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About Bankshot

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    5-Star Recruit

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  1. Bankshot


    Ok. I understand the focus of this thread is on firing Woodson, but if I’m following correctly, Chris has been dropping some bombs in here that haven’t gotten much discussion. And these are new things I have not heard before. What I think I saw was: - There’s a possible to real chance that Brad Stevens could return to college coaching, perhaps at IU - He may have told Indiana to “keep in touch with me, and I’ll let you know if the time is right”. - Success by the Celtics could help this along, perhaps soon. - Even though Woodson has Buckner’s (and boosters) strong support, if Stevens wanted to come, we would make that move. Did I glean or interpret that right? If that’s correct, that seems huge!
  2. Bankshot

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Please elaborate...what exactly is 'shaping up' (or has 'shaped up')? We have 1 new recruit so far...we still need half of a team. Not only do we need to actually sign several more players, on-court success would also have to improve dramatically before any crow would be eaten.
  3. Bankshot

    NCAA MBB Coaching Carousel

    I$ it ju$t me, or doe$ there $eem to be a $egment of coache$ that aren’t doing a$ well in the NIL era, maybe $ince the playing field wa$ leveled and their previou$ advantage wa$ removed? Maybe guy$ like Calipari, $elf, $ean Miller, etc.
  4. Bankshot


    Or 93% of posters?
  5. Bankshot


    It seems like we should be able to in 93% of the threads.
  6. Bankshot


    Mike Woodson… the college basketball version of “all hat, no cattle”. All the attitude with none of the success.
  7. Bankshot

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I admire the positivity that some seem to have or at least are seeming to exhibit regarding our portaling attempts. I have just not been able to drum up anything good along those lines. I'm just not convinced this staff could do well with UCONN's roster. Heavy sigh...
  8. Bankshot

    Fire Scott Dolson

    One of my takeaways... If Shertz and Calipari can change jobs and move in Mid-April, we can still fire Woodson and get a new coach. C'mon Dolson...do your job and get us a coach who can get the job done! Do it today! IMO, unless/until Dolson fires Woodson, it means he loves his job more than the program.
  9. Bankshot


    One of my takeaways... If Shertz and Calipari can change jobs and move in Mid-April, we can still fire Woodson and get a new coach. C'mon Dolson...do your job and get us a coach who can get the job done! Do it today! IMO, unless/until Dolson fires Woodson, it means he loves his job more than the program.
  10. Bankshot


    Yes. Or “Fire Dolson and Woodson”.
  11. Bankshot

    College Bball Thread

    Something I think I’ve noticed in seeing more teams since the end of the regular season, is that virtually every team I’ve seen plays much harder, with more energy than IU does. The difference is pretty substantial and deflating.
  12. Bankshot


    IMO, the fact that Woodson hasn't been fired yet indicates that the AD loves his job more than the program.
  13. Bankshot


    You’re the Athletic Director…. direct the athletics. Do something!!
  14. Bankshot


    Looking at you Scott Dolson.
  15. Bankshot


    Is Woodson fired yet? WHY NOT?!