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About 94Bulldog

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    5-Star Recruit

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  1. 94Bulldog

    (2025) SG - Braylon Mullins

    Looks thrilled with the official Cincy offer
  2. 94Bulldog

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I’d have settled for him hitting a layup
  3. 94Bulldog

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I got more done at work on the first 2 days of March Madness than I did the past 2 days because of the portal. With the way the last couple hours went, him decommiting tonight wouldn’t even shock me. This is crazy stuff.
  4. 94Bulldog

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Great, we’ll probably self report that as an infraction and voluntarily deduct our NIL resources.
  5. 94Bulldog

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Maybe I’m mistaken, I thought there was one, I’m going on about 9 hours of sleep over the last 3 nights so I could be wrong. RTZ insinuated Hickman was looking very good as late as this morning on the other board.
  6. 94Bulldog

    Music Thread

    30 years ago today one of my all time favorite albums and a band I still listen to and saw in concert as recently as last year, Smash by Offspring. Any other Offspring fans out there?
  7. 94Bulldog

    WWE thread

    Wanted Cody to win, didn’t love everyone’s involvement but figured it was coming.
  8. 94Bulldog

    WWE thread

    If Cody doesn’t win tonight, when is he ever going to?
  9. 94Bulldog


    First party of Sr yr in high school, my dad was hot on Zima at the time and allowed me take his 6 pack. Gave me a tip about how flavorful adding a bit of peach schnapps to it was. Problem was our buyer got me peach brandy but warned me to only add a cap full into a bottle. Pretty tasty, and I began adding more and more until I was basically taking a swig of the brandy for every swig of zima. Was a brutal ending about an hour later, and a long painful morning the next day. FIRE MIKE WOODSON
  10. 94Bulldog

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Amazing ability to be in the final four and still be able to go portaling. I’m convinced Woodson had golf outings planned the week after the big 10 tournament.
  11. 94Bulldog


    Bet against him, I won a lot of money this year doing that!
  12. 94Bulldog

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    You mean they were able to recruit the portal, and advance to the sweet 16 at the same time?!?!
  13. 94Bulldog

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    So basically he played significant minutes against mostly bad teams where IU happen to win. Listen, I like Leal (less now admittedly after his senior day speech), he has good fundamentals and a high IQ, but the truth is he lacks the speed and athleticism to play significant minutes on a top 25 team.
  14. 94Bulldog

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    That with or without the media timeout?
  15. 94Bulldog


    My totally make believe in my head sources claim there was a meeting Wednesday via Zoom between Scott Dolson, Dusty May, Bruce Pearl, Steve Alford, and Brad Stevens to discuss IU’s next coach. Steven’s never dialed in. Dolson apparently made it quick, and said Gentlemen, we need to make a change but before I go to the BoT, I want you each to know, it’s between you 3. Since I can’t decide who to offer the job to, I’m going with whoever wins their first round NCAA tournament game by the largest margin. Best of luck, I can’t wait to talk to the lucky winner….and with that the coaches all looked at each other and winked. Fire Mike Woodson