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About cleeter

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    God, Family and Indiana Basketball.....and not necessarily in that order ha

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  1. cleeter

    (2025) QB - Julian Lewis

    "Let's be heroes" - Jonathan Moxon
  2. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Hemenway is visting Vandy this weekend, Maryland on the 9th and "is in the process" to set up a visit with us on the 14th. Percentages of seeing him in cream and crimson just took a hit to me
  3. cleeter

    Fire Scott Dolson

    I just hope that one day Scott can just do his job with the basketball fire/hire/etc and not seem to be handcuffed, because from what i hear, i like Dolson and i know he LOVES this university
  4. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    He seems very confident, and as an anonymous feller who get his mortgage paid by Hoosier fans alone, i would think he wouldn't say something like that without being 100% sure haha
  5. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Not technically official yet. But Trilly has over 96% success rate and always said he would never post a prediction unless he felt over 98% sure.
  6. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I know Easter has passed, but today is another "Good(e) Friday". He said the Hoosiers of course
  7. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Trilly made his gif for Goode finally...for those who care ha
  8. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Goode is visiting Thursday and Friday Edit - @btownqb beat me to it.
  9. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    It's not officially official
  10. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I agree. Goode > Anderson
  11. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Well i for one am no source, anything i say came from someone else that i have followed for a while and would say has a decent track record. So it seems we have a little bit of a source off here perhaps. Time to get my popcorn out.
  12. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I wish i could be smart enough to actually make these. I have so many ideas
  13. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    The new rumors swirling (since we all love RUMORS), is that even after getting Goode (which was this morning rumor) is that Anderson actually wouldn't totally be off the table.
  14. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    We can all assume that the Conwell ship has sailed correct. Best case right now would be Essegian, Malone and hope for Humrichous?
  15. cleeter

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Malone will be in Bloomington tonight for a visit tomorrow