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Corruption in College Basketball

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21 minutes ago, AKHoosier said:

I'm pulling this from another board because it's a tad relevant to us:

According to an AAU coach, South Carolina, Kansas, and UCLA may be next. There's also approximately 15 Adidas sponsored AAU programs on a list to be investigated. Indiana Elite, Team Loaded, Mass Rivals, and Atlanta Celtics to name a few. The ASM raid may implicate some parents of Indiana players aka Teague and Lyles.

Isn't looking good for Schilling..hope he's not involved.

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Just now, Brass Cannon said:

According to UCLA fans Schilling didn't recruit their big boys this no big loss. 

Drake to me looks most likely. 

Hopefully so. Itd be great if we come out of this unscathed. Changing our coaching staff honestly couldn't have come at a better time.

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I know I'm slipping into "grassy knoll" territory here, but don't these massive apparel contracts kind of lead us down the rabbit hole? They invest huge money in a school and then expect a high profile return on their investment. It undoubtedly starts with AAU, which the apparel companies are completely in control of, and filters up. It's dirty and it uses kids as their pawns who are often from economically challenged environments. Very sad.

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Its your Slick Rick statement of the day! He's still searching for the real killers culprits.

Poor guy. All this craziness going on around him and he’s just trying to coach. So he’s either extremely stupid or lying like a rug.

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Let's assume IU is clean. There is enough guilt by association negative recruiting that can come for this. Number one Archies brother. Two our past with Kenny Johnson. Now if UCLA gets nailed Schilling could get dragged through it. We could be completely clean but it could make some players cautious.

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Former AAU basketball coach says those wrapped up in college basketball scandal will flip for feds

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