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About AH1971

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  1. AH1971


    You’d be wrong on that as my Twitter account has exactly zero posts (just for reading) but AZ Hoosier does and it’s exactly what you’d expect it to be. But yeah I’m the bad guy for suggesting Woodson pockets scholarship money that goes unspent? Lol
  2. AH1971


    Some real QAnon-level conspiracy thinking right there. Fitting. Thanks for the laugh.
  3. AH1971


    The best was the poster who said that IU/Dolson had met with the reps for Bruce Pearl and they had a dollar figure and contract terms laid out and then 3-4 hours later it was announced that Woodson was returning. I believe it was just before tip off up in Minnesota.
  4. AH1971


    Lol oh good Lord
  5. AH1971


    If you or anybody else thought the last 3-4 games of the regular season was going to decide Woodson’s tenure here then I’m not sure what to tell you. Woodson wasn’t going to be fired after 3 years especially after making the tournament the previous two seasons. If you seriously thought Woodson was on the hot seat with 4 games left to go that’s on you and you were seriously duped. Rooting against your team is certainly a choice.
  6. AH1971


    Wanted Tom Allen gone 2 years ago, never once rooted for IU to lose. And I attended almost 80% of the home games. Sounds like you need a new hobby if rooting for your "team" to win is such a chore.
  7. AH1971


    The revolving title change is one of the better running jokes on this board...well of course other than this thread itself.
  8. AH1971


    I'd be shocked if that poster had any recollection of the 2002 season, perhaps not even out of diapers at the time.
  9. AH1971


    And voicing your displeasure after a bad season is one thing, hell I did it plenty, but actively rooting for the team to lose and making up nonsense rumors to the detriment of the team is another. Hope you understand the difference.
  10. AH1971


    Not gaslighting anything. Calling it like I see it. Those who actively rooted for the team to lose and made up rumors and lies about the team quitting or transferring needed to be told to pipe down.
  11. AH1971


    I have no issues with the first two seasons other than fashion in which we lost to Miami in the tournament. Have clarified that several times over now.
  12. AH1971


    Perimeter defense was a much more dire concern last year than a bad 3 pt shooting not shooting more 3's. Now you're catching on.
  13. AH1971


    Will you still participate in the Fie-er-Coach-Woodson thead?
  14. AH1971


    He openly campaigned for IU to lose out in this very thread over 1000 pages back. He's a phony.