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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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6 minutes ago, OKHOOSIER said:

This is true to an extent, but Cupps isn’t exactly playing with scrubs either. His center is a likely lottery pick. We were in every mock bracket to start the season until we got nuked by Auburn and UCONN

And why did we get nuked by those teams?

Because not only are we not as talented as those teams, we don’t have the same level of fundamentals of play that they do. That’s why Purdue can have Smith at point guard, and he be more successful than putting Cupps in the same position at IU..

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3 hours ago, Chris007 said:

Which Woody had knee surgery at the same time as Dalton going to UT. He then had complications with the Knee surgery and had to go back into the hospital for a second time which slowed visits down. Per Woody's own words as @OKHOOSIER pointed out earlier.

Both can be true.

Understand what happened.

Don’t understand why some are using this situation that Woodson dropped the ball.

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13 minutes ago, J34 said:

So, Timberlake's agent won't be sending anymore players to Self?

If the portal is going to be your main recruiting strategy, you better have a darn good relationship/handle on these agents. 

Not wake up one day and find yourself beholden to them. If you're going to build a majority of your roster through the portal every year... that sounds messy. Agents will have to accept some give and take along the way... that's the nature of building relationships. Everyone's got to uphold their end of the bargain, including the player. If they don't deliver and the coach does not feel it's what is best for the team (to start them, X amount of mins, etc.) the agent and player will have various ways of handling that situation. Where the politics of it all will ultimately play out is by how well the team does... that's where most of the merit in the decision will lay. Can't burn bridges, but it's not like agents have all the power as some make it out to be.

I mean, if we left a roster spot open last year that could have been Caleb Love but couldn't because we were "too committed" to XJ/Trey so we couldn't guarantee a clear roster upgrade the starting role he could have had (how often have we said Trey would be a great 6th man)... it does not sound like a successful main recruiting strategy. 

Since he will be back, I feel like I have no choice but to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he's learned from the last rodeo and uses his funds effectively. The only thing that will make me let up right now is if we A) win the BTT B) land prominent backcourt commits very early in the transfer window. Let's see what's up their sleeve with these "better portal connections" ... hopefully not a wet fart.

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2 minutes ago, Tasmanian Devil said:

And why did we get nuked by those teams?

Because not only are we not as talented as those teams, we don’t have the same level of fundamentals of play that they do. That’s why Purdue can have Smith at point guard, and he be more successful than putting Cupps in the same position at IU..

We agree my man. I was merely pointing out that it’s more the coaching than the players he’s playing with. There is enough talent that this should be a tournament team. 

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Just now, OKHOOSIER said:

We agree my man. I was merely pointing out that it’s more the coaching than the players he’s playing with. There is enough talent that this should be a tournament team. 

Yep my comments were more directed at those who don’t get it.

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Just now, Tasmanian Devil said:

Has Chris noted earlier, it was an elective surgery. Why not wait to have that done after you got your roster put together?

I had a knee replacement. I guess it’s considered elective. My surgery had to be coordinated with the surgeon’s schedule. Meanwhile, I was given extra painkillers to keep me comfortable. I was also given a schedule or timeframe for how soon I would be able to be back on my feet again. When I’d be able to walk. There is a possibility that his decision on timing wasn’t completely his. There also is a possibility that he wanted to make sure he finished his PT and was capable of being on the court when practice began 

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5 hours ago, Ngw7183 said:

So after calling me a narcissist it is really all you that know for sure what is best.

if you are that good at understanding all the issues, talent, recruiting, system, locker room, etc then why are all of you posting on a message board? We have at least 10 D1 superstar coaches who could be making millions. 

If you really believe that and others do to, that is hilarious. To say you think you know, strongly believe, fine, but 100% know the best thing is to burn it down, have all the players leave etc is what is best. Oh my 

You are right, we are overqualified. Unfortunately, we aren't besties with the chair of any BoT so we can't be D1 coaches and prove you wrong.

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5 hours ago, Ngw7183 said:

So after calling me a narcissist it is really all you that know for sure what is best.

if you are that good at understanding all the issues, talent, recruiting, system, locker room, etc then why are all of you posting on a message board? We have at least 10 D1 superstar coaches who could be making millions. 

If you really believe that and others do to, that is hilarious. To say you think you know, strongly believe, fine, but 100% know the best thing is to burn it down, have all the players leave etc is what is best. Oh my 

It amazes me how little self awareness you have

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On 3/10/2024 at 2:30 PM, Ngw7183 said:

That he can’t count. (Benefit of the doubt is he is using something like on3 and it doesn’t show all transfers) 

Look, if I get some time this week, I will create a full spreadsheet showing how many top 50 teams in past 2 years have had 4+ in one year and 6+ in 2 years. I will also call out those that have done it consecutive years and those who have done entire roster flips.

as @RaceToTheTop said - I don’t think all the data in the world changes peoples view so not sure it is worth my effort. 

Maybe I missed it, but did you ever end up finishing your homework? You are currently failing "Introductory to Critical Thinking" and your mom and I are worried about you.

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Off topic, but I have really enjoyed this board and love the posters here even when I had some intense disagreements so I thought I would share in the most active thread.  Had some lumps that I was really concerned about and between seeing the doctor and then getting the ultrasound scheduled took some time before I noticed them to when I had them checked.  Ultrasound results look positive from what I can see from the radiologist report.  Will follow up with my doc but a load lifted off my mind.
Praying for you!

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

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Do you guys believe the athletic department had Woodson a d leal call out the fans or do you guys believe Woodson did that on his own? What do you guys believe he was trying to accomplish? I have been trying to figure this out since Sunday.

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

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