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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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11 minutes ago, Trish said:

We may never know unless theres audio that leaks from a fan or something. Nonetheless, Woodson was embarrased and wanted a reason to leave. That's a lack of leadership from a guy that says he's doing his job. Well Mr.Woodson, you're failing at your job in one of the weakest years in the B1G conference while having zero recruits incoming.

Help is not on the way. 

Is this Woodson's equivalent of Davis allegedly not coming out of his basement? LOL

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10 minutes ago, JF87 said:

I choose to believe that the IU Administration cares about the men's basketball program and that the decision makers are smart enough to realize that coach Woodson is not the answer.  I hope that the possibility of change in the next two weeks is closer to 50% than 5%.  I may be naive, but I have to think that the Administration will put the good of the program ahead of Mike Woodson's ego.

Are you new here? None of that is true...

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3 minutes ago, OKHOOSIER said:

Also unsure if anyone posted it here but Oats is off the board. He signed an extension that will make him a top-5 paid coach. Numbers not out yet. Our money doesn’t matter anymore. Everyone has money to spend on basketball, and even football schools are doing it.

Seeing who Michigan, UL, and OSU hire will be telling as they all have money to spend on a high quality guy. 



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1 hour ago, IUFAN1976 said:

I thought players were supposed to get money on their Name, Image, and likeness?  I can’t see how some of these players are getting that much of a fat paycheck unless it’s not really based on Name, Image, and Likeness, just what the coach and school want to give you. Am I missing something here?

It seems like a damn free for all!

It pretty much is. With the court ruling (Tennesse and Virginia vs NCAA), the NCAA has completely backed off of anything to do with NIL. It's the wild, wild west out there, and pretty much anything goes.

And you are correct, it was suposed to be about name, image and likeness in "sponsorship" or "spokesperson" roles.

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8 minutes ago, IUFAN1976 said:

Exactly, which means they are employees but the money still doesn’t come out of the university budget.  It really doesn’t have anything to do with their Name, Image and Likeness.  Didn’t this whole thing start by the universities profiting off the players?  Shouldn’t the money come out of those profits?  Shouldn’t the money be regulated by the universities?  But it is not, it’s a darn free for all and these players are getting paid by billionaires and millionaires donating money to them.  The more money they can raise, the better players they can buy.  This is totally messed up

You just wait, big change is coming here in the next two years. Especially after the court cases complete next year. 

The big schools will separate from the NCAA.  

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1 minute ago, RoncalliHoosier said:

It pretty much is. With the court ruling (Tennesse and Virginia vs NCAA), the NCAA has completely backed off of anything to do with NIL. It's the wild, wild west out there, and pretty much anything goes.

And you are correct, it was suposed to be about name, image and likeness in "sponsorship" or "spokesperson" roles.

And now it’s not and wild, wild, west is appropriate and it’s going to get much worse before it gets better 

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1 hour ago, cleeter said:

And let’s not forget, the governor could just reelect Quinn. It’s not like we know he’s even 100% gone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

For one, it's a different governor. Not sure we need to worry about that right now. We have bigger fish to fry.

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1 hour ago, Mike Rodick said:

I know I'm probably in the minority here but why not take the NIT bid?.IU is pretty much an NIT type team the last 20 years with the exception of a season or two here and there where the basketball God's felt sorry for us and threw us a bone only to bury it in the neighbors yard where we couldn't find very easily soon thereafter.Assuming that guys like Ware,MM,Reneau and any injured players would not be available should not be an excuse not to play in it,there are several players that never got the opportunity to play this year because we did not have any of the traditional "clear the end of the bench" blowouts of the opponents that good teams have and we used to have and those players worked hard in practice all year and never got to play in front of their family and friends and the NIT would give those guys an opportunity.By turning down an NIT bid it almost makes it sound like it's beneath IU to accept it when in reality it's probably what should be expected with what the program has become.

Galloway is hurt. Leal is hurt (minor?). Ware is prepping for the NBA. MM and Malik are prepping for NBA/portal. Doubt that Woodson could even field a team. You thought last night's blowout was bad. Also, it would cut into wine and cigar time for his highness.

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1 hour ago, Mike Rodick said:

I know I'm probably in the minority here but why not take the NIT bid?.IU is pretty much an NIT type team the last 20 years with the exception of a season or two here and there where the basketball God's felt sorry for us and threw us a bone only to bury it in the neighbors yard where we couldn't find very easily soon thereafter.Assuming that guys like Ware,MM,Reneau and any injured players would not be available should not be an excuse not to play in it,there are several players that never got the opportunity to play this year because we did not have any of the traditional "clear the end of the bench" blowouts of the opponents that good teams have and we used to have and those players worked hard in practice all year and never got to play in front of their family and friends and the NIT would give those guys an opportunity.By turning down an NIT bid it almost makes it sound like it's beneath IU to accept it when in reality it's probably what should be expected with what the program has become.

In the past you generally had roster stability and you knew who was back and who was coming in.  You could use the NIT to get a jump on next year.  With a team like IU, most of the players that would play won’t be here next year. So what’s the point, especially if it puts you behind on portal activities.  

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1 hour ago, Josh said:

Declining the NIT may sound crazy, but it truly is a no win situation.  If we won the NIT and got all excited, that's a bad look.  Like we're happy to be the best of the losers.  If we lose in the NIT, we're the worst of the losers.  No way to win here.

Wrap it up, start fresh, kick Woody and Buckner out of Bloomington

Indeed. I remember a few years back what a load of crap Pitino and Kentucky got for losing in the first round of the NIT to Robert Morris. We have enough crap to deal with. Though, it could be the boost that we need to dump Woodson.

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1 minute ago, Home Jersey said:

I legitimately worry that we will leave more than 1 scholarship open next year

Does it matter though? Woodson had six P4 players basically this year, he's already leaving a lot of scholarships open with the lack of talent.  

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1 minute ago, IUrocker said:

I need Chris and Jerry’s soothing words of hope lol. This thread rocks when we actually think we’re getting rid of the guy. Woodson just keeps adding fuel to why I can’t stand the guy. 

I'd like to hear something too, no matter how unrealistic. Jerry said last Friday he'd have an update over the weekend but it never happened. 

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Just now, TheWatShot said:

I'd like to hear something too, no matter how unrealistic. Jerry said last Friday he'd have an update over the weekend but it never happened. 

Yeah I saw him say in this thread last night that he wanted to see how the tournament ended and could give update in day or two, so either today or tomorrow. 

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6 minutes ago, Home Jersey said:

I legitimately worry that we will leave more than 1 scholarship open next year

Technically he did that this year with Newton just rehabbing all season. 

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