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About PartyintheVillas

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    1-Star Recruit

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  1. PartyintheVillas

    Brian Walsh Assistant Coach

    This was my first reaction, the Hysterics are putting part of a story out there knowing exactly how it will be responded to, but keeping the relevant details that make it explainable out... again. Why are these guys the anti-Finebaum for Alabama?
  2. PartyintheVillas


    This is exactly where I am. I have no problems eating crow, and have no need to be "right." I just want the Hoosiers to win.
  3. PartyintheVillas

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    We haven't exactly been a trustworthy investment, either.
  4. PartyintheVillas


    I'm not good or bad with it. It's fine.
  5. PartyintheVillas


    They do use the same mis-information patterns. I don't think anyone here is smart enough to know they're using those patterns, but you can throw a political name in for Woodson, and it tracks the same. Sadly even if Coach Woodson wins big this season (and beyond), most of them will never allow themselves to change their mind on him. Nothing good will ever be to his credit and nothing bad will ever be anyone else's fault.
  6. PartyintheVillas


    That last line is truly it. He has to prove he can coach this roster, but he's built a strong, balanced roster. His latest quotes about guards being so important to winning in college show he is actually learning, too. We'll see, and I'll be cheering for the Hoosiers. I was a fire Mike Woodson guy, but he's survived, and now I want him to win.
  7. PartyintheVillas


    I want his arrogant attitude to stay, I don't care about that. Almost every successful coach is like that. He needs to win, period.
  8. With the exception that Mike Woodson was an All-American player, had a long NBA career, 3 times voted in the top 10 of NBA coaches for Coach of the Year, and 3rd in that voting once. He might be an arrogant *******, but he's earned some of it. He needs to win this season though, or we need to move on. The Hysterics earned their cord being cut, and Woodson might too.
  9. My problem with them is they just seem a little too slippery for me. They also seem to think it's about them too much. They give off some serious main character syndrome vibes. I think at first they were exactly what you said, then I think their egos got REALLY BIG.
  10. PartyintheVillas


    I was a fire Mike Woodson guy, but after reading irrational conspiracy theories to mirror the fairly tales of QAnon, I have gone from a guy being against MW but cheering for the team to a guy who feels neutral about Mike Woodson pulling for the team to a guy cheering for Mike Woodson and the team to win defiantly despite the miserable whiners who think Indiana basketball is about them. I'll even eat some crow that the staff pivoting to the portal after seeing the NIL cost of freshman was the right move for this upcoming season. The only things Mike Woodson is guilty of are not winning enough and having a whole lot of competitive pride. Pride that is fueling him right now.
  11. PartyintheVillas


    I can't believe people are defending Eric. This is a fire Woody thread, and I stand by that. But the hysterics are awful and embarrassing. Indiana is better off without them involved. The can be fans and have their podcast, but get them away from the coaches, team, and recruits. Fire Woody, fire the Hysterics into the sun. If Woody wins next year, and he might, then I'll eat crow about Woody as a basketball coach. I don't care about the arrogance or ego. That's pretty typical of a CEO or big time head coach, and often is what drives them. As a fan, I don't care about being his friend. I care about wins, losses, and a lasting, positive impact on the young men on the team. Woody seems to be delivering on the last part at least. I could never have been friends with Bob Knight either. He was thin skinned as they come, arrogant as ever even when he didn't deserve it anymore. I don't need to love the coach. I can't stand the hysterics so much, they make me defend Woody! There are no winners here and all parties are at fault.
  12. PartyintheVillas

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    It would have been nice to have McNeely still and be looking for a pass first, defense first PG to get the ball to Galloway, McNeely, Mbako, and Reneau for open 3's. This team needs an elite defensive PG more than offense. Once our backcourt D is broken down, we're going to be ugly with Reneau and Mbako guarding the 3-5.
  13. PartyintheVillas

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    So does Jalen Blackmon want to be the third is his family in crimson and cream?
  14. PartyintheVillas


    If we're going to ignore the rules on pay for play, not care about the players academic careers, and really not care about them as people and send them packing as soon as they aren't good enough, can we just hire Kelvin Sampson back? Seems like Mike Woodson is Kelvin Sampson but much worse at coaching basketball.
  15. PartyintheVillas


    I bet the academic support staff is thrilled with bringing in 9 transfers a year.