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Fire cOach woODson thread

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At least in the offseason this past year there was reason for optimism even though a lot was being replaced from last year. That means it took a while before fans turned negative en masse. Woodson and company won't have that next season. When they play poorly in the pre-conference  portion of the season, there will be lots of people complaining and just go downhill from there. It'll get ugly.

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I think that Woodson is coming back even if we lose the last 8 games or whatever it is. I don't think Dolson and the board have the guts to make a decision like that. They have plenty of supposed reasons not to fire him that they can and will deploy when the heat gets intense: it's only year 3, he's an IU guy, injuries, there is parity in cbk everywhere you look, others have struggled recently, etc....

There is enough rhetorical cover for them to do nothing. 

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As sad as it is, and I would never root for our players to lose, it kinda sucks that the only way we could move on from a coach we don’t want anymore is for the team to lose out, which in the back of your mind makes you hope it happens to cause change. His “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon guys, I’m just not “ (cuz I’m Mike Woodson)…just really makes me mad. Almost laughably mad.

I remember him about a month ago or so before it got THIS hostile, whether it was on Don Fischer’s show or a presser, not too sure on that, he said “I just hope the fans still love me”….lol well at this point Coach, I think the only way that could happen for most people is if you man up and realize this is too much for you and do what’s best for the program by stepping aside and letting someone else take the reigns. I just think fans would respect and “love” him a hell of a lot more if he walked away rather than let his stubborn @$$ ego get in the way to try to prove something that isn’t there. 

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6 minutes ago, Adillac said:

I think that Woodson is coming back even if we lose the last 8 games or whatever it is. I don't think Dolson and the board have the guts to make a decision like that. They have plenty of supposed reasons not to fire him that they can and will deploy when the heat gets intense: it's only year 3, he's an IU guy, injuries, there is parity in cbk everywhere you look, others have struggled recently, etc....

There is enough rhetorical cover for them to do nothing. 

Just like it happened when Crean, Archie, and Tom Allen slid into the abyss during a year when they weren't gonna be fired?

(*checks recent precedent*)


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Ladies and Gents…… I think I’m done and writing Pam a letter. She could probably use a little historical perspective and some details regarding the embarrassing results, that the people making the basketball decisions have gotten us. 


The entire department needs overhauled. Buckner needs investigated for forcing a hire of his close friend. I don’t give a **** how many ways you try to rationalize that….its corruption and a massive conflict of interest. Remove him. 


If Dolson has no real authority to make a hire, then his position is fake and he should step down publicly to expose the university. 


Fans need to walk away. In droves. It will hurt but it’s the only way. The program has no incentive to fix the systemic issues whatsoever. Only until there are empty seats and empty coffers, will they be motivated to make sweeping changes. 


Woody and Buckner’s legacy are destroyed in my eyes. I wasn’t around to watch them play, so frankly I don’t give a ****. I’m getting a little sick and tired of the old guard feeling entitled to stay in power.


Woody’s “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon” comment is so pisses me off to no end. I swear on everything dear to me that I’m finished with this program. I will not spend another penny of my money. No more tickets, no more travel, no more NIL collectives…. Not.another.red.cent.


 I won’t even consider changing my mind until I see results on the floor.  A new hire isn’t going to do it for me. I do not have to commit to misery all because of some stupid unwritten rules for fans. 


I’m finished and I hope more are. Because NOTHING is ever going to change until that happens. They will just gaslight you into having hope each hiring cycle. 




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11 minutes ago, go iu bb said:

At least in the offseason this past year there was reason for optimism even though a lot was being replaced from last year. That means it took a while before fans turned negative en masse. Woodson and company won't have that next season. When they play poorly in the pre-conference  portion of the season, there will be lots of people complaining and just go downhill from there. It'll get ugly.

I had a buddy texting me he wanted Woodson out after the Auburn loss. I thought he was crazy at the time given we were coming off a season where we were 2nd in B10, beat Purdue twice, were knocked out by a F4 team in the tourney, and had a bunch of new guys with 5-stars in the pipeline for 2024.

Now? It's hard to imagine someone having mismanaged where we were in mid-November to now any worse. On top of that, Woody has seemingly said and done the wrong thing at virtually every turn. He has not handled adversity well this year and I can't imagine him on the sidelines next year without boo-birds sounding off every game we don't play well. Just feels like an absolute nightmare for the admin to deal with for another 12 months.

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1 minute ago, FightFor6 said:

I had a buddy texting me he wanted Woodson out after the Auburn loss. I thought he was crazy at the time given we were coming off a season where we were 2nd in B10, beat Purdue twice, were knocked out by a F4 team in the tourney, and had a bunch of new guys with 5-stars in the pipeline for 2024.

Now? It's hard to imagine someone having mismanaged where we were in mid-November to now any worse. On top of that, Woody has seemingly said and done the wrong thing at virtually every turn. He has not handled adversity well this year and I can't imagine him on the sidelines next year without boo-birds sounding off every game we don't play well. Just feels like an absolute nightmare for the admin to deal with for another 12 months.

My point exactly. A lot of fans, myself included, were like you early in the season. We thought he'd get it figured out and turned around. Instead, we're seeing the same thing (possibly worse) and hearing the same vague answers after loses with more blaming of the players.

That benefit of the doubt that many gave him early this season won't be there. I can't believe the administration doesn't see this. If they don't, there is a serious disconnect between them and the fans.

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I'll chime in with two things:

  1. I absolutely believe that IU's plan is for Woody to be back. And if we show signs of life in the last month, I fully expect Woody will be back. However...
  2. To quote a great philosopher, “Just because you make a good plan, doesn’t mean that’s what’s gonna happen.” ― Taylor Swift, singer and songwriter

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At least in the offseason this past year there was reason for optimism even though a lot was being replaced from last year. That means it took a while before fans turned negative en masse. Woodson and company won't have that next season. When they play poorly in the pre-conference  portion of the season, there will be lots of people complaining and just go downhill from there. It'll get ugly.
Well he schedules teams he has no business playing like uconn and arizona. My guess is he will get blown out again next season early by the better teams.

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16 minutes ago, Stuhoo said:

I'll chime in with two things:

  1. I absolutely believe that IU's plan is for Woody to be back. And if we show signs of life in the last month, I fully expect Woody will be back. However...
  2. To quote a great philosopher, “Just because you make a good plan, doesn’t mean that’s what’s gonna happen.” ― Taylor Swift, singer and songwriter

Here's a better philosopher:  "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."  -- Mike Tyson.  

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40 minutes ago, Hornsby said:

If him keeping his job comes down to the fact he won a couple more games this program is even less serious then I thought.

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Seems like it be difficult to get less serious than hiring a guy simply because he played here over 40 years ago.

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Not sure many elite teams would be willing to pay more than IU for Malik. IU has deep pockets but also, Malik is our most prolific player this year and he would be next year too probably. On an elite team he would be the 2nd or 3rd option. Not sure Malik is one of  the ones leaving. Who knows though. 

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Not sure many elite teams would be willing to pay more than IU for Malik. IU has deep pockets but also, Malik is our most prolific player this year and he would be next year too probably. On an elite team he would be the 2nd or 3rd option. Not sure Malik is one of  the ones leaving. Who knows though. 
Depends on how bad he wants to be on a good team.

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