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Tom Crean to Alabama Rumor Thread

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One thing is for certain... Quite a few people are going to forever earn or lose credibility with me and many other Hoosier fans. I'm speaking of the ones who confidently claim to know what's happening. We shall find out who really is in the know.

It's the ones that speak in absolutes that I hope fail. People that say "take it for what it's worth, but I heard [...]" have no comparison to others that say "CREAN IS GOING NO WHERE, YOU PLEBES".

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It's the ones that speak in absolutes that I hope fail. People that say "take it for what it's worth, but I heard [...]" have no comparison to others that say "CREAN IS GOING NO WHERE, YOU PLEBES".

I agree. I think it would be cool for those who are absolute to have a badge attached to their user ID. If they are right then they get bragging rights for a year but if they are wrong we get to dog them for a year.

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A Brief Summary:

*Guy that claims to have a reliable source makes claims that

1.) Archie Miller has reached out and said that if there is a vacancy, he would like to have consideration.
2.) See #1 and replace Miller with Marshall
3.) Brad Stevens has spoken with IU and has interest in the position but was weary about breaking his current contract.
4.) If Crean is going to go, it will have to happen on his own accord. Glass is not moving unless Crean does.

This pretty much sums it up. The guy did say that this could all be Bologna but that the source was someone he trusted and has always been spot on in other rumor mill predictions.

One thing is for certain... Quite a few people are going to forever earn or lose credibility with me and many other Hoosier fans. I'm speaking of the ones who confidently claim to know what's happening. We shall find out who really is in the know.


If #4 is right then #1-#3 are pretty much meaningless.


I don't see Crean leaving on his own.  He's not going to able to go to greener pastures with how IU has been doing recently and he won't leave for a lower level job just to get away from the naysayers.  Plus, coaches tend to have big egos at his level and will always think they are just around the corner from turning it around.

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I haven't seen anybody here saying definitively that they know exactly what is happening with Crean. Maybe I missed those posts.


I have seen people saying what they have heard or read, as well as what they think, feel, or believe will happen. I think ( my opinion only! ) that we are all confused and frustrated about not knowing what is going on with the basketball program we love so much. I propose we show a little kindness to each other as we try to get through this. A little humor helps, too ( also my opinion only ).

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I haven't seen anybody here saying definitively that they know exactly what is happening with Crean. Maybe I missed those posts.

I have seen people saying what they have heard or read, as well as what they think, feel, or believe will happen. I think ( my opinion only! ) that we are all confused and frustrated about not knowing what is going on with the basketball program we love so much. I propose we show a little kindness to each other as we try to get through this. A little humor helps, too ( also my opinion only ).

My comment on absolutes was more of what I've seen from "insiders" on twitter and a couple on other boards. I haven't really seen anyone do it on here. I should've specified. It was more of a global, not as much a BTB thing.

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A Brief Summary:

*Guy that claims to have a reliable source makes claims that

1.) Archie Miller has reached out and said that if there is a vacancy, he would like to have consideration.
2.) See #1 and replace Miller with Marshall
3.) Brad Stevens has spoken with IU and has interest in the position but was weary about breaking his current contract.
4.) If Crean is going to go, it will have to happen on his own accord. Glass is not moving unless Crean does.

This pretty much sums it up. The guy did say that this could all be Bologna but that the source was someone he trusted and has always been spot on in other rumor mill predictions.

One thing is for certain... Quite a few people are going to forever earn or lose credibility with me and many other Hoosier fans. I'm speaking of the ones who confidently claim to know what's happening. We shall find out who really is in the know.

The guy who made this claim has never had insider info to make these types of assertions. Any of these are plausible but I think many people who know the poster would have reservations. Poster is a good dude but this would be out of left field

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I haven't seen anybody here saying definitively that they know exactly what is happening with Crean. Maybe I missed those posts.


I have seen people saying what they have heard or read, as well as what they think, feel, or believe will happen. I think ( my opinion only! ) that we are all confused and frustrated about not knowing what is going on with the basketball program we love so much. I propose we show a little kindness to each other as we try to get through this. A little humor helps, too ( also my opinion only ).


Crean to Alabama...done deal :)


somebody had to do it.

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I don't remember where else I read it but it seems like it wouldn't be in Crean's personality to leave Indiana. He seems to think he can change the basketball world in one swoop and I think his ego will prevent him from just deciding to leave for a lower level job.

i only had hope he would leave when I heard his wife wasn't happy. I dont think he is going to Alabama and am losing hope he goes anywhere.

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I don't remember where else I read it but it seems like it wouldn't be in Crean's personality to leave Indiana. He seems to think he can change the basketball world in one swoop and I think his ego will prevent him from just deciding to leave for a lower level job.

Whoever our coach is, I hope he believes he is the man for the job. I'm not going to hold that against him or anyone.

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If the administration has decided on Stevens, than maybe that's why Crean is still here.....

Stevens might be coaching until a few weeks before the buyout drops to $7.5 mil...lol. He's somehow in the playoff race with a tanking team. Unbelievable.

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