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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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15 minutes ago, Home Jersey said:

NGW would you describe yourself as an insider? Honest question ... you talk as if you know. Are you affiliated in any way with the program (not to sound like Kathy)

I think this is the million dollar question.  Definitely seems connected to staff one way or another. How close is another question.  


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3 minutes ago, mamasa said:

Speaking in terms of someone who has been around here forever, Chris doesn't change his info on his feelings. He shares (so grateful for that!) info of what he's told. Things change. Sources change. 


Chris will readily admit that something he stated prior has been proven to have been false. Hell, nobody believed Woodward & Bernstein either until John Dean and Alexander Butterfield blew Watergate wide open.

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Defend harder man. Chris himself didn’t even say that prior and now that is the reason. It wasn’t. But believe what you want.
I have said my peace in this thread. Why do I have an issue with Chris? He changed what info he shares and where he is getting it from to match his feelings. He wants it burned down. Told the players all to leave. Implied Trey and Leal took bribes to change their feelings on Woody. 
You don’t want Woody. That is fine. There is no need to try and make him fail because you believe you know what is best for the program.
He is just a poster on a message board. Like the rest of us. If Woody burns to the ground it will be because he failed. Only negative impact fans have are the ones booing I. Assembly hall and the random clowns on social media. We have mods on here making sure nobody goes to far with attacking players or the coaches. Of Woodson has a problem with criticism or open discussion on a message board by the fans he needs to find a new gig and fast.

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5 hours ago, Tasmanian Devil said:

Woodson had his knee replacement April 11 - right when Dalton Knecht was making visits. By the time the annual Huber’s Winery event took place, Woodson felt good enough to joke to Don Fischer that he could out-run him:


If he could make those comments in June after having surgery in April, he easily could’ve had his surgery in mid May even or even after the Huber event, and been ready by the time practice started.

And don’t forget -  he’s not only a multimillionaire that has the ability to schedule his surgery different than you or I, he also has at his disposable the best rehab facilities available. So there’s no reason why he couldn’t have been ready by the time practice started had he delayed his surgery to focus on recruiting. 

That article also mentions how Woodson - in his own words - said he coached different with TJD on the roster and that this year was going to be more like his pro teams. Contrast that with his recent “inside-out” comments defending the offense we run.

Thanks for the feedback from the Huber event. 

Agree that in hindsight he could have put this off some to facilitate the Knecht visit.

The only thing that was out of Woodson's control, even with access to world class surgeons and therapy, was how quickly his knee healed. From experience I know that different people have different timeframes for getting back to whatever normal is going to be for them after a knee replacement.

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1 hour ago, Stuhoo said:


I'm going to push back against the "Oh no; Kenny Payne!" take:

The role matters.

  1. Kenny Payne has been an unmitigated disaster as a head coach.
  2. But when he was an assistant coach at UK, their hyper-critical fan base and their recruits thought he was flat-out awesome. 

I have no idea whether he will join Woody, but just because Payne wasn't good at one job doesn't mean he won't be excellent at a completely different job.

Kenny will basically be the third guy Woodson will listen to right beside Hill and Randy. 

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1 hour ago, Home Jersey said:

NGW would you describe yourself as an insider? Honest question ... you talk as if you know. Are you affiliated in any way with the program (not to sound like Kathy)

I also asked this very politely several pages back, as I am genuinely curious...haven't seen a response yet. 

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Just now, monskisprodigy said:

I also asked this very politely several pages back, as I am genuinely curious...haven't seen a response yet. 

Just like his alternate account Kathy with a C.  I asked very pointed questions and always ignored. 

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1 hour ago, Stuhoo said:


I'm going to push back against the "Oh no; Kenny Payne!" take:

The role matters.

  1. Kenny Payne has been an unmitigated disaster as a head coach.
  2. But when he was an assistant coach at UK, their hyper-critical fan base and their recruits thought he was flat-out awesome. 

I have no idea whether he will join Woody, but just because Payne wasn't good at one job doesn't mean he won't be excellent at a completely different job.

I could be misremembering, but I thought a lot of his success at UK was due to him basically being the bag man for Cal in a pre NIL era when not everyone could drop money.  Can he help recruit when he doesn't have the advantage of dirty UK money?  That is my concern.  

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Just now, Parakeet Jones said:

I could be misremembering, but I thought a lot of his success at UK was due to him basically being the bag man for Cal in a pre NIL era when not everyone could drop money.  Can he help recruit when he doesn't have the advantage of dirty UK money?  That is my concern.  

He can if it’s just more money than others are offering. Who cares if it’s “dirty”. The rules against paying players have always been dirty. 

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1 hour ago, cleeter said:

1) there isn’t a list from what I’ve seen with good teams. All the lists I’ve seen have been underperforming teams that rely on the portal.

2) Eric from Peegs (yes that guy) stated before the season and even just a few days ago, that Trey just wants IU to win. If that means a lesser role or bench role, he’s okay with that.

Not defending anyone here, just saying what I’ve seen.

