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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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54 minutes ago, Stuhoo said:

Exactly. This should have been easy.

Conference call: "We are going in another direction. Thanks for your contributions."

So if you break up with your wife or girlfriend you would do it over the phone

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5 minutes ago, Scotty R said:

So if you break up with your wife or girlfriend you would do it over the phone

Dude. This what not an employer/employee nor a romantic relationship. 

It was the type of relationship where this didn't have to be handled in person, a zoom meeting would have sufficed. 

Again, it was a power play so that Woodson could sit there and ***** and moan at him about his hurt feelings.

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5 minutes ago, Scotty R said:

So if you break up with your wife or girlfriend you would do it over the phone

This was nothing close to a marriage or romantic relationship. It was purely a business arrangement, the likes of which are terminated via phone, FAX or mail all the time. Instead Woodson shows his petulance and pettiness with this kind of power trip.

Fire Mediocre Mike Woodson

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5 minutes ago, Scotty R said:

So if you break up with your wife or girlfriend you would do it over the phone

1 minute ago, go iu bb said:

Dude. This what not an employer/employee nor a romantic relationship. 

It was the type of relationship where this didn't have to be handled in person, a zoom meeting would have sufficed. 

Idk. Maybe Woody should have flown to LA to meet them. Enjoy a candle lit dinner. Go shopping on Rodeo Drive. Some pillow talk maybe. 

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1 minute ago, Home Jersey said:

Idk. Maybe Woody should have flown to LA to meet them. Enjoy a candle lit dinner. Go shopping on Rodeo Drive. Some pillow talk maybe. 

Remember that if you want to talk to Mike Woodson, you come to Mike Woodson. He's also apparently added that if Mike Woodson wants to talk to you, you come to Mike Woodson. So all of what you said except in the place of Mike Woodson's choosing, not LA.

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1 hour ago, Stuhoo said:

Exactly. This should have been easy.

Conference call: "We are going in another direction. Thanks for your contributions."

It all should have been handled easy and professional but instead Woodson chose to make an a** out of himself and the university by doing it this way.  He’s a spiteful, petty and childish man!


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25 minutes ago, Certified Sunshine Pumper said:

I think it's hilarious he they flew them in to be told they weren't welcome. 

If he'd done it via zoom you all would be bitching that he didn't do it in person. 

If he'd won more games this year, you all would be laughing at HH/not giving a ****, either. Facts 

Isn't it obvious that if he were better at his job (winning games) people would give him a longer leash when he does/says things that are questionable? Yes this is questionable - how does it help the program to end the NIL relationship and discontinue their fan events? 

You think it's hilarious that they were made to fly out there to be told they weren't welcome? Wow. 

Interesting you assume people are just complaining about him no matter what he does... Seems to be the same mindset he has towards non-true fans. We just want him to show accountability and do his job better, since he's our coach for next year. 

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33 minutes ago, Certified Sunshine Pumper said:

I think it's hilarious he they flew them in to be told they weren't welcome. 

If he'd done it via zoom you all would be bitching that he didn't do it in person. 

If he'd won more games this year, you all would be laughing at HH/not giving a ****, either. Facts 

As myself and many others here have commented, HH is a joke, and none of this is about defending them. It's about Woodson being such an angry, vindictive little man that can only elevate himself by denigrating others. He's a mediocre coach at best, and Indiana University, with all of it's dysfunction is stuck with him for at least another season.

The big IF is "if he'd won more games...", but he didn't. He was stubborn, arrogant, and was unable to coach his way out of a paper bag - squeaking past cupcakes and getting blown out multiple times throughout the season. Since the Cooks and the Simons have bought him a team for the 24-25 season, let's hope he can get through the season without completely crapping the bed. I'm not convinced that he won't.

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1 hour ago, Home Jersey said:

Idk. Maybe Woody should have flown to LA to meet them. Enjoy a candle lit dinner. Go shopping on Rodeo Drive. Some pillow talk maybe. 

He could have begged them for another job for his kids, then fired them. He has a place in LA, why not fly out there.

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55 minutes ago, Certified Sunshine Pumper said:

I think it's hilarious he they flew them in to be told they weren't welcome. 

If he'd done it via zoom you all would be bitching that he didn't do it in person. 

If he'd won more games this year, you all would be laughing at HH/not giving a ****, either. Facts 

But he didn’t. He’s 31-29 in a very mediocre Big 10 the past three years. Behaviors that are tolerable when a coach is highly successful aren’t when he stinks. If Woodson being a **** for the sake of being a **** is “hilarious” to you, well, you do you. 

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1 hour ago, Scotty R said:

So if you break up with your wife or girlfriend you would do it over the phone

My wife IS my girlfriend!

(while you may think that is an attempt at sweetness, it's really just a mechanism to make it more efficient when I need to break up with her over the phone).

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