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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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1 hour ago, RaceToTheTop said:

I am assuming that the presence of assistants is assigned/handled by the head coach.

So no going to high schools  and just sitting around waiting for portal players to come visit?  Strange plan imo..

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Just now, IUGRAD06 said:

Quit acting all badass then.  There is always someone bigger than you.  It’s life.  Show some respect to people instead of acting like you are something.  

So, calling people idiots is showing respect?

This whole thread has been about disrespecting CMW. 

I don’t know what is going to happen with the coaching staff, and I do understand the frustration and anger about this situation. However, the tone here from the start has been, how can we tear this guy down? And it has fed off itself.

 I am just one guy who is not going to do a character assassination on Woodson. I don’t claim to be bigger than anyone, but I will always advocate for not being a-holes. 


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2 minutes ago, steubenhoosier said:

So, calling people idiots is showing respect?

This whole thread has been about disrespecting CMW. 

I don’t know what is going to happen with the coaching staff, and I do understand the frustration and anger about this situation. However, the tone here from the start has been, how can we tear this guy down? And it has fed off itself.

 I am just one guy who is not going to do a character assassination on Woodson. I don’t claim to be bigger than anyone, but I will always advocate for not being a-holes. 


I agree with you. It isn’t hard to find substantive weaknesses with the team without the need to tear Woody to pieces.  I know this is the Fire Woody thread but there is a way to discuss this without repeating the attacks on Woody. 

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So, calling people idiots is showing respect?
This whole thread has been about disrespecting CMW. 
I don’t know what is going to happen with the coaching staff, and I do understand the frustration and anger about this situation. However, the tone here from the start has been, how can we tear this guy down? And it has fed off itself.
 I am just one guy who is not going to do a character assassination on Woodson. I don’t claim to be bigger than anyone, but I will always advocate for not being a-holes. 

Steuben common your in the fire mike woodson thread! It isn't going to be a bunch of kindness towards him. You know how this type of posting went on on the other board. Just relax a bit

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16 minutes ago, Hovadipo said:

Easy on the personal stuff. Totally unnecessary and no one wants to wade through it. 

Au contraire. At this point we’ve pretty much established:

1) Woody has to go

2) Never should have been hired

3) Buckner is Emperor Palpatine

A good old fashioned ****ing match can be a breath of fresh air ;)

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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, 8bucks said:

I agree with you. It isn’t hard to find substantive weaknesses with the team without the need to tear Woody to pieces.  I know this is the Fire Woody thread but there is a way to discuss this without repeating the attacks on Woody. 

I think the problem is that some people view any criticism of the coach of a terribly underachieving team & program as "attacks on Woody." Personal attacks shouldn't happen, but anything regarding his coaching is absolutely fair game. And this is a message board of an awful team. Anyone who doesn't believe that Woody is going to be criticized in the "Fire Coach Woodson" thread is delusional. LOL

The fundamental problem is that Woody isn't just losing this year. There are fundamental problems in the structure of the program which are more than just a one year issue. The fact that he has only one recruit for 2024 and zero verbal commits for 2025 shows absymal recruiting, which was supposed to be his strength given his NBA experience. 

He's coaching and recruiting like a guy who has never been an NCAA coach at any level prior to IU. He doesn't know how to build a program that will consistently be good. He always seems to be scrambling and reacting...

Edited by Silat Player

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6 minutes ago, coonhounds said:

Steuben common your in the fire mike woodson thread! It isn't going to be a bunch of kindness towards him. You know how this type of posting went on on the other board. Just relax a bit

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Don’t know who you are from the other board, but why should being disrespectful ever be acceptable anywhere?

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3 hours ago, Tom White said:

Wasn't the guy quoted as saying he remembers Woody as a player? That would take the idea he is a "kid" out of the equation, wouldn't it?

Ok…then an immature adult. Adult, kid…doesn’t matter. Point still stands, why would Woodson care? He coached in NY. 

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3 minutes ago, 8bucks said:

I agree with you. It isn’t hard to find substantive weaknesses with the team without the need to tear Woody to pieces.  I know this is the Fire Woody thread but there is a way to discuss this without repeating the attacks on Woody. 

The substantive weaknesses with the team are the byproduct of Woodson not doing his job... can't/hasn't done anything to build/improve fundamental skills; hasn't improved free throw shooting; hasn't recruited guards or shooters; hasn't recruited for the 2024 team; hasn't made connections with the 2025 class; had to be forced by the AD to get out to a HS sectional game to watch recruiting targets; spends post game press conferences spewing excuses and talking about the unconquerable "hump".

Is it "tear[ing] Woody to pieces" by pointing out that the weakness on this team are 100% his fault? 

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” ~ John Adams

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1 minute ago, steubenhoosier said:

Don’t know who you are from the other board, but why should being disrespectful ever be acceptable anywhere?

