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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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If Woodman gets tired 1. Does he just give all the NIL money to one transfer player? Or 2. Does he say the heck with it, and just split it among the returning players?

Then, man if we just had enough NIL money.

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7 hours ago, Home Jersey said:

Maybe an unpopular opinion but since he took the UM job, I really don't care to see Dusty succeed from here on out. I don't think we'd be able to hire him away if he is successful, and I don't want him kicking our butts for his entire tenure there. This ship has sailed, likely forever IMO, and sadly he got on board at a conference rival. I don't think he's necessarily the next big thing, but I do think he will eventually grow to be a pain in our sides for a few years. Here's to hoping we find our guy for the long term, when the time comes.

I feel the same. I hope they suck his entire time there. Nothing personal against him but I can’t stand Michigan. 

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2 hours ago, Home Jersey said:

I hope Cupps plays sparingly next year, but I think he can work his way into a role if he becomes a great catch and shoot threat. If he can stay active moving off the ball and continues improving as a shooter, I think he may be more effective in that role than as a primary ball handler/playmaker. 

His work ethic gives me hope he can improve a lot.  I like how he does not get too rattled and hopefully those early morning workouts lead to being a better shooter 

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3 hours ago, Uspshoosier said:

You could argue 4 starters are returning. Cupps started quite a bit as a freshman 

I agree with your statement but hope we recruit over both Gallo and Cupps. We need a high level 1 and 2 with Gallo playing 20 minutes as the 6th man and Cupps getting 10-12. We need to upgrade the perimeter.

Must. Be. Done

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Just now, Napleshoosier said:

As a 65 yr old who experienced 74-76.  And 81 with 87 added!  I was hoping to see at least a few more from then but wtf?  I don’t know but it’s not looking good for me gang.  Was hoping our new President would be a positive influence as she is a sports fan.  Damn it, get ur $hit together IU!  Get off the woke BS and build the university back where it should be!  John Ryan days!

Dude I'm 38 and I'm not convinced I'll see another IU Final 4 in my lifetime. 

Oh well I'll always have 2002.

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Woody is 5months older than me!  I have every right to criticize him!  He was a good ball player. But….not so much a coach.  Da?  He ai t Bobby Knight!  He doesn’t coach like Bobby Knight, and he’s not in anyway a leader like Bobby Knight!  

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3 hours ago, Napleshoosier said:

Woody is 5months older than me!  I have every right to criticize him!  He was a good ball player. But….not so much a coach.  Da?  He ai t Bobby Knight!  He doesn’t coach like Bobby Knight, and he’s not in anyway a leader like Bobby Knight!  

Woodson needs to decide if he's going to run the program as a feeder line for the NBA, or a college program whose only goal is to win a championship. It's highly unlikely he can do both as evidence by the last three years. What's surprising to me is the total lack of guard play. You could take any of ISU's guards from this year's Sycamore team, (none of which have a hope in hell of making an NBA roster), and they could easily have started at IU and likely accounted for 4-6 additional wins.

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6 hours ago, TrueHoosier62 said:

Woodson needs to decide if he's going to run the program as a feeder line for the NBA, or a college program whose only goal is to win a championship. It's highly unlikely he can do both as evidence by the last three years. What's surprising to me is the total lack of guard play. You could take any of ISU's guards from this year's Sycamore team, (none of which have a hope in hell of making an NBA roster), and they could easily have started at IU and likely accounted for 4-6 additional wins.

Doubt it.  Because none of them would have been as good under Woodson.  It’s coaching players/team…it’s just not there not on NBA level nor college level.  (I know what you mean though)

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7 hours ago, TrueHoosier62 said:

Woodson needs to decide if he's going to run the program as a feeder line for the NBA, or a college program whose only goal is to win a championship. It's highly unlikely he can do both as evidence by the last three years. What's surprising to me is the total lack of guard play. You could take any of ISU's guards from this year's Sycamore team, (none of which have a hope in hell of making an NBA roster), and they could easily have started at IU and likely accounted for 4-6 additional wins.

Based on last year our guard play has been poor but his first 2 years our guard play was pretty good. X’s last 10 games his first year were great and JHS was also very good down the stretch 2 years ago.  

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