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About jonz44

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  1. jonz44

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    I'd really like to see them stomp on Purdue's neck for a few seasons. Kinda return the favor from this past season. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  2. jonz44


    To me unwilling shows a certain arrogance. It's what comes when people believe they are always the smartest person in the room. Those type of people refuse to adjust. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  3. jonz44


    I'm not sure that it's inability as much as unwillingness. I'm not sure which is worse. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  4. jonz44

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Damn man! It's a message board, not life and death. People just doing what fans do. Being passionate about something that brings them joy. Try not to be so legalistic. That's the reason many people (myself included) read but don't comment very often. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  5. Dude wasn't perfect but damn, he could be funny as hell at times! When he was in a somewhat jovial mood he was gold. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  6. jonz44

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    We will see. Those stats were put up in a far less talented and athletic league. For the sake of IU I hope he comes in and kills it but I don't see it happening. I believe the staff sees a need for better athletes and that's why they are continuing to pursue multiple athletic bigs such as Ware and Deloach. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  7. jonz44

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    One of those four does not fit in that conversation. I'd be surprised if Sparks gets more than 10 minutes a game next year. I don't think the staff is counting on him to make large contributions. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  8. jonz44

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    I lurk on here a lot but don't really comment to much but I have a question. I could've asked it of others regarding their comments but haven't. "I could be wrong, but he doesn't look like 5 in the B1G to me." makes me wonder. B1G teams have struggled to compete in the post season for quite some time now against other teams constructed with these type of personnel. Why would that type of personnel not be successful in B1G play? The only reason that personnel would struggle in league play is because it's being officiated differently and to me that's the crux of the matter. I'm sick of the tournament struggles. I'd like to see Woodson and staff put together a team of long, athletic, skilled players that play a fun style. Take their lumps in league play and then excel in the tournament. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  9. Would really like to see Shedrick to Indiana happen. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  10. jonz44

    NCAA MBB Transfer Portal

    Sounds like he's familiar with a spread offense. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  11. jonz44

    Indiana Players Now In The Portal

    I believe Recker went from IU to AZ and them later transferred to Iowa. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  12. Hell, I used to do that all the time. One side gets dirty...voila! I now have a clean shirt. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  13. Not sure the style of play that the B1G and their officiating seems to embrace really lends itself to post season success. Painter's teams seem to be built for league play but college basketball has evolved. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  14. I hope we can just beat the holy hell outta Iowa. Fran is a nutcase and I think he's been one so often for so long that the league just says.. that's Fran and that's how he is so it must be accepted. Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app
  15. Glad to see our guys didn't go stomp on their logo like they did ours a few years ago. Bye little brother! Sent from my SM-S901U using BtownBanners mobile app