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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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The supposed fan telling Woodson he loved him as a player bur thinks he should retire isn't that bad imo. He said what everyone wants to happen. Would have been worse if he said I hope your @$$ is fired! I would never do it but not a terrible thing to say imo

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6 minutes ago, HoosierHoopster said:

It’s not that he said it in public it’s the classless stupid act of saying it to Woodson in front of his wife. 

I wonder how many times a college coach actually brought his wife to recruit?  The guy probably didn’t expect him to have his wife there. 

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Soo... if you get paid a lot of money... others have more of a right to be disrespectful to you? 
No. But to most of us Woodson don't get paid alot of money. He gets paid a ridiculous alot of money lol. Like more in a year than most will earn in their entire lives. Nobody has a right to disrespect anyone but some will be more willing to complain about your job performance if you make millions a year rather than if he was getting 25 thousand per season

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8 hours ago, DChoosier said:

The Cig hire has certainly fired me up for the football season. I think he will be successful but Im going to hold off calling his hire a grand slam until he at least gets his first BT win.

….i agree, that’s what I put, “l think” and “as of right now” before I said a possible grand slam hire. Optics give you that feeling, but there are definitely things that must happen for a grand slam hire.

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48 minutes ago, btownqb said:

Soo... if you get paid a lot of money... others have more of a right to be disrespectful to you? 

Yes.  If you're the state’s highest paid employee, a public figure, and are not doing your job expect people to be a$$es.  

Not sure telling a 65+ guy to retire is “disrespectful.”  At least not more disrespectful than saying I don’t have to answer the fans questions.  

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1 minute ago, Golfman25 said:

Yes.  If you're the state’s highest paid employee, a public figure, and are not doing your job expect people to be a$$es.  

Not sure telling a 65+ guy to retire is “disrespectful.”  At least not more disrespectful than saying I don’t have to answer the fans questions.  

You not understanding why thats disrespectful is concerning, but to each their own. 

Woodson should have punched him. 

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7 minutes ago, btownqb said:

You not understanding why thats disrespectful is concerning, but to each their own. 

Woodson should have punched him. 

I wish he did.  So then he'd be outta here.  He wouldn't be getting these retirement comments if he didn't appear sleepy and disinterested.

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3 hours ago, Loaded Chicken Sandwich said:

How else is a fan supposed to show dissatisfaction? If they one fan doesn't show up to a game or turn on the TV, they are voiceless and he's never heard.

Woodson knows what is going on right now.  He doesn't need some @$$ hat at a HS basketball game to come up and rub his nose in it so he can go brag about it on the internet.  People who do what he did get written off as a-hole cranks.

There are really only a few ways fans are heard.  If you got money, like real F you kind of money, you got a direct line to Dolson.  If you don't, you need other fans to be where you are and together your power is in optics.  A half empty Assembly Hall and people not interacting with the program in significant numbers is how your voice gets heard.

And honestly, complaining about things on boards like this or Twitter does the same.  The University has people watching the internet discussions.

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