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28 minutes ago, RickyIU said:

"Indiana athletic director Fred Glass should take the long view, not just react to a single season."

That's the very reason IU fans, and maybe even Glass, are done with Crean! Why is that so hard to understand? These national writers need to realize that this year's failure is just one piece of the entire spectrum.

Tom Crean is about to miss the tournament for the 2nd time in four years. Tom Crean is an awful in-game adjuster. Tom Crean's teams, except for a couple seasons, have been terrible on defense. Tom Crean's teams turn the ball over at a disgusting rate. Tom Crean has never made it PAST the sweet 16 as IU's head coach. Tom Crean OVERRECRUITS. Tom Crean schedules cupcakes. Tom Crean has lost the trust of Indiana high school coaches. The list goes on.

National writers, you are so out of touch it's not even funny.

thats one huge thing i cant stand about crean.....how he over recruits every year. and then your sittin there wondering all off season how things are going to work out. what happens if people that dont go to nba that are suppose to. do you force people to leave that you probably shouldnt of offered in the first place?

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1 hour ago, pumpfake said:

After the "dream tier" of Steven & Donovan, I'd put Marshall in with S. Miller & T. Bennett as safest hires.  Some of the younger guy may very well end up being superior coaches, but they also have a higher chance to be flops (in a relative sense).  As someone else mentioned, I don't know what Marshall's reputation is as far as his personality and that is important, IMO, for recruiting, assembling a staff, and interacting with the PTB.  That said, I think CTC has a fairly low reputation among fellow coaches and (apparently) H.S. and AAU coaches, so that wouldn't be a step down.

For all those people who say we cant blow this hire, then you have to get Sean Miller, Tony Bennett, or Gregg Marshall. Those are the only sure fire guys at Indiana. Anyone else not named Stevens or Donovan are a risk. 

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im in agreement with some of you on here that if we cant get one of the top guys on our list then let crean stay for another year. but for the love of god do not give him an extension. in another year maybe stevens or donovan will be ready to come back to college. a lot can happen in a year

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13 hours ago, ap2345 said:

So why is he the only one that is believable that is willing to share this information?

No idea.   Not everybody who has any kind of inside scoop or who knows someone is willing to share what they know.  I'm sure not.

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2 minutes ago, cljones1979 said:

im in agreement with some of you on here that if we cant get one of the top guys on our list then let crean stay for another year. but for the love of god do not give him an extension. in another year maybe stevens or donovan will be ready to come back to college. a lot can happen in a year

No no no no. Crean can't stay. The cupboard will be bare in a year it's not right now. 

And no if Donovan didn't come now he's not coming. 

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5 minutes ago, cljones1979 said:



Exactly, we just fired our football coach who had a similar temperament.  Glass isn't going to immediately hire another one, especially as the face of IU basketball.

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Tell them you are there to talk to his agent and see the panic 


The people here (in Dayton) really don't care about college basketball. Some people didn't even know Archie won coach of the year in the A10. Dayton doesn't deserve him and neither does other that school in Columbus.


Come to where basketball is KING, Archie. I can already see the tshirts with you name on them!



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I would take Marshall in a half second.  Under no circumstances can Crean stay another year.  I would take a year of an interim coach before abother year of Crean.  Hell go after Tony Bennett head assistant  (Sanchez?)  he was once an assistant at IU and has to have learned something in the last 8 years! 

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Not condoning Marshall's action, but have any of you read the background as to "why" he went off?  Or did you just watch the video?  Wasn't Wilson fired because of forcing players to play hurt?  Or humiliating them in the locker room?  And even more serious accusations?  

As far as the Marshall moment of crazy, did any of you read this article about it?


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5 minutes ago, Old Friend said:

We do not need a "top guy."  We do not need a name.   We do not need a guy who's got a pedigree.  We need a basketball coach who fits.  Who recruits kids with high basketball IQ instead of just kids with ball skills.  We need kids who will buy into defense (let's face it, Butler went to two straight title games under Brad Stevens because they were top 3 defensive teams both years.  The first season, no team scored more than 61 points against them ALL SEASON until Duke scored 62 in the final) and the communication that goes with it.  See: Ronald Nored, