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On 3/8/2024 at 10:10 AM, WayneFleekHoosier said:

Woodson "Indiana is the ****!"

Me: "Indiana is a **** show"


How to lose almost the entire fanbase in 1 season:

1.  Misevaluate talent on own roster who you have coached for 1-2 years.  (Banks, Gunn, X, maybe even Galloway to an extent)

2. Fail to land shooting and guards in the transfer portal when it was a CLEAR need for an UPGRADE.  I posted about it ad nauseum.  Thought we are going to get Antonio Reeves at the end.

3. Fail on the court early but barely winning easy games and getting blown out in games that matter because:

a) Players/coaches not on same page for defensive philosphy

b) Hockey subs.  Too much reliance on getting the bench minutes.  

c) Not being flexible within games to let guys play with foul trouble or switching defensive strategies to stop what was killing us.

d) Offensively-----Waiting WAY to long to put the ball in Galloway's hands as a playmaker.  Too much Cupps with the ball.  Also not allowing fast paced play, encouraging transition play, and shots early in the shot clock.

e) A master class of how to F up a talented enough roster to identify your best guys and give those guys the minutes.  TOOK WAY TOO LONG

3. Recruiting, Recruiting, Recruiting (DreamBig#)

a) Get tons of traction with so many top level guys-raise excitement and expectations

b) ignore the middle rated guys that werent good enough (fine)

c) Identify 3 main targets for the world to see. Then the Fland miss, started the swoon.  Then Queen.  Then the McNeely Decommit

4. Get "eliminated" from bubble talk in Jan/ Early February with much of the season is left.  Giving the fans 1-2 months of no hope after 2 months of bad play.

5. Fail to adequately convince the fans his vision and plan will be successful in pressers and post games.  Seemingly being generally clueless about WHY all this is happening.


That's how you lose a fanbase in 1 season.

I will say this, I've been around Indiana Basketball for the last 45 years.  Have obviously been severe ups and downs over the last 15 years or so and the fans never walked away.  There were plenty of opportunities for the walk away crowd to walk away I might add, like the whole Archie Miller disaster.  Since about January of this year, I know so many life long IU fans who quit watching, me included.  Didn't know when they played, don't know if they won or lost.....just don't care.  That' how bad this season has been...many people are "I have better things to do then watch that mess on the floor".  Illustrated above is the recipe for how that happened.  Take in account what's in store for next year, literally Christ himself better intervene with Portal miracles or Woodson is nothing more than Archie Miller 2.0...The decision makers around the IU Basketball program need to be cleared out, every last one, the Big boosters behind this program need to go take a 40 year cruise with no internet access or cell service, they have destroyed this program.  Most programs struggle at some point, most great storied programs have come out smelling like a rose after 2-4 years...........we are going on 24-25 years now of still working to get the program back on track.....anything short of decision makers getting shown the door is in vain.  24-25 years is more than a pattern its a never ending train wreck.  Allowing or thinking the same core group of people will fix this is insanity.

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15 minutes ago, BGleas said:

Here's the thing about McNeely and the offense. It's pretty simplistic to just say that the offense wasn't an issue in his decommitment because he knew what the offense was. 

While the offense hasn't changed much in three seasons, Mike Woodson spent two seasons telling the fans/media that he wanted to play 4-out/1-in and that the style the first two years was because he had to take advantage of TJD and Race. 

He spent two years telling us that it was actually his teams in Atlanta and NYC that ushered in the 3pt era in the NBA. 

It's not a huge logical leap to assume that he was selling McNeely on that. I think as fans we were also expecting the staff to add guards and wings in a shift to that style this season. 

Then he spent the entire season this year extremely defiant when questioned on these things. 

I'm sure it's not the only reason, but its not a big leap to assume that a 3rd season of a poor offensive system played a part in McNeely's decision. 

I actually think this also plays a big part in why the fans have turned on Woodson so quickly. I know it does for me. From a system standpoint, I kind of feel like Woodson has pulled a bait and switch. 

Yup..:and does anyone have any confidence in Sleepy Mike changing his system? Much of us don’t. 

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1 hour ago, BGleas said:

Here's the thing about McNeely and the offense. It's pretty simplistic to just say that the offense wasn't an issue in his decommitment because he knew what the offense was. 

While the offense hasn't changed much in three seasons, Mike Woodson spent two seasons telling the fans/media that he wanted to play 4-out/1-in and that the style the first two years was because he had to take advantage of TJD and Race. 

He spent two years telling us that it was actually his teams in Atlanta and NYC that ushered in the 3pt era in the NBA. 

It's not a huge logical leap to assume that he was selling McNeely on that. I think as fans we were also expecting the staff to add guards and wings in a shift to that style this season. 



