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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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2 minutes ago, go iu bb said:

Steuben has been around for a long time. He used to post on HSN under the same name. So he's not a plant, even if you don't like his take.

And he posted on the precursor to HSN. Long time poster. Views can rub some people the wrong way but it’s all just opinions from people who see things differently 

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1 minute ago, Stuhoo said:

“Adversity is part of sports, and for those of you who are so quick to give up and call for quits? There’s a reason you aren’t coaches.

So, relax. There’s no other coach in the country that I would trust with anything in my life than Coach Woodson and no other university that I would want to represent.”


Who was your coach AL when Penn St embarrassed you twice? 

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1 minute ago, Stuhoo said:

“Adversity is part of sports, and for those of you who are so quick to give up and call for quits? There’s a reason you aren’t coaches.

So, relax. There’s no other coach in the country that I would trust with anything in my life than Coach Woodson and no other university that I would want to represent.”


Woodson: “Thank you for the vote of confidence, Andy”

:-) I’ll see myself out!


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15 minutes ago, coonhounds said:

Knight and Woodson aren't comparable coaching wise or attitude wise. They are polar opposite. I don't recall Knight saying you don't or fans don't deserve a answer. He had a smartass remark. He wouldn't call out untrue fans he would call out his teams failures and what needs improved upon. Knight never wanted or called upon fans to support losing basketball as farvas I recall

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

You missed the point.  I wasn't referring solely to the fans comment but to Woody's arrogance in general and that was Bobby in the waning years of his IU tenure and in the end it's what got him fired.

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10 minutes ago, HoosierHoopster said:

I kind of wonder who that bizarre self aggrandizing and statements he isn’t going anywhere was really directed at

Maybe people that are actually pissed that Indiana University has won four in a row?

I have my issues with Woody, but it is absolutely shocking to me that there are people who are truly upset that our Indiana Hoosiers have won four in a row. They are truly mad.

Why? Here’s a truth bomb:

Some apparently invested so much time and energy in the narrative that the team had given up on the season and their coach, and that Woody wasn’t just flawed, but was also incompetent, disconnected, and unliked by the team. And they’re now pissed because they were proven wrong; it just wasn’t true.

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4 minutes ago, Chris007 said:

I think we’ll see who laughs last They made it personal tonight.

Think we still have a chance this year or is it another year of chaos?

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33 minutes ago, Home Jersey said:

"If you want to hire Mike Woodson, you come to Mike Woodson." 

"I'm not going anywhere guys." 

"I am the coach here, understand that." 

Gee, I wonder who he is speaking to in each of these instances. Disillusioned may not be a strong enough word tonight. Hopefully we buy a good enough roster next year to be competitive despite the built in challenges that exist at Indiana.

Season sucked, next year is very much up in the air, and skeptical fans are getting told off for not smiling and nodding along. I'll always hope they win but IUBB is just not must-see/appointment television anymore. 

Next year is going to be freaking brutal if they don't come out strong.  

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45 minutes ago, Stuhoo said:

Let’s have a show of hands!

*How many of you were turned off tonight that weren’t already irreversibly turned off by Woody?*

As of today, I wanted him fired.  I knew he wasn't going to be so I was kind of hoping he would draw on that inside straight, have a decent year, and then hang it up.  Now I am kind of falling in the "Do I really enjoy this sh*t anymore" category.  Woodson is an arrogant @$$ with really nothing to back up the arrogance.  The team is taking this whole "---- the fans" persona on (when they are getting paid multiple times what the average IU fan makes in a year) and, I don't know, I have kind of been backing this because of emotional habit and I don't know how much longer I am in.

If NGW has any true insight, the program he is describing isn't really what made me like IU basketball.  It doesn't appeal to me.  Woodson's attitude doesn't appeal to me.  The players are taking his attitude and that doesn't appeal to me.  Having a bunch of Xavier Johnsons cycling through the program chasing a payday and then sh*t talking the people that help pay them doesn't appeal to me.

I wasn't on the Woodson train but I was still on the IU train.  I have to say that there are a whole host of reasons for me not to support the school anymore from politics to athletics.  Having my nose rubbed in sh*t after being here to support the absolute crap show this program has been for 2 decades has me really reconsidering my time and money on all of it.  Football, basketball, women's basketball, the academics, apparel...my attitude right now was ---- Woody and I am kind of feeling ---- IU.

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That isn't really accurate.  EJ was hurt and everyone else checked out!
Ues I tried that accurate point earlier nobody listened

Sent from my SM-A326U using Tapatalk

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8 minutes ago, HoosierHoopster said:

I kind of wonder who that bizarre self aggrandizing and statements he isn’t going anywhere was really directed at

True and untrue , real  and unreal are catch words on fb and I'm sure other places . The blue haired rah rahs favorite thing to say is your not a real fan .  Was  working up his base .  . 

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1 minute ago, Stuhoo said:

PS: Coach Cignetti is in his honeymoon “Purdue sucks” phase.

Yall gonna be okay when we lose a bunch of games and he is still salty? Because he will be.

I think that is the difference between coaches.  I expect Woody to be more upset with a loss, but I bet CCC will take it more to heart and let us all know it!

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