Been following this thread for a couple days now and, maybe I'm mistaken, but I've seen very little, if any, personal attacks on Woody. Criticizing his coaching, lack of recruiting, smoking cigars and slugging wine after a home loss, etc is not disrespectful. He's the head coach at a D1 school where basketball reigns. When he isn't winning, he's going to get criticized. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If someone is insulting him on a personal level then yeah, that's totally uncalled for. 

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2 minutes ago, AZ Hoosier said:

The substantive weaknesses with the team are the byproduct of Woodson not doing his job... can't/hasn't done anything to build/improve fundamental skills; hasn't improved free throw shooting; hasn't recruited guards or shooters; hasn't recruited for the 2024 team; hasn't made connections with the 2025 class; had to be forced by the AD to get out to a HS sectional game to watch recruiting targets; spends post game press conferences spewing excuses and talking about the unconquerable "hump".

Is it "tear[ing] Woody to pieces" by pointing out that the weakness on this team are 100% his fault? 

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” ~ John Adams

Well… if you want to quote facts. Woodson has gotten his teams in the tournament his first two seasons. Something that hadn’t happened for a minute. You can argue about that fact, but if he’s 100% responsible for this season, he’s 100% responsible for those as well.

And before you go all off on that “fact”, no I am not convinced that he should be retained. Nor do I think he has to be fired. I am willing to see how the rest of the season plays out before passing judgement.

But what I won’t do is tear the guy apart. 


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5 minutes ago, mdiu28 said:

Been following this thread for a couple days now and, maybe I'm mistaken, but I've seen very little, if any, personal attacks on Woody. Criticizing his coaching, lack of recruiting, smoking cigars and slugging wine after a home loss, etc is not disrespectful. He's the head coach at a D1 school where basketball reigns. When he isn't winning, he's going to get criticized. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If someone is insulting him on a personal level then yeah, that's totally uncalled for. 

Guess you didn’t see the memes of him.

Or all the comments about his age and supposed lack of energy because he’s an”old man.”

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8 minutes ago, steubenhoosier said:

Don’t know who you are from the other board, but why should being disrespectful ever be acceptable anywhere?

As someone who hasn’t taken a personal shot at Woodson I will add that when I read your posts in this thread it comes across as arrogant and condescending. It’s why people are having a go at you. Maybe everyone needs to take a breath and relax. It’s Saturday night, go have dinner out or a drink with family and friends. 

As for the overarching sentiment of the fanbase, it’s because the fanbase doesn’t trust the administration. The administration for decades has kept coaches too long. Not wanting to hurt feelings and doing what is right. That’s not what the successful people I know have done. They recognize the issue and fix it. So the fanbase has had 20pmus years of frustrations and it’s going to keep getting worse if they don’t finally make the changes needed. 

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Don’t know who you are from the other board, but why should being disrespectful ever be acceptable anywhere?

Being disrespectful shouldn't be but battling every negative mike woodson post gets nowhere. Start a thread called the respectful only firing of coach woodson thread! We can go there and politely as possible ask for them to get rid of him.

I was a old poster on the other board but sometimes just read over there. Btownbanners is far superior with better mods and better posters! Glad you are here!

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1 minute ago, steubenhoosier said:

Well… if you want to quote facts. Woodson has gotten his teams in the tournament his first two seasons. Something that hadn’t happened for a minute. You can argue about that fact, but if he’s 100% responsible for this season, he’s 100% responsible for those as well.

And before you go all off on that “fact”, no I am not convinced that he should be retained. Nor do I think he has to be fired. I am willing to see how the rest of the season plays out before passing judgement.

But what I won’t do is tear the guy apart. 


Sure. He is responsible for making the play-in game, and then getting blown out, with a bunch of experienced players and one of the best big men in the history of the program (who he didn't recruit, BTW). He's also responsible for last year, when he made the tournament in a terrible year for the B1G, and then again got easily beaten in his 2nd game of the tournament. And this time with a first team all-american and a high first round draft choice. 

What does the rest of this season have to do with his retention? Are you telling me that a few meaningless games at the end of a terrible season should determine whether he should be retained? LOL

HIs issues are far deeper than that... 

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After playing in the NBA for 11 years Woodson began coaching in the NBA from 1996 to 2021 for 25 years. In 2021, he left the NBA and has been at IU for 3 years now.

All very common knowledge, but stating the obvious here. It has been discussed many times before, coaching in the NBA and coaching in the NCAA are two different worlds. Here’s my point to this jibber jabber.

……Specifically of Brad Steven’s NBA coaching career, he has publicly said many times that he did not miss the rigors of coaching in the NCAA compared the NBA. He said not having to spend the all that time recruit players throughout the year, every year was a huge trade off. The NBA regular season schedule is 82 games compared to the NCAA’s 35 + or - depending on the tournament.

Coach Woodson has known this similar NBA coaching mindset for 25 years. Now all the sudden Coach Woodson appears to be way out of his comfort zone about recruiting. JMO

I’m not defending him, I’m just saying, maybe he’s just now realizing how much more work he has to do as a head coach with recruiting than he anticipated. I mean at 66, I would imagine the rigors of recruiting, if you have never had to do it, would be very very hard.JMO



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