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Corruption in College Basketball

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If he is offered an immunity agreement to flip on bigger names, he absolutely will.  Or if he already has one in place for Pitino, whats stopping him from unleashing everything he knows.  Again, I'm just hoping IU was clean in all of this.  The thing that worries me the most is our Adidas deal that was larger than expected and when most though we would be going with Under Armor or Nike (two other names possibly involved in all this as well)

But that is just it. The FBI doesn't worry about the coaches if money did not go to their hands or they weren't directly involved. That is a NCAA issue. Is KJ gonna snitch on himself to draw more charges? Absolutely not. KJ is the one committing criminal acts on wiretap and video. They won't have that at IU. He is NOT going to start naming everything he did. He would have no reason to. He will already get show cause for employment. There is literally zero reason for him to implicate anyone else because most falls back on him. Tom Crean is already fired.



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Just now, Hoosierfan2017 said:

What was the suspicious behavior regarding Bryant?

Him associating/hugging/embracing with 2 random white old dudes who didn't look like belonged before and after games, rumored to be adidas employees or agents or something of that matter.  (FWI, This is based on what I have heard on radio and though who seem to be in the know on Twitter, so take it for what its worth which maybe nothing.)

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2 minutes ago, Stromboli said:

Another question for Stuhoo:  How could you see the FBI snaring other coaches/programs under these circumstances?

I'm not Stu, but the way I see it is the FBI has amassed a large amount of evidence that probably doesn't break any federal laws, but does violate NCAA regs. The FBI is handing the NCAA Infractions committee all the info that they will need to take actions on other teams throughout college basketball. I still think the FBI may find some more criminal offenses and pursue charges, but I think the larger picture will be how many schools are implicated with what the FBI already has.

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1 minute ago, ebridges24 said:

gotta believe the NCAA is pretty red-faced right now, considering this was going on right under their noses. i would think they're going to hammer these programs pretty good for making them look stupid.

They won't. They'll take away a scholarship and ban them from post season tourney's for two years. 



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4 minutes ago, Stromboli said:

Stuhoo, maybe you can clarify something else here.  I think there is a misunderstanding about FBI vs NCAA.  We're dealing with two separate forums here.  Stuhoo is letting us know what to expect the FBI to be able to do in order to successfully prosecute a criminal case.  These guys do not like losing, and they do not like allocating resources (basically the time of their employees) towards losing efforts.  Stuhoo is making clear that getting criminal prosecutions going under the circumstances Brass Cannon is describing is difficult.  


An entirely separate forum exists that is probably more interesting to most of us.  That of, what is to become of the teams that are found to be cheating.  This is in the jurisdiction of the NCAA.  They are the governing body that would make these kinds of calls.  They aren't built to do what the FBI can do to create a case, and so they have to obtain the information in a different manner.  The FBI is not going to invite the NCAA to sit in on interrogations.  The FBI is not going to give a better deal to Chuck Person if he tells the NCAA what other programs are cheating.  The FBI isn't concerned with that.  


I am not the guy to say how the NCAA will get the information.  They hadn't even launched an "investigation" of their own, and haven't--to my knowledge--made any statement yet.  I think they're going to get the information at the same time as the rest of us, after the FBI releases it.  


Another question for Stuhoo:  How could you see the FBI snaring other coaches/programs under these circumstances?


^^If I had only ten 'likes' a day to give out, I'd give them all to this post.^^

How does the Bu potentially wrap up others?

  1. Direct contact between those that cooperate and others. And I mean direct; not stories, not beliefs. Texts, wire transfers, recordings, irrefutably corroborated stuff.
  2. I think that any search warrant done post-arrest AND pre-public notification that the shite had hit the fan is potentially very helpful. In other words, the ASM search warrant could be mightily productive. I hope and pray that it is; lots of UK ties there...paging Nerlens Noel?
  3. If arrested subjects cooperated immediately, and by immediately I mean 'before anyone else knew they'd been arrested', there may have been some incredibly helpful new recordings made yesterday morning.


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6 minutes ago, iufaninillinois said:

Fran also said he wouldn't be surprised to find out the NCAA tipped the FBI off because they don't have investigative powers. I don't think that's the case because of the cash cow College Basketball is to them.

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That is absolutely possible. Happens all the time with regulatory agencies that don't have effective investigative tools.


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2 minutes ago, Stuhoo said:


^^If I had only ten 'likes' a day to give out, I'd give them all to this post.^^

How does the Bu potentially wrap up others?

  1. Direct contact between those that cooperate and others. And I mean direct; not stories, not beliefs. Texts, wire transfers, recordings, irrefutably corroborated stuff.
  2. I think that any search warrant done post-arrest AND pre-public notification that the shite had hit the fan is potentially very helpful. In other words, the ASM search warrant could be mightily productive. I hope and pray that it is; lots of UK ties there...paging Nerlens Noel?
  3. If arrested subjects cooperated immediately, and by immediately I mean 'before anyone else knew they'd been arrested', there may have been some incredibly helpful new recordings made yesterday morning.


If the people are stupid might still get some recorded convos now. 

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Just now, Brass Cannon said:

If the people are stupid might still get some recorded convos now. 


No more recordings will be made. They would be far more likely to produce false exculpatories than helpful evidence:

Chuck Person: "Hey Bruce, what are we gonna do about this? We're in it deep and we're in it together."

Bruce Pearl: "Chuck, we both know that I never knew about your awful behavior. How dare you."

Bruce's lawyer (months later): "Even when my client was being secretly recorded, he told everyone that he was in no way a part of this!"


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2 minutes ago, Brass Cannon said:

So Stu

its entirely possible that the FBI has evidence that shows Kansas or UK outbid for a recruit. But didn't have the means for an arrest. Correct? 

But that doesn't mean the NCAA doesn't have enough for penalties. Correct?


For sure!!

But as Stromboli said, they may have a long wait to get the goods to proceed.


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