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About realTomCrean

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    IU basketball

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  1. realTomCrean

    Oumar Ballo (7'0" C) TO INDIANA

    No matter how long you’ve known is irrelevant Woody is reeling them in. It’s awesome
  2. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Woody on fire
  3. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    IU needs Hickman. Come home Connor
  4. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Needing a step up there. Rice 28% and Carlyle 32% paired with Gallo - not great on paper. Dynamic play-making guards. Here’s what I love though: PAC12 Fr Of Yr PG and B10 Fr of Yr Taco
  5. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    The rumor that caused me to post yesterday was that IU was becoming the PAC12 Hoosiers. You guys jumped on me! Obviously no commitments yet but Rice Carlyle Ballo very likely Hoosiers. Props where it’s due Coach Woodson Armond Hill and Co
  6. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Hmm how are things shaping up for IU in the portal I wonder
  7. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Getting players
  8. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    All starkness aside I do appreciate the mods and BtownBanners members
  9. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Sir appreciate the commentary but as @Alford Bailey and @Chris007 have said this is the Portal w/ IU interest thread. It is not the analyze realTomCrean thread. I suggest you move forums with your reply.
  10. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

  11. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Nope. Someone mentioned burning my hand as a child on the stove. Happened like 5 times it’s just who I am. King Woody!
  12. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    This has something to do with Transfer portal W IU Interest? Should I direct you to another thread as well, certainly @Chris007 set you straight.
  13. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Yes sir! No delineation here, got it!
  14. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Has quite literally everything to do with the portal. BTW I'm eating crow if I'm wrong here right now, or eating crow for throwing dirt on Mike Woodson's name for 3 months. Sorry if initial post wasn't up to the standard, was rushed and still am with work so will explain within next few hours. I have seen much more egregious examples of not pertaining to the thread in a post though. Rice, Hickman/Carlyle, Tucker, Ballo, NAIA C + more Seems like the $ is talking loud
  15. realTomCrean

    Transfer Portal w IU Interest

    Shaping up like everyone in here going to have to eat crow about Woodson