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37 minutes ago, rebelhoosier848891 said:

To generate discussion---any news on Priller's development? Can he step up to more back up minutes this year? He will always be a fan favorite-- but his hustle and experience have led to good plays when he gets limited minutes late in games. Any chance we see his minutes increase since he is a big body and we are thin/young inside?

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It would be wonderful to see light years improvement in MSB but we've probably seen the best he has to offer and if he's getting extended minutes this season it's probably because we're in deep doo doo depth wise.   It would be interesting to speculate on what kind of improvement, if any, MSB might have made had our coaching change been made in 2016 and he'd have had a full year under Archie.

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10 hours ago, Stuhoo said:


With Hartman as the 6th man.
That's what I envision CuJo doing this season.


 You think we will start 3 guards? 

I think CuJo could potentially be that spark off the bench,  but not in a starting role.... Hartman is going to be crucial to our success this season. 

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 You think we will start 3 guards? 
I think CuJo could potentially be that spark off the bench,  but not in a starting role.... Hartman is going to be crucial to our success this season. 

Yes! I'm thinking that it is very likely that we start three guards. Very likely. I also think that Hartman will play starters minutes as the sixth man.

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Yes! I'm thinking that it is very likely that we start three guards. Very likely. I also think that Hartman will play starters minutes as the sixth man.

I could see this happening. Hartman being first off the bench for any of the 1-4 starters. It also balances the experience on the court with him likely coming in for another upperclassman.

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Curtis has moves JBJ never had.  Curtis is a funny case, in that he's a massive talent that has been hiding on our roster behind headlines about Thomas, OG, JBJ, coaching changes, and recruiting news.  He came in with two very good shooting guards in front of him.  And I think he, above many others, really suffered from the schizophrenic coaching last year.  That's why he started like an assassin against Kansas, and then just withered as the season wore on.  

I disagree that CAM will start 3 guards so Curtis can start.  I think that's a lineup that is just too small for the defense he wants to run.  I truly believe CAM will base his lineups on defensive efficacy, and having three guards just doesn't provide the length he wants.  Look at who he's recruiting, a bunch of lengthy, rangy players.  RP aside, he seems to be looking for lengthy guards, and has spoken before about Al's value on defense with his length.  Even talk of moving Jerome to SG.  Whoa!  Having that bevy of lengthy, quick guys works with the packline and constant switching, so there are no matchups to be created and exploited.  I just don't see him putting a 6'3" Curtis in over a 6'7" Hartman.

THAT SAID, Curtis may still start.  I've heard the same, CuJo is showing signs of being one of the team's best.  Add in that Robert came back from the combine being told that his place in the Association would be as a PG, and so Archie may just decide that Johnson and Jones are our best option back there.  It certainly has some merit.  I am not a Newkirk hater by any means, I'm just wondering if his abilities at PG over RoJo are so significant that it merits taking Hartman off the floor... or maybe Smith or Moore.  I honestly don't think that there is enough, if any, increase from Johnson to Newkirk at this point to justify not fielding Archie's best defense (meaning only two guards).

Round it out with Hartman, DD, and Juwan.  Plenty of depth left behind them. 



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To quote Stromboli since the website hates me and wont let me actually quote, I am in agreement that Jones and RoJo could start with Newkirk off the bench. Obviously I have shared the improvements he has made as well as others have and was told if RoJo was not here, CuJo would start and be our leading scorer. Archie loves him. Has really improved his hands and on ball defense. His confidence was/is the only thing holding him back.

Maybe not to start the year but I see this lineup come B1G play.

PG: RoJo SG: CuJo SF: Morgan PF: Hartman C: Davis

Newkirk, Green, Smith & Moore as our 9 man rotation. 

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I'm not doubting any of you, but where is this Cujo info coming from? Is he impressing in practice? 

Everything I've read so far doesn't really mention him besides that Baumgart tweet. Is it wishful thinking or actual observation?

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Series of optimistic tweets from Nick Baumgart:
Just weeks away from start of college hoops practice, early prediction for IU, with firepower, experience and now D, watch out B1G....
Archie prefers to play 99% man, use bench. 2017-18 Hoosiers will likely look to 2014-15 Flyers - small rotation, great D, Sweet 16..
The lineup shouldnt matter as much as rotation: Newkirk, Johnson, Hartman, Morgan, Davis likely to start (they combine for 14 seasons)
Good luck keeping 6-6 frosh Justin Smith off floor. Add on, Curtis Jones (set for big yr2), and how far has Devonte Greens game come?
Expect IU 2b undersold nationally but cld have as many as 4 future NBAers in rotation, especially up front w an experienced backcourt.

This is how I'm feeling as of late. Genuinely think we can put together a strong season IF DD can be a force.

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I was just putting some furniture together and thinking about this. Just why are we being predicted to miss the tournament? That makes no sense! This is a well built team! Our main concern is that we don't have a backup center! Most teams can't field one good center. We have plenty of height and big bodies to compete.

Good to see these tweets. I wonder sometimes if Archie doesn't get excited about what he's got brewing here.

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