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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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8 minutes ago, JF87 said:

These players wouldn't know that we have a $hitty offense if the toxic IU fans would quit complaining about it!  DWS

Surely you are being sarcastic?   

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56 minutes ago, JF87 said:

So, I can't say that Kelvin Sampson is three times the coach that Mike Woodson is without showing my math? 

Rating of coaches is a pretty subjective matter so that would obviously be opinion. We're talking about about money amounts which are objective.

Also, Sampson is way more than 3 times better than Woodson so you would probably have to justify why you had that number so low.

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2 minutes ago, Bankshot said:

Ruh-roh. Speaking for myself first....not at all surprised by this. Its what I was expecting to happen. I don't find it surprising at all.

We essentially have an uninspiring, lame duck coach who may only be here for one more year, who has an antiquated, ineffective, and unattractive system that he seems completely unopen to changing. Other programs will easily look more attractive.

I do think many others were also VERY concerned about this being the case, especially when our only real "plan" seems to be to try to get (several?) really good players from the portal for '24/'25.

Still shaking my head at the utter idiocy of what our "leaders" have come up with for the future of this program.

Its why I've held on to a sliver of hope that someone will see the coming portal disaster and hit "abort" before too much longer.

I think that’s what many of us are hoping, but it probably won’t happen 

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Can you imagine the level of negative recruiting going on against us? Everyone wants Conwell if he leaves ISU. And he would be great for us. But he would be for every other big program too. All a rival school has to do is play Woodsons sound bites. He’s completely recruited against himself to get top level guards. 

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8 minutes ago, ib4iu said:

Can you imagine the level of negative recruiting going on against us? Everyone wants Conwell if he leaves ISU. And he would be great for us. But he would be for every other big program too. All a rival school has to do is play Woodsons sound bites. He’s completely recruited against himself to get top level guards. 

Right?? Some of the “don’t bash woody, that can’t be true,” stuff I read is hilarious. It isn’t opinion, you literally only have to go back and listen. Woody has told you over and over again he’s arrogant and thinks he’s the smartest basketball mind in the room. Other team have 90 games of data to point to and say, “IU doesn’t value shooters or guard play.” This was always going to be a disaster and that was before Liam left.

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2 minutes ago, Uspshoosier said:

If a KID THAT COULD LITERALLY WALK TO ASSEMBLY HALL FROM HIS HIGH SCHOOL picks Cincy over the current staff and coach then it’s time to reevaluate the direction the program with the current head coach.   I still have a hard time believing he could go to Cincy over IU.  I’m checked out on anything related to Woody already if this happens put me down as double checking out 


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49 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

Not sure if I should share this or not but the feedback IU is getting from the portal so far, from kids who should be a layup for IU is not going well. When a player's camp tells you that you need to change your offense and pay them a lot of money to get them it's not good. 

I'm not going to get too negative until portaling season is over.  But with the amount of both minutes and money we have to throw around, anything less than a home run would be a failure. 

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1 hour ago, Chris007 said:

Well since it has been announced that he is returning the sunshine pumping has been doubled or tripled by certain members. In each thread, we're told not to turn it into a discussion about firing Mike Woodson. Or there is already that thread. Now in the fire Mike Woodson thread the same thing is happening. So I guess we need to take a hint to either get in line or leave. I was just reading the other night how this place is so great because many different posters have different views and everyone can express it. But that seems to be changing some. JMO

So, in addition to not being "true fans", we apparently are also not "true forum members"? Asking for a friend.

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1 hour ago, Artie86 said:

I'm gonna throw 4 darts here and see how many times I can hit a bullseye.... All are JMHO.

#1.... he's tired of getting booed at Assembly Hall.

#2.... possibly jealous of their success.

#3.... (stretch), she's a Purdue grad.

#4.... he doesn't like to share facilities.

Did I hit any bullseyes? If so, how many? lol


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1 hour ago, Chris007 said:

At some point, you have to weigh if it's worth it or not. No one gets attacked more on here than me. I will still post and not going anywhere just will try not to share as much, don't want to spread misinformation because everyone believes everything I say like it's the gospel. Just surprised at the people who come at me anymore. It's changed in the last few months but maybe they're just doing what they're told. 

Seems to be a lot of that going around lately.

Keep fighting the good fight, @Chris007

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42 minutes ago, go iu bb said:

Rating of coaches is a pretty subjective matter so that would obviously be opinion. We're talking about about money amounts.

Also, Sampson is way more than 3 times better than Woodson so you would probably have to justify why you had that number so low.

I should have added at least three times. I was trying to be nice and say three times. I was surprised about it but then remember Leal and his family are well-liked around this town. A lot of people go to church together. 

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