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fire coach woodson thread

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I’m in the camp that if he’s good enough for OSU, forget the “let him cook for 5 years”.He has the same # of FF’s as Pearl, just pull the trigger and hire May, cheaper buy out so can probably be easier to convince boosters, etc 
I'm with you

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9 minutes ago, IU Prof said:

What's LeBron's connection to Dusty May?

Not sure it's anything more than the fact that he's an Akron boy... and the whole Ohio connection... I can't see anything else...

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1 hour ago, realTomCrean said:

I can see where many think like this and I certainly do not enjoy the Mike Woodson experience, but I can think of several B1G coaches who are woefully worse than what Woodson has done in 3 years. He's not awful, but not great. We want great. Fran, Hoiberg, Johnson, Holtmann, Piekell, Howard, Gard all below or near Woodson's output. At most universities Woodson would be totally safe. 

I agree with this actually. At most schools he'd be safe. He seems to be a very mediocre coach and I wouldn't have hired him to begin with. Hopefully he steps down gracefully. I also hope if he does (or is fired), our fans won't light the torches when the new guy (whomever it is) has his first bad season because it will happen at some point. 

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1 minute ago, AZ Hoosier said:

Not sure it's anything more than the fact that he's an Akron boy... and the whole Ohio connection... I can't see anything else...

I know LeBron is a big OSU fan...just not clear why he's pushing May.

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1 hour ago, Hoosier DaDa said:

I from Muncie as well graduated in 90 from Delta.  Where did you go high school? 

The great big and baddest high school in all of Delaware County, Cowan High School!  You were around Matt Painter then or close to him.

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4 minutes ago, jbeaman9 said:

I know I cannot post screenshots or anything.

He is going back over everything he has said recently and that they are FACTS of the issues with Woodson, not his opinion.

Skipping recruiting days over the last 3 years.

Recruits hearing from other HC more than Woodson.

Needs major help from the portal to overhaul a roster.

Choosing to pursue "ready-made" players instead of recruiting and developing HS kids

Woodson publicly stating 2 point shots are good while having one of the worst 3 point rates 3 years in a row.

"HS, AAU, and other coaches/trainers have heard very little from a certain HC over the course of 3 years, that's a fact"

"some of those are both facts and patterns"

"It's March of year 3. It took until Feb. for Woodson to go see Sisley and Mullins, two of the top in-state prospects and he didn't see Mullins in a game until the sectional semifinals.

That last one is inexcusable

EDIT - ESPECIALLY SO if your Athletic Director has to tell you to go. If this doesn’t indicate Woodson won’t be back, then I don’t know how else you can try to support this administration.

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5 minutes ago, jbeaman9 said:

I know I cannot post screenshots or anything.

He is going back over everything he has said recently and that they are FACTS of the issues with Woodson, not his opinion.

Skipping recruiting days over the last 3 years.

Recruits hearing from other HC more than Woodson.

Needs major help from the portal to overhaul a roster.

Choosing to pursue "ready-made" players instead of recruiting and developing HS kids

Woodson publicly stating 2 point shots are good while having one of the worst 3 point rates 3 years in a row.

"HS, AAU, and other coaches/trainers have heard very little from a certain HC over the course of 3 years, that's a fact"

"some of those are both facts and patterns"

"It's March of year 3. It took until Feb. for Woodson to go see Sisley and Mullins, two of the top in-state prospects and he didn't see Mullins in a game until the sectional semifinals.

He's not messing around anymore. He also said that Buckner let Dolson pursue Stevens the first time, then pushed Woodson ahead of everyone else after Stevens said no. 

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I wonder if Dolson could put expectations in place for a year 4 for Woodson from a recruiting perspective that would effectively force him to walk away. X number of days on the road, etc. 

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Just now, Chris007 said:

He's not messing around anymore. He also said that Buckner let Dolson pursue Stevens the first time, then pushed Woodson ahead of everyone else after Stevens said no. 

Yep, Buckner, Whitman, and Thomas pushed Woody to the front of the line.

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8 minutes ago, jbeaman9 said:

I know I cannot post screenshots or anything. @btownqb @Tasmanian Devil @kottke

He is going back over everything he has said recently and that they are FACTS of the issues with Woodson, not his opinion.

Skipping recruiting days over the last 3 years.

Recruits hearing from other HC more than Woodson.

Needs major help from the portal to overhaul a roster.

Choosing to pursue "ready-made" players instead of recruiting and developing HS kids

Woodson publicly stating 2 point shots are good while having one of the worst 3 point rates 3 years in a row.

"HS, AAU, and other coaches/trainers have heard very little from a certain HC over the course of 3 years, that's a fact"

"some of those are both facts and patterns"

"It's March of year 3. It took until Feb. for Woodson to go see Sisley and Mullins, two of the top in-state prospects and he didn't see Mullins in a game until the sectional semifinals.


5 minutes ago, Tasmanian Devil said:

That last one is inexcusable

And only then after Dolson told him to go...

EDIT: I see that you added that comment... it's all about timing :) 

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Just now, OGIUAndy said:

I think it's all pretty bad and why hiring pro coaches is a risk. There is no off season in college. 

No off-season in year three?

It’s been known for a while that Sisley is one of the jewels of the 25 class. Mullins has really popped up here in the last year or so. And - up until sectional semifinals - you haven’t seen either one of them in person? That reeks of aloofness and thinking you’re above doing that work.

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4 minutes ago, jbeaman9 said:

I know I cannot post screenshots or anything. @btownqb @Tasmanian Devil @kottke

He is going back over everything he has said recently and that they are FACTS of the issues with Woodson, not his opinion.

Skipping recruiting days over the last 3 years.

Recruits hearing from other HC more than Woodson.

Needs major help from the portal to overhaul a roster.

Choosing to pursue "ready-made" players instead of recruiting and developing HS kids

Woodson publicly stating 2 point shots are good while having one of the worst 3 point rates 3 years in a row.

"HS, AAU, and other coaches/trainers have heard very little from a certain HC over the course of 3 years, that's a fact"

"some of those are both facts and patterns"

"It's March of year 3. It took until Feb. for Woodson to go see Sisley and Mullins, two of the top in-state prospects and he didn't see Mullins in a game until the sectional semifinals.

Those are major issues.  Hence, that is probably why he wanted to concentrate specifically on 5 star recruits, he may have thought they would require little development and coaching, but who knows 

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1 minute ago, IU Prof said:

I wonder if Dolson could put expectations in place for a year 4 for Woodson from a recruiting perspective that would effectively force him to walk away. X number of days on the road, etc. 

Like there were no expectations from day one? Why do you think Fife and Matta were added to the staff? Because Woodson had no clue what the job required... and then he completely ignored input from both of them...

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1 minute ago, IUFAN1976 said:

Those are major issues.  Hence, that is probably why he wanted to concentrate specifically on 5 star recruits, he may have thought they would require little development and coaching, but who knows 

But he's also grabbing at any/all 5-start players regardless of need (by position) or fit on the team... and 5-star or not, he ignored the biggest need on HIS roster: guards and shooters.

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