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The sky is falling

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. I'd bet the farm that Crean isn't here for another 5 years. I do on the other hand see him and Glass here for a maximum of 2-3 more seasons. If we somehow miss the tournament this year (I don't see that happening), then I think he's gone this offseason. If Glass won't get rid of him, then the pressure to remove both Crean and Glass will be likened to a tsunami wave against a wooden levy. It's sad Bc Glass has done so well for our athletic program outside of basketball (The ONLY sport that REALLY matters to us Hoosiers). Unfortunately the ridiculous contract he gave to Crean will stain his entire time in Bloomington. Sampson lied and cheated this program to a point where few coaches wanted the job (Calipari said he "would crawl from Memphis to Bloomington for the job" -Bob Kravitz..We wouldn't pay Pitino enough). How do we view the A.D. Who caused us to wallow in mediocrity and very likely cost us the ability to afford the home run hire that we SOOOOO desperately need. Let's not fool ourselves. There is a such thing as a home run hire for Indiana. Like WayneFleek said, Alabama was going through EXACTLY what we were going through until they sacked up and went after the "uncatchable fish". Kentucky even gets credit for the risk they took going after Calipari. I know that's taboo to say here, but it's true. It's sad that IU fans have been reduced to thinking this is the best we can do (not throwing this accusation at you in particular). The ceiling for IU basketball is UK, Duke, Kansas, Not perpetual mediocrity mixed with the occasional season where our fanbase gets overjoyed by midseason braketology that has us as a 7 seed in the tourney.

Nailed it.

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Maybe we need to start recruiting top 100 rated 7 footers from Indianapolis(Hammons). Oh thats right, Peter Jurkin got his scholarship offer.


Hammons would have been a bad fit for Crean's system.  People can rag on Jurkin but when he committed as a sophomore or freshman he was a top 25 prospect.

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If Glass had the balls to make the change and go get the best guy possible we could literally be picking the cream of the crop just like UK, KU and Duke in 2 years AND he would have a job for life.


I don't think it is that easy.  Nowadays it has a lot more to do with "connections" than it does about a great coach.

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We should totally fire CTC and replace him with some other jackass who may or may not live up to our lofty expectations. Then after 3 or 4 years of rebuilding AGAIN. We can all ***** about him too and of coarse fire them and find another jackass to ***** about again.

Stability for the sake of stability does nothing though.  Stability doesn't breed winning, winning breeds stability and  Crean has never won at a level warranting the kind of stability some want to give him (or a top 10 contract, geez that was monumentally stupid).

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Stability for the sake of stability does nothing though. Stability doesn't breed winning, winning breeds stability and Crean has never won at a level warranting the kind of stability some want to give him (or a top 10 contract, geez that was monumentally stupid).

Agreed, but I don't like the idea of the program going up in flames again and starting over dealing with transfers and Hartman being the only one left standing like some kind of Kyle Taber.

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Agreed, but I don't like the idea of the program going up in flames again and starting over dealing with transfers and Hartman being the only one left standing like some kind of Kyle Taber.

The program isn't the same dumpster fire it was, a new coach would have a better starting point than Crean did.  We let the fear of players transferring force our hand once before, and the result was the Mike Davis experience.

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One thing that I have a hard time coming to terms with and I'm not saying it's a wrong way of thinking about things (I just feel differently) is the thought "well we are exceeding expectations anyway so." I Could be way off but it comes off to me as oh well no big deal we weren't supposed to do well anyway. I'm okay with taking Ls but getting butt blasted twice in a row by teams we should be beating is not acceptable. I don't want to say we should want to strive for more but I know that's not the case as well want this really bad. I could be way off so forgive me if so.

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I want to see what categories posters fall into


1)  Can Crean, wait until contract expires or somewhere in between


If you can him then who do you get?

If you keep him how long, under what stipulations, do you keep him?


Do people think we can just fire coach and hire a coach who will get us a title in the first few years?

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I want to see what categories posters fall into


1)  Can Crean, wait until contract expires or somewhere in between


If you can him then who do you get?

If you keep him how long, under what stipulations, do you keep him?


Do people think we can just fire coach and hire a coach who will get us a title in the first few years?

In between. If the all-start replacement is ready to make the jump, expedite the firing of Crean. He is a very good coach, but he is not the long term solution as far as I can tell. I think he is better than most, but if someone elite was ready to come coach at IU, that would seriously impact Coach's time here.

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One thing that I have a hard time coming to terms with and I'm not saying it's a wrong way of thinking about things (I just feel differently) is the thought "well we are exceeding expectations anyway so." I Could be way off but it comes off to me as oh well no big deal we weren't supposed to do well anyway. I'm okay with taking Ls but getting butt blasted twice in a row by teams we should be beating is not acceptable. I don't want to say we should want to strive for more but I know that's not the case as well want this really bad. I could be way off so forgive me if so.

. Butt blasted .... Lol

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In between. If the all-start replacement is ready to make the jump, expedite the firing of Crean. He is a very good coach, but he is not the long term solution as far as I can tell. I think he is better than most, but if someone elite was ready to come coach at IU, that would seriously impact Coach's time here.

Crean is not a very good coach. He actually sucks at what he gets paid to do which is win. Other than that what you say falls right in line with what I have. When the right coach is ready, make the move. But do it without Glass knowing and send them both packing. Glass would sabatoge any great coach coming here just to spite his own failings as an athletic director. McRobbie needs to step in and right the ship. Get your coach than your AD. Glass and Crean both need to go...just read Glass' last interview. They sound like the same person.

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