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Candidate Thread: Brad Stevens (Boston Celtics)

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2 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:

That only happens when LARGE amounts of money are bet and that should tell you something else.  I have a good friend who’s a former bookie.  I may not know lawyer stuff but I know gambling. :)

Fair, but think about who would bet on IUs next coach, most likely IU fans. Where are IU fans right now? Glued to Btownbanners and Twitter etc. what is being fed to IU fans right now? That Brad Steven’s is in the works. So there is no reason to bet or speculate on anyone other than Steven’s right now. I personally went to a site to sign up today with the intent on betting a ton and I assume everyone else getting this info has done or tried to do the same. No reason to bet on anyone else at all currently according to what is circulating here.

I would not use vegas betting as a barometer for this happening. It’s all coming from a few local sources, people on this site being a huge part of it

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6 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:

That only happens when LARGE amounts of money are bet and that should tell you something else.  I have a good friend who’s a former bookie.  I may not know lawyer stuff but I know gambling. :)

But you did stay at an Holiday Inn Express

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1 minute ago, thehelgo said:

sorry, but if this is truly a done deal, then there would be no reason for denials, etc.  It would be in everyone's best interest to move forward with the pieces they have.  For the Celtics, they would want an interim that can begin to 'prove himself'.  For IU, they would want to get started with new coach - putting staff together, recruits, etc.  For Brad, he would want to mentally begin his new gig and begin on IU business.  I believe the insiders, but the whole idea that this is 'done', but eveyrone is going to pretend it isn't for a while makes zero sense.

I agree with your reasoning, but my thinking is that the delay is on the Celtics side.  Brad has informed them of his decision, now they need time to figure out how they proceed, so the timing of the announcement is on them.  Now if Brad is on the sidelines tonight, then I don't know what to think.

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5 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:

You said it better than I could’ve.  It’s not just a few signatures and done.  And he is still under contract so that slows it down as well.  Stop listening to national guys until Woj’s drops his bomb.  Notice he hasn’t come out and said Brad Stevens has zero interest in the IU job.

So did he officially accept yesterday or today since it appeared there were meetings going on both days? 

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9 minutes ago, NashvilleHoosier said:

Goodman is playing the game. He's worded things in a way now that he can easily say this was so tight-lipped nobody knew. But he knows who is paying attention....Indiana fans. He does a thing every once in a while where he rates the most annoying fanbases. The best way to get a bunch of people running to comment at you and get yourself a bunch of attention is to tell an entire fanbase they are annoying. If he's right, he's right and he wins. If he's wrong, he can just say nobody knows and he'll have tons of IU fans crushing him on twitter, then we become one of his most annoying fanbases, which keeps us coming. Goodman gets his attention and clicks, he wins. 

Mirrors exist.  He hasn’t won.  

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1 minute ago, HoosierTownie said:

I agree with your reasoning, but my thinking is that the delay is on the Celtics side.  Brad has informed them of his decision, now they need time to figure out how they proceed, so the timing of the announcement is on them.  Now if Brad is on the sidelines tonight, then I don't know what to think.

The game is in like 2 hours isn't it?  2 or 3?

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1 minute ago, HoosierTownie said:

I agree with your reasoning, but my thinking is that the delay is on the Celtics side.  Brad has informed them of his decision, now they need time to figure out how they proceed, so the timing of the announcement is on them.  Now if Brad is on the sidelines tonight, then I don't know what to think.

Read 0708 the last two pages and keep the faith

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1 minute ago, HoosierTrav said:

Archie got fired and my wife said “aren’t you glad we didn’t name our son Archie?” I really wanted her to make him Archie. There’s a reason she makes the buying decisions around these parts. 

We named our Dachshund Archie...He’s 2...The thing is, he acts like an Archie,....as Archie Bunker....yeah, that’s better. lol 

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6 minutes ago, HoosierTownie said:

Not bad for a Purdue Jockstrap...lol.  This was my COVID project in my basement.


Nice display.  I need to do something ...



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5 minutes ago, HoosierTownie said:

I agree with your reasoning, but my thinking is that the delay is on the Celtics side.  Brad has informed them of his decision, now they need time to figure out how they proceed, so the timing of the announcement is on them.  Now if Brad is on the sidelines tonight, then I don't know what to think.

And if he is not, that's a pretty good indication of what is next.

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8 minutes ago, thehelgo said:

sorry, but if this is truly a done deal, then there would be no reason for denials, etc.  It would be in everyone's best interest to move forward with the pieces they have.  For the Celtics, they would want an interim that can begin to 'prove himself'.  For IU, they would want to get started with new coach - putting staff together, recruits, etc.  For Brad, he would want to mentally begin his new gig and begin on IU business.  I believe the insiders, but the whole idea that this is 'done', but eveyrone is going to pretend it isn't for a while makes zero sense.

You obviously never heard of Nick Saban and many others.  I personally don’t care if anyone believes or not but.....

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8 minutes ago, IUwins0708 said:

You said it better than I could’ve.  It’s not just a few signatures and done.  And he is still under contract so that slows it down as well.  Stop listening to national guys until Woj’s drops his bomb.  Notice he hasn’t come out and said Brad Stevens has zero interest in the IU job.

It just seems too quiet on the Boston side if anything was going on behind the scenes.  If I were in a management position with Bud Light and told them I got a better offer and was going to Coors Light I’m sure Bud Light wouldn’t let me finish the day.  
Now I’m a girl and don’t drink beer so if I got that all wrong with the companies I’m sorry lol.  I was just trying to use that as an example for you guys lol.

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Just now, IUwins0708 said:

You obviously never heard of Nick Saban and many others.  I personally don’t care if anyone believes or not but.....

So for current roster players, when do you think they would have to get some insight on what’s happening so that there isn’t a mass exodus of players due to coaching uncertainty. 

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Just now, IU - Kaulie said:

It just seems too quiet on the Boston side if anything was going on behind the scenes.  If I were in a management position with Bud Light and told them I got a better offer and was going to Coors Light I’m sure Bud Light wouldn’t let me finish the day.  
Now I’m a girl and don’t drink beer so if I got that all wrong with the companies I’m sorry lol.  I was just trying to use that as an example for you guys lol.

AGAIN, Brads agent is his wife.  If it were Drew Rosenhouse (or however you spell it) everyone would know.

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6 minutes ago, rcs29 said:



This one only has 1 "s" since that matters now?

Sent from my Pixel 3a XL using Tapatalk


First day on the internet? When trying to spot fake accounts, websites, emails, etc extra characters like that should always send up flags and set off alarms. In this case I was told by multiple people that it is actually a legit backup account so I'll believe those people. But to act like it was silly to question its authenticity is silly or naïve. 

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