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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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8 minutes ago, realTomCrean said:

Over helping on D a pass away - open 3s career night for just about every team that plays us 

Forcing 1985 basketball 3 men in the paint 

Dumb game management/clock management ex) too many 

Having the 4 exclusively inbound the ball off makes 

Auto bench w/ 2 fouls 

Recruiting mistakes 

Open scholarship  

Lack of energy and hustle 

Situational awareness on fouling 

Lack of repercussions 

0 energy from bench - Looking at you sleepy Hill 

Firing Fife due to politics

FT shooting (3years)

Lack of 3s (3years)

3 man weave w/ no action

Lack of blocking out 

No repercussions for off court or on court trouble ie X 

The fudging hump

No accountability  

Recruiting well has dried up, risk losing out on 2025 class great In State talent 

Rolling the same starters out regardless of play 

I could keep going but this can’t last another year. It’s not IU basketball and everyone knows it. If he stays I will quit watching for the first time in my life and I don’t believe I’m alone. It’s not tolerable and it is truly sad - FIRE WOODSON 

We all want him fired but we all know deep down IU will not pay that buyout to fire him, nor will Quinn Buckner allow it, and Woodson is too stubborn to just walk away.  The bottom line, I guess you won’t be watching games next year, and you may not be alone.  My guess is that many of us are feeling that way too!

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1 minute ago, kottke said:

I think, because of who he is, he will be given every opportunity to right the ship. No matter how unlikely it is, it’s still possible they could win the Big Ten tournament. There’s like a .000001 percent chance, but it’s still possible.

This would be the damn year we would win our first BTT!

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2 minutes ago, Ryno6284 said:

Thanks for your resilience and dedication!

I need as much help as possible so everyone who wants a change needs to be with me

 Like my political science teacher said if you don't vote then you have no right to complain. So just don't complain on social media but let your voice he heard.

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Not going to happen!  Wishful thinking but he will be back next year no matter how many pages this thread is.  
You can believe that I'll believe he's done. Know a good way to nip in the bud? Dolson comes out a gives a vote of confidence. He hasn't done that. I understand CMW's ego is what everyone thinks will be the problem. But......if he's given 2 options 1) fired and we pay you 2) retire and we pay you I bet he chooses option 2.

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2 minutes ago, Scotty R said:

I need as much help as possible so everyone who wants a change needs to be with me

 Like my political science teacher said if you don't vote then you have no right to complain. So just don't complain on social media but let your voice he heard.

Social media is 100% more effective than emails Dolson will neither see nor read. 

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3 minutes ago, rcs29 said:

You can believe that I'll believe he's done. Know a good way to nip in the bud? Dolson comes out a gives a vote of confidence. He hasn't done that. I understand CMW's ego is what everyone thinks will be the problem. But......if he's given 2 options 1) fired and we pay you 2) retire and we pay you I bet he chooses option 2.

Sent from my SM-G996U using Tapatalk

It should be option 2 and it will be better for both parties but everyone knows that it will end up option because he will go away kicking and screaming and will end up making a spectacle of himself and the university 

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8 minutes ago, croneleoni said:

Repeat and rinse.....I'm just tired of this crap. Screenshot_20240224_144303_X.jpeg

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I’m not saying trilly’s wrong, and in fact he’s remarkably well-connected and accurate. BUT! On this kind of thing, with the Dolson IU AD, I think he’s been a liiiiittle behind Chris.

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Just now, lillurk said:

I’m not saying trilly’s wrong, and in fact he’s remarkably well-connected and accurate. BUT! On this kind of thing, with the Dolson IU AD, I think he’s been a liiiiittle behind Chris.

The other thing I’ll say is what I said in the game thread today: IU doesn’t look like a team that’s gonna win again until November. Two marquee CBS home games the next two weekends are going to have an impact.

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