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About IndianaSconnie90

  • Rank
    2-Star Recruit
  • Birthday 03/02/1990

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  1. IndianaSconnie90

    Oumar Ballo (7'0" C) TO INDIANA

    No, no it wasn't, but alright. You apparently weren't able to connect the dots on the comparison either. Good day sir
  2. IndianaSconnie90


    If this team weren't coached by Woodson I'd actually be excited about this pickup. Unfortunately, we're stuck with what looks to be a very familiar roster and offensive gameplan
  3. IndianaSconnie90

    Oumar Ballo (7'0" C) TO INDIANA

    Well I can't help that you couldn't make the connection between Ballo and ANOTHER, (as I stated), big we've experienced that had no outside shooting ability. Sunshine pumpers are pumping like it's their career. Back over to the realistic thread I go
  4. IndianaSconnie90

    Oumar Ballo (7'0" C) TO INDIANA

    Whether or not he can shoot 3s really wasn't the main point, simply an observation. I see nothing SO FAR to change my perception that this team is still no better than 2 years ago
  5. IndianaSconnie90

    Oumar Ballo (7'0" C) TO INDIANA

    I didn't realize Mike Woodson was coaching either of those bigs. I'll go back and watch it again just in case I missed it
  6. IndianaSconnie90

    Oumar Ballo (7'0" C) TO INDIANA

    Another dominant big who can't shoot 3s. I hate to be a downer here but we've all seen this before.
  7. IndianaSconnie90


    I believe someone posted what the "dead period" rules were yesterday
  8. IndianaSconnie90


    If I'm not mistaken, the dead period only means no "in-person" contact. Too many people on here seem to think dead period means absolutely no contact. Could be wrong of course but me thinks it unlikely
  9. IndianaSconnie90

    New Forum

    With all due respect, this is perhaps one of the dumber requests I've seen in some time. Remember, I said with all due respect...
  10. IndianaSconnie90

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    All of the above quite seriously. I've always thought Gallo is the perfect spark off the bench type player. If Woodson can find a guard with better consistency Gallo absolutely needs to be a 5th year off the bench player.
  11. IndianaSconnie90

    IU Basketball News and Notes

    Put Gallo on the bench and then we'll really be on to something
  12. IndianaSconnie90

    #4 IUWBB vs #1 South Carolina - Friday, 03.29.24 @ 5:00 on ESPN

    Let's be real, we're only coming back if we make most of our shots and SC misses most of theirs in the 2nd half. It's simple arithmetic at this point...
  13. IndianaSconnie90


    Woodson? No, but it's absolutely reasonable to assume the HC has a say in how it's allotted and then passes that along the proper channels. It's probably not some troll hidden in the bowels of AH calculating these NIL $ and I very much doubt Dolson or Cindy are pulling figures out of their anus
  14. IndianaSconnie90


    Might want to find a new rumor mill, this aged like a stale fart.
  15. IndianaSconnie90

    IUWBB vs Fairfield - Saturday, 03.23.24 @ 1:30 on ESPN2

    I love watching good Indiana basketball!