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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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2 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

The Columbus Dispatch is reporting that Dusty and OSU might be in preliminary talks about the job

IU will keep Woodson and Dusty will go to OSU and raid Indiana for talent the way Matta used to!

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3 minutes ago, LamarCheeks said:

All those calling for Pearl ... 

You do know he's 63, right? 

We hired Woody when he was 63. 

I'm old (not quite to 63 yet, but getting there), so I'm all for the oldsters -- but maybe not as our BB coach. 

He’s the same age as the football coach we just hired. Hiring someone with a shortish shelf life isn’t ideal, but Pearl and Woody are probably 15 years apart when it comes to energy levels, and Pearl’s been a college basketball head coach for 30 years. Woody’s low E, hadn’t been a head coach for almost a decade, and had never been a college coach before. Their situations are world’s apart. 

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Just now, Chris007 said:

Me too. Whenever I got in trouble and my parents made my go to church I would always ask if I could sit by Newt. He told great stories

 We would always see them in Martinsville at my dad's, best friends cook outs/volleyball parties.

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Just now, LamarCheeks said:

They are retired, are they not? 

I seriously doubt we'd hire Pearl anyway. 

Yes, I took the liberty of doing some subtraction to get to my 10 year number. They just retired in the last 2 years. 

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Just now, AZ Hoosier said:

First of all, a lot of guys could be "10x what we have now".

Is Pearl even interested in starting over? And that's what this would be. Starting from scratch after the failed Woodson era.

Then there's the cost... his buyout at Auburn is $8-17M (heard two different figures for that), plus $6-8M per year...

And yes, the age thing could well be a factor, as well... 

Finally, regardless of who it is, I have my doubts that those in charge of such a decision can get it right... the ADs over the past 20-25 years don't have that stellar of a record in making such hires... 

I sincerely see Pearl as a Donovan/Stevens reach... and just don't see it happening.

If starting from scratch means you get Malik Reneau and McNeeley.... holy poop. What a place to start. 

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7 minutes ago, Hoosierfan2017 said:

He’s the same age as the football coach we just hired. Hiring someone with a shortish shelf life isn’t ideal, but Pearl and Woody are probably 15 years apart when it comes to energy levels, and Pearl’s been a college basketball head coach for 30 years. Woody’s low E, hadn’t been a head coach for almost a decade, and had never been a college coach before. Their situations are world’s apart. 

The other element on that piece with Pearl is that Steven Pearl would undoubtedly come along as HC in waiting. So, along with liking Bruce, you better like Steven because you're gonna get him.

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1 hour ago, JF87 said:

Most quality coaches are simply going to use IU as leverage to get an increase at their current jobs.  If you are a top P5 coach you probably not interested in rebuilding Indiana. Really, why would you leave a program that you have rolling to come to Indiana?  You might find that niche candidate that has a new AD they don't like or wants to move to the Midwest to be closer to family.  But I would assume that most successful P5 coaches are comfortable where they're at.  We, as IU fans, see us as sleeping giants. I'm not sure outsiders do.  

With the right coach, that giant could be awakened, but that is a big IF!  I think all of the B10 likes us exactly where we are and is laughing at us!

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1 minute ago, IUFAN1976 said:

With the right coach, that giant could be awakened, but that is a big IF!  I think all of the B10 likes us exactly where we are and is laughing at us!

My wife is a Purdue fan, so you would think she loves razzing me. She actually feel's bad for me. THAT is how bad it has gotten. She dont even rip on me anymore. 

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1 minute ago, cleeter said:

My wife is a Purdue fan, so you would think she loves razzing me. She actually feel's bad for me. THAT is how bad it has gotten. She dont even rip on me anymore. 

Wow, getting sympathy from Turdue fans is hitting rock bottom 

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