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Here is my new outlandish thought. Stevens won't come this year, but says if he ever gets fired or when his contract ends, he will come. Dolson then approaches Bielien and talk him into taking over the reigns until BS can come with Bielien become BS's Phil Martelli like at Michigan.
Outlandish I know.

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4 minutes ago, CrossboneIU22 said:

Why do we need all these new threads? Impossible to keep up with it IMO 

I liked this one thread but I defer. 

Because as much as we all hope we get Brad Stevens to be our coach, there are a number of other fine candidates out there too. 

As for that OSU guy, not sure what to think of that information. Most of what he posted was stuff that I had heard through following the NBA. I remember hearing about the Celtics having locker room issues during the bubble. From reading Celtics forums I saw that some players were upset about how he treated Gordon. 

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5 minutes ago, coonhounds said:

It is more fun i was amazed not many ventured over here

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I’m scared that if it’s not Stevens, we’ll all go to Hot Topic and go Goth.  But we’ll do it together. 

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2 hours ago, IUwins0708 said:

Again it’s not a done deal, things are looking better than they ever have to get him(doesn’t mean we will), enjoy the ride and even if it isn’t Brad take pride in knowing they went all in for him and they will for their next candidate as well. And no I’m not saying he isn’t coming either, just want to make sure most of us embrace the new coach whoever it may be.

I agree, my HSN friend, spot on. Any way we look at it Dolson’s not gonna settle for anything less than a big name....It may or may or may not be Brad, (I pray it is) but it will be someone very successful! Dolson and Co. are not wasting 10+ million on a buyout and millions more for an unproven mediocre coach.  

Edited by Cinco de Mayo

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2 hours ago, go iu bb said:

Right? I was very opposed to Dolson becoming AD and was quite disappointed when it happened. I was wrong. Even if IU doesn't hire Stevens I was wrong. Just getting a donor to pony up $10M to fire Miller and another to help pay any costs for the new coach to fix the dumpster fire the program has been was enough to prove me wrong. If he's going as hard after Stevens as everything seems to indicate, I was very, very wrong and I'm ecstatic that I was.

Whoa. Dolson should have been "the guy" for years... He is a true Hoosier and understands what fans want. He's doing things now that Glass would never do, and it should be known that Dolson didn't agree with a lot of glasses decisions. It's rumored that Dolson's comment "I will not be putting together a search committee" may have been a direct shot at Glass lol. Dolson is a Hoosier through and through.

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