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  1. Trish


    I think the men's basketball program has won the off-season with the portal additions!
  2. Trish


    What's been going on here lately? Anyways, the non-conference schedule in November for IUBB is extremely weak. Looks like Woodson wants to get to 20 wins as soon as possible next year to assure he's "doing his job".
  3. Trish


    None of us will ever be able to confirm if Woodson said that exactly. But it sounds like a statement from someone who talks in Third Person 70% of the time would make. Frankly he’s hinted at this thought this season before.
  4. Trish


    Eric said the Woodson meeting happened in May, not April. Scott Dolson podcast was released on April 30th as well so it sounds like there was a gap between the podcast and the in person conversation.
  5. Trish


    It’s been a while since I’ve been here, summer basketball is no joke folks. Nonetheless, thought I would share my thoughts on the news today as you all know I’ve been Anti-Mike Woodson since Archie was dismissed. First off, like most of you, I do agree HH are some dorks, but they do a lot of good for a lot of programs at Indiana. I’ve met them, they are friendly and are more passionate than your typical Indiana fan. On to Woodson, none of this is surprising. This 100% sounds like Mike Woodson behavior. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, this sounds like A LOT of P4 head coaches throughout America. Frankly, I think it’s the reason why Woodson hasn’t landed an NBA job (HC) and was out of the league a few years ago. It’s because he’s stubborn. Does this change his future? No. Am I surprised Dolson didn’t say a word throughout all of this? No. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dolson didn’t have a single clue as to why they were meeting with Eric in the first place. Woodson is a stubborn head coach. He’s sold on his ways and does not like when people veer to the left too much. He will have to prove this season that he’s a good coach as this current roster construction is worthy of a Sweet 16 at minimum (credit to the staff and boosters). I’m going to give Woodson this year to really show he’s worth his salary, but frankly I see this program coming up short once again.
  6. Trish

    Woodson and the HT on his new roster

    His last team in NY went 37-45 for 7th in the league in 3PT %. So you can pick and choose his best years all you want, but his knowledge of modern basketball is still lackluster. Frankly, I think that’s why he was never hired again as a head coach.
  7. Trish

    Woodson and the HT on his new roster

    I haven't been here in a month or so as it's the off-season for Indiana Basketball. But these quotes were hard to digest. Of course he will play Ballo and Malik together to start, it will work great vs the cupcakes on the schedule. I'm more interested in his actual rotations in the B1G. His comment on wanting to play like his team in New York is hysterical. But, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt this season and see what he can do with this talent. I imagine it won't be pretty basketball, but I'll let him see what he can do. I have my doubts of this style of play he wants to play in the years 2024-2025.
  8. Trish


    I agree with the recent posts here, all the pressure is on Woodson now. There’s talent there on paper, it’s time for him and the staff to produce a further run than a first round NCAA. Dolson made it seem like he wants Big Ten championships and deep NCAA runs. I personally could care less of a Big Ten championship. It’s a Sweet 16 or bust for this program next year.
  9. Trish


    As one of the founding fathers of the Fire Woodson agenda here, I will give credit where it’s due. The NIL support has kept Indiana afloat this offseason and has lessened the fire under Woodson’s chair. This team on paper is Sweet 16 or bust. I could care less about Big Ten regular season or championship, it’s all about what happens in the real tournament. If he fails to make it to the Sweet 16, it’s a massive failure. There’s enough talent on this team to make it to the second weekend, we’ll see if Woodson can coach.
  10. Trish

    Expectations for the 24-25 Season

    I’ll make a longer post another day, but with the amount of talent this team on paper, there is zero excuses for Woodson to not get this team to the Sweet 16 at the bare minimum. That being said, I think a stronger coach could get this team even further. Can we all agree Newton and Leal will be out of the rotation? I don’t see minutes for them anywhere.
  11. Trish

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    At this point it’s all role players from here on out. Indiana has its top 7 kids. There’s going to be some players out of the rotation come February.
  12. Trish

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Here's his shot chart and other stuff for nerds. His adv offense and defense isn't great nor is his usage to true shooting. But he would only have one job at Indiana.
  13. Trish

    Expectations for the 24-25 Season

    Here's my prediction as I assume the roster is mostly done for the most part, they'll need to land a back-up forward here soon but that won't change much in terms of expectations I believe. Rice / Cupps Trey / Kaanan Mackenzie / Malik / Tucker Ballo / That's eight players in the Big 10 rotation and March. CONCERNS: 3 PT SHOOTING FT SHOOTING SPACING I'm not concerned with the defense, Woodson has always been a defensive coach, he'll figure it out. Offense is a concern for me in terms of what I listed above. Players will need to step up and Woodson will need to stagger the players with the bench. Rice and Trey need to be on the court at all times, at least one of them for shot creation. I imagine we will see a lot of four guard line ups, which is probably a good thing. SEASON EXPECTATION: Sweet 16 or better. I'm not too concerned with finishing at the top of the conference nor winning the conference. This is Indiana, we know the real results come in the national tournament.
  14. Trish

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Congrats to the staff! This has been a surprising off season to say the least. Assuming there’s no major injuries, this team SHOULD make the Sweet 16. Anything less than that, is a disappointment and a failure IMO. I think they’ll keep an open scholarship and land one more big guy if possible.
  15. Trish

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Liam anyone? Kansas just landed someone over him.