he has continued to largely fail, and yet he stubbornly insists on running it. TJD largely saved him but we still couldn't do anything in the tourney with that ridiculously outdated and simplistic "scheme" and yet he just keeps doing it -- but in fairness, JHS was a great addition and that's part of the talent evaluation side. What has been killing me every season under Woodson is the simply absurd shooting on volume at the very bottom of Div 1 ball. There is absolutely no excuse for that. That was up to now, though. I am cautiously -- cautiously -- optimistic, and giving Woodson the benefit of the doubt this season, that we will see different looks, more perimeter- based guard and wing-based sets, actions, with more outside shooting with what we, very clearly, now have in some very skilled guard additions, including experience. This is Woodson's year to show he's not a stubborn old man who either can't or isn't willing to adjust his 2-big play through the post style of ball. If he does I'll be the first to get in line behind him and celebrate a return to good basketball. If he doesn't, I'm done with him (for what that matters)
  9. 7 points


    Listened to Assembly Call today. Not hard to pickup what they are putting down. I think that is how a lot of diehard fans are feeling right now. Woody and Staff has extra motivation to win this year to shove it down the throats of all disgruntled fans last year. SMH. I guess, whatever motivates them. I wish he would have just taken accountability last season and moved on. I’d have a lot more respect for that. Sent from my iPad using BtownBanners
  10. 6 points

    (2025) SG - Braylon Mullins

    Ran into an old friend directly affiliated with Indiana Elite this weekend and asked him for an honest opinion on where he thinks the 17U trio is going to end up. Mullins---Indiana. Dad is loving the recruiting process and being the center of attention, but says Braylon is a momma's boy and going out of state is likely to be the deal breaker. Moreno--His gut says Kentucky. Kentucky has two blue chip in-state recruits this year and one of them is going to end up at UNC/Alabama. The optics of losing a 2nd (Moreno) are not good. Says UK will pull out all the stops to keep him home. Sisley--was surprised by this but said ND or Michigan State. Says Trent isn't as high on Indiana as people want to believe. His family, especially his dad, aren't thrilled with the idea of him going to Purdue and ND or MSU is a compromise.
  11. 6 points
    The crowd gave him a big ovation when he came in the game. Hoosier Nation truly appreciates Miller Kopp.
  12. 6 points
    I'm pretty sure Yogi will still be able to get a first step on guys when he's 50 years old
  13. 6 points
    iu eyedoc


    Opens fiRE coach woodson thREAD. Is shocked to read posts about firing Mike Woodson Gets upset and derides those posting about firing Mike Woodson. Uh...OK Is your, Official Blind Faith Fan Membership Form in the mail?
  14. 5 points


    Thanks to whomever is changing the thread titles. I have been struggling with new passwords, but not now.
  15. 5 points
    At 7 PM on FS1, don’t forget that important info
  16. 5 points
    This is fun. Like basketball oxygen in July.
  17. 5 points
    Jordy and Kopp both expected to play today. This from Miller earlier today.
  18. 5 points

    (2025) - SF Nate Ament

    The staff is watching Ament again this morning, per Markwith. Pretty sure they’ve watched every game he’s played this weekend.
  19. 5 points
    Time to kick some boiler @$$ again! Summertime boiler butt wiping! Let’s go Hoosiers. Jordy it’s ur turn bro!
  20. 5 points


    This thread will not stop, IMO! He isn’t a good X’s and O’s guy or at least hasn’t been up to this point and it took him 4 years to finally get roster construction but the jury is still out whether he can sustain but he does seem to be a fairly decent to above average recruiter and player developer. Also, I will give him props that he seems to care for his players but the entire thing goes away because of his holier than thou attitude, his God like/walk on water complex and this entitlement that he thanks he has and the bow down and kiss the ring personality that he has. He could have saved this season last year and fans would have accepted not making the tournament if he would have accepted the blame and just admitted he made mistakes with roster construction and not playing his best players to beat those mediocre teams like a drum but he didn’t but instead blamed the fans and others! Only thing we heard was “He done his job” lol
  21. 5 points
    You can tell Juwan spent a lot of time developing in the NBA. His game (and most notably imo his jumper) has evolved a LOT. He is soooo good.
  22. 4 points
    As bad as officiating has gotten in college, this summer has introduced me to 2 events that make me almost miss it: the WNBA and this tournament. Just atrocious.
  23. 4 points
    Man, if that’s not IU and Purdue that is unwatchable. But it is, so it’s awesome.
  24. 4 points
    Love to see Kopp doing relatively well. He was underrated on our team. I had great seats for the nw game when we only had 6 players. Kopp was quarterbacking the defense and was intense trying to rally the team when they were tired.
  25. 4 points
    Class of '66 Old Fart

    Bloomington Food Choices

    26-years with @mamasa! I hereby officially confer sainthood on his wife. Happy anniversary.
