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Corruption in College Basketball

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1 minute ago, ebridges24 said:

Really makes you wander if the NCAA was aware of  what was going on at L'ville. Then Rick shot off his mouth about the hooker scandal, which pissed off the NCAA and then they asked the FBI to handle this scandal so they wouldn't screw it up.

Could the NCAA be caught up in all of this?  Could they have been aiding in covering up what was going on at high level cash cow programs for their benefit?  There are many ways to look at this.

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Just that things could go sideways for any program with the FBI digging.  I don't think IU will get caught up in this but you never know.

I am not too concerned as IU won't be caught on wiretap or videotape. These people will be more concerned about the Feds than NCAA. Anything beyond that will turn into he said she said. I am sure there will be a ton, but nobody has to talk to the NCAA.

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4 minutes ago, HoosierAloha said:

Could the NCAA be caught up in all of this?  Could they have been aiding in covering up what was going on at high level cash cow programs for their benefit?  There are many ways to look at this.

Do you really think they had the brains or the balls to set something up like that up??

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2 minutes ago, reconmkd said:

Dickie V is on ESPN Louisville, just said that he has been told that one of the indicted involved with multiple shoe companies has flipped and is talking. Several major U's are at risk.


That would be the guy that worked at Nike until recently, when he moved to Adidas.

Could be really good news for NCAA investigators, if not for the feds.

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7 minutes ago, ebridges24 said:

Do you really think they had the brains or the balls to set something up like that up??

Maybe they didn't set it all up but knew that it was going on and allowed it. From their history that wouldn't surprise me much. 

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I am not too concerned as IU won't be caught on wiretap or videotape. These people will be more concerned about the Feds than NCAA. Anything beyond that will turn into he said she said. I am sure there will be a ton, but nobody has to talk to the NCAA.

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I should add the he said she has always happened. Self reporting is the only way to get in trouble unless you were arrested by the Feds. Coming clean to the NCAA won't help any with the Feds. Now could the Financial guys or shoe guys snitch on random situations to stay out of trouble? Absolutely. But it will be harder to prove without the audio and video they currently have. I am curious on the sealed cases they can't announce though.

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3 minutes ago, reconmkd said:

Dickie V is on ESPN Louisville, just said that he has been told that one of the indicted involved with multiple shoe companies has flipped and is talking. Several major U's are at risk.

I hope they include these 2, dUKe

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Is there any resolution to this issue that is better than repealing the One and Done rule? 

Below is just some of my thoughts on the matter. Just put it in list form so I can think through it. Might expand on it later.

  • Scenario 1) Pay Athletes 
    • They become State Employees
    • Would need to be standardized to reduce competition between schools
      • If standardized, you'd probably see some of the same activity on the side since it wouldn't be as much.
      • If not standardized, you'd have schools competing over whoever offers the best incentives.
  • Scenario 2) Repeal/Change the One and Done rule
    • Removes athletes from college basketball who would rather get paid and move on. 
    • One and Done's are getting no other benefit of attending college.
    • Make it a choice
      • Declare out of high school
        • Bank on being good enough to get where you want
      • Attend College
        • If you go to college, must commit to completing your degree (or 3 years like other sports. At least a reasonable amount of time in which they should be able to complete)
  • Scenario 3) Leave it and hope it doesn't happen again
    • LOL


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A very farfetched question for our very own Stuhoo, Esq.    Player B for L'ville sees his college career going up in smoke and learning Brian Bowen got 4x what he was given.  He's po'd and contacts the FBI and details offers he got from other schools.  Is that the type of evidence the FBI could use to expand its investigation to other schools?

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11 minutes ago, Class of '66 Old Fart said:

A very farfetched question for our very own Stuhoo, Esq.    Player B for L'ville sees his college career going up in smoke and learning Brian Bowen got 4x what he was given.  He's po'd and contacts the FBI and details offers he got from other schools.  Is that the type of evidence the FBI could use to expand its investigation to other schools?


Sure. That'd be wonderful!

Would be way better if that player could corroborate the story with financial records, texts, etc.

If that player was over 18, his testimony could be compelled; one's 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination do not attach if the federal government issues immunity from prosecution. And you can bet that the 18 year olds are exactly who they would give a pass to in exchange for credible information.

More likely than a player jealous of Bowen talking? Bowen talking. I'm quite sure that the Bowen family has already retained legal representation. Wonder if Adidas is paying for their lawyer (which sounds like a punch-line, but is entirely possible)


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I may have unintentionally posted bad info about Kansas earlier today.  But hopefully the 100-percent false statement in Evan Daniels' tweet turns out to be 100-percent false and Kansas computers were indeed confiscated.

Evan Daniels‏Verified account @EvanDaniels  

The tweet making the rounds saying two computers for coaches at Kansas were confiscated today is "100-percent" false, per a source.

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17 minutes ago, Stuhoo said:


That would be the guy that worked at Nike until recently, when he moved to Adidas.

Could be really good news for NCAA investigators, if not for the feds.

I just heard on the radio that Nike is now part of the investigation. Kinda wonder though - they kept this quiet for months and now stuff is coming out hourly. I guess other people are involved now, so who knows what is true.

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2 minutes ago, Capt. Crimson said:

Is there any resolution to this issue that is better than repealing the One and Done rule? 

Below is just some of my thoughts on the matter. Just put it in list form so I can think through it. Might expand on it later.

  • Scenario 1) Pay Athletes 
    • They become State Employees
    • Would need to be standardized to reduce competition between schools
      • If standardized, you'd probably see some of the same activity on the side since it wouldn't be as much.
      • If not standardized, you'd have schools competing over whoever offers the best incentives.
  • Scenario 2) Repeal/Change the One and Done rule
    • Removes athletes from college basketball who would rather get paid and move on. 
    • One and Done's are getting no other benefit of attending college.
    • Make it a choice
      • Declare out of high school
        • Bank on being good enough to get where you want
      • Attend College
        • If you go to college, must commit to completing your degree. 


To your suggestions:

In part one - Not all schools are state affiliated/funded, so players becoming "state employees" doesn't work.

Paying the players a "stipend" was already tried, back in the 60's I think. It was called "laundry money". The idea being to help cover basic expenses. It didn't go well because, as you have pointed out, the "stipends" started getting - let's say stretched.


In part two - I fully agree. If a kid isn't really interested in school, don't make them go to school. Let them enter the draft, or if not drafted, try out for the "G" league, as the NBA now calls it. Maybe something could be worked out that if a kid doesn't cut it at the G league tryout, he could still go to school, but would be required to stay in school past the one year. I actually believe this sort of thing is part of the NBA's intention with the remaking of the G league. That it will serve the same purpose as the minor leagues do for MLB.

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13 minutes ago, Stuhoo said:


Sure. That'd be wonderful!

Would be way better if that player could corroborate the story with financial records, texts, etc.

If that player was over 18, his testimony could be compelled; one's 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination do not attach if the federal government issues immunity from prosecution. And you can bet that the 18 year olds are exactly who they would give a pass to in exchange for credible information.

More likely than a player jealous of Bowen talking? Bowen talking. I'm quite sure that the Bowen family has already retained legal representation. Wonder if Adidas is paying for their lawyer (which sounds like a punch-line, but is entirely possible)


What, if any, possible legal exposure do the kids involved have in this? Are they just looking at loss of eligibility and reputation, or is there a worse scenario? 

Btw: you should probably be charging us at this point.

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