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1)  Yeah, but we where told there where "lots" of programs.  Still waiting for that list.

2)  And where did Eric from Peegs get that?  Of course Trey wants to win.  Not sure how we go from that to he's good with not being a starter.  

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Just now, Golfman25 said:

1)  Yeah, but we where told there where "lots" of programs.  Still waiting for that list.

2)  And where did Eric from Peegs get that?  Of course Trey wants to win.  Not sure how we go from that to he's good with not being a starter.  

According to some, unless you have a recording of Trey saying as much or a verified screenshot of his texts confirming that ... there is no "proof." Sure, technically correct. But totally disregards the validity of reporting (not that Eric on Peegs is one, but Forde's interview with Knecht comes to mind). 

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2 minutes ago, Golfman25 said:

1)  Yeah, but we where told there where "lots" of programs.  Still waiting for that list.

2)  And where did Eric from Peegs get that?  Of course Trey wants to win.  Not sure how we go from that to he's good with not being a starter.  

If it came from Eric then it came from the staff. 

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1 minute ago, Ngw7183 said:

I had a typed out multiple responses and just deleted all them. Not going to answer certain questions when people have chosen who is not to be questioned.

I hope some of you will realize you are being fed a lot of misinformation. Not all but a lot. Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t make it so. 

Im deleting my account and won’t be back.

Supporting the program is not blind faith but it is also not going on Twitter, Trilly discord (where there is now players, parents and recruits on as well) that are false.

Many of you have stated - posting some stuff on here is one thing but going on Twitter with those takes shouldn’t be done. That each program will always have some crazies but no, that shouldn’t be done .The assumption is people here wouldn’t do that.  Not the case.

Bye. Good luck to you. Go Hoosiers. 

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1 hour ago, Ngw7183 said:

Defend harder man. Chris himself didn’t even say that prior and now that is the reason. It wasn’t. But believe what you want.

I have said my peace in this thread. Why do I have an issue with Chris? He changed what info he shares and where he is getting it from to match his feelings. He wants it burned down. Told the players all to leave. Implied Trey and Leal took bribes to change their feelings on Woody. 

You don’t want Woody. That is fine. There is no need to try and make him fail because you believe you know what is best for the program.


Maybe not pointing the finger at the most connected person on this board would be advantageous for us all. He, Chris, has no control over decisions made behind closed doors. And if you cared to ask him how he receives his info privately, you'd understand why he can't just blindly publish it. People connected at the very top trust Chris and share with him what they know. However, decisions get made independently or at the BOT level, which none of us can influence. People also change their minds otherwise ol'LEO would still be our football coach. Sources can be misinformed as well. To not lose the intel most of us enjoy, maybe ease up on the finger-pointing a it's getting pretty tired. Just ignore Chris if you don't believe what he says. Or leave this board.

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5 minutes ago, Ngw7183 said:

I had a typed out multiple responses and just deleted all them. Not going to answer certain questions when people have chosen who is not to be questioned.

Do you mean when people have decided it's okay to question you, rather than believe published reports of credible journalists such as Pat Forde re: Knecht? 

I hope some of you will realize you are being fed a lot of misinformation. Not all but a lot. Just because you want something to be true, doesn’t make it so. 

Sure. We've all got to make up our own minds based on what we see and hear. 

Im deleting my account and won’t be back.

Whatever makes you happy. People here have piled on, you've chosen to dig in and fight back. Not saying that is wrong but people giving you crap should be expected when that is your stance. You could have some fun with it but doesn't seem like that is what you are here to do. I will be surprised if we are doing well next season and you are not back on the board... but won't begrudge you if you do return. Hopefully with a cooler head...

Supporting the program is not blind faith but it is also not going on Twitter, Trilly discord (where there is now players, parents and recruits on as well) that are false. Many of you have stated - posting some stuff on here is one thing but going on Twitter with those takes shouldn’t be done. That each program will always have some crazies but no, that shouldn’t be done .The assumption is people here wouldn’t do that.  Not the case.

Sure? I guess? 

See inline responses in red above. Lol

I am all for having different views on the board - part of what makes it fun. Being a dramatic toddler and storming off when people disagree, then on numerous occasions announce you're leaving - only to return after not so long - is certainly one way to engage...

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2 hours ago, Ngw7183 said:

Sure - so we are going with media stories now 

Chris knows. Woody’s surgery had nothing to do with it. But here we are. Picking and choosing what to cay.  

Yeah, what does Knecht know about his recruitment anyways? #nocredibility

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26 minutes ago, steubenhoosier said:

The only thing that was out of Woodson's control, even with access to world class surgeons and therapy, was how quickly his knee healed. From experience I know that different people have different timeframes for getting back to whatever normal is going to be for them after a knee replacement.

That’s fair. Hindsight is always 20/20.

Had Woodson not had the surgery until May/June would have we been able to get Knecht here for a visit BEFORE he took his trip to Knoxville? Maybe, maybe not. 

What we DO know is once he got to Rocky Top, no one else got a chance. Knecht would have been an impact player for us. Critical miss.

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