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About tyappleg

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    Evansville, IN

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  1. tyappleg


    Just now catching up on all this. I'm sure it's been said somewhere... but... Two things can be true. Both the HH's and Mike Woodson can suck. I am not a fan of the HH podcast. I think most of the time, they suck. I am not that bothered by their access getting revoked, it happens. But it takes an extremely little man to fly somebody in town from LA to have a conversation like that, instead of doing it by email or zoom call. Mike Woodson is softer than baby **** with an ego the size of the Grand Canyon. This was the big guy putting down the little guy in the most humilating way possible. It's toxic behavior and gives credence to some of the rumors that were flying around at the end of last year. He has the right friends to get him millions of dollars to build him the best team possible in his eyes. And I wish the team nothing but success and will cheer for their success. But that doesn't mean I have to like Mike Woodson to do so. My guess is IU has a pretty good year; A top 25 team with a good chance to make the sweet 16, and that will be enough to keep the millions flowing in for the next 5 years for Woodson. Barring something catastrophic, it's going to be a while before IU has a new basketball coach.
  2. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Nate Oats did coach at Buffalo...
  3. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

  4. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I'm pretty confident you can Sharpie in a starting lineup of: Rice, Carlyle, Mbagko, Reneau, and Ballo. With Galloway/Tucker/Portal Big as our top 8 guys. 9-12 will be Cupps, Leal, Newton, and one portal addition (in no particular order) An 11ppg scorer as a freshman (with his talent) isn't transferring here to come off the bench. Gallo thrives in a 6th man role and it's where he should be with the roster currently as constructed.
  5. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

  6. tyappleg

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Lived in Wisconsin for 9 years growing up. Oh my God, am I praying for their downfall.
  7. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    What makes you say it isn't happening?
  8. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Didn't scroll far enough on his Twitter.
  9. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Is this a Tipton edit leak? Lol
  10. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

  11. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Just addressing this point, but X played in 4.5 out 7 games against what I would consider lesser teams last year. We sucked in all of them. Him being on/off the court didn't really matter.
  12. tyappleg


    Fire Mike Woodson!
  13. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

  14. tyappleg

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    5 years for 5.5 million a year seems like a crazy overpay. That would make Mark Pope the 6th highest paid coach I'm college basketball.
  15. tyappleg

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Rice, Conwell, and Ballo would be 3 tremendous adds.