I’ll admit to being “suckered” by Woody’s comments as I fell for his statements that he was running an offense he didn’t like because of having TJD.  I was looking forward to seeing “his offense” this year, which obviously didn’t happen, and within the first third of the season I was concerned McNeely was watching games and thinking his role would be to stand in a corner and throw bounce passes into the post. Not surprised at all that he de-committed .

Ironically the offense has looked a bit different/better the past couple of games but it’s too little too late.



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4 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

So you’re saying Woody might take another Jon if he’s successful next year in the portal?

He shouldn’t be coaching anywhere in college even if he is somehow successful in the portal next year.    Utah St is the outlier. 

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1 hour ago, J34 said:

The irony is, you have no idea who I am or how I think. I supported the Woodson hire (maybe because I was told to?). I've been in the corporate world for over 30 years, and not one time has a "leader" been given 4 years to get things turned around(except in politics). Especially the highest paid employee. Is said leader more important to your company than losing your best team members, and young promising prospects? Maybe you should read up what ROI means.

There's a huge difference between groupthink and common sense. Your opinion is welcome, your lecturing is not.

Most billion dollar companies, and I’ve worked for two (1 is currently) and they won’t invest in anything unless there is a payback on their ROI of 2-3 years and if that doesn’t happen, changes are made.  Well it is year 3, IU sure as heck didn’t meet their ROI, changes should be made. I still say, Miller would have gotten canned if it weren’t for COVID, that gave him an extra year.  There was no guarantee he was going to make the tournament in year 3.

covid is the gift that just keeps on giving!

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6 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

My mother 42 years at the University 

my father 39 years 

starting my 24th and what you’re saying is not adding up.

She’s trying to figure out who you are!

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2 hours ago, TadQueasy said:

I wasn't just referring to you, yours was just the last post I saw.  I think it is maybe how it comes across tone wise.  But like I said I maybe off or miss something.  

I’ll flat out say I’m not a fan. She just spins things and says this is the way it’s always been done so we have to keep doing it this way. 

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7 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

I’ll flat out say I’m not a fan. She just spins things and says this is the way it’s always been done so we have to keep doing it this way. 

I get the vibe she's here on behalf of God knows who, thinking we're malleable. 

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1 hour ago, finky said:

I will say this, I've been around Indiana Basketball for the last 45 years.  Have obviously been severe ups and downs over the last 15 years or so and the fans never walked away.  There were plenty of opportunities for the walk away crowd to walk away I might add, like the whole Archie Miller disaster.  Since about January of this year, I know so many life long IU fans who quit watching, me included.  Didn't know when they played, don't know if they won or lost.....just don't care.  That' how bad this season has been...many people are "I have better things to do then watch that mess on the floor".  Illustrated above is the recipe for how that happened.  Take in account what's in store for next year, literally Christ himself better intervene with Portal miracles or Woodson is nothing more than Archie Miller 2.0...The decision makers around the IU Basketball program need to be cleared out, every last one, the Big boosters behind this program need to go take a 40 year cruise with no internet access or cell service, they have destroyed this program.  Most programs struggle at some point, most great storied programs have come out smelling like a rose after 2-4 years...........we are going on 24-25 years now of still working to get the program back on track.....anything short of decision makers getting shown the door is in vain.  24-25 years is more than a pattern its a never ending train wreck.  Allowing or thinking the same core group of people will fix this is insanity.

I have watched every IU dating back to when I was in college and I have always known date and time they played.  Their have been at least 5-7 times since early January that my wife asked me when their next game was and I literally said I don’t know and I have a schedule right above one of my desk monitors.  Even though I have still watched those games, I just watching them with enthusiasm and obsessing over the schedule.  Not watching them maybe coming soon.  Woodson and the Administration have created this mess!

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4 hours ago, KathywithaC said:

There are no BOT votes related to basketball hires.

It seems like in a system like this, stakeholders (other than the AD) get to socialize every bad decision (AD’s fault) and capitalize on all of the good decisions (we did that). What is incentivizing an AD to not make their own decisions (since they will be blamed anyways) other than pressure from the BoT? This question is premised upon your claim that the AD has sole decision making authority when it comes to hiring coaches, but I would also like for you to address the fact that the BoT has to sign off on actually paying the coach, which effectively limits the AD’s decision making authority.

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50 minutes ago, WayneFleekHoosier said:

Bunch of my stuff hidden it appears.  No personal attacks.  Besides pointing out administration and coaching failures and reasons that directly correlate to Liam de-committing. 

I may be missing something, but I went back a few pages in multiple threads and I’m not seeing hidden posts from anyone. 

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1 hour ago, WayneFleekHoosier said:

Bunch of my stuff hidden it appears.  No personal attacks.  Besides pointing out administration and coaching failures and reasons that directly correlate to Liam de-committing. 

I have had this issue after logging off on my phone and logging back in. Maybe you are experiencing the same issue.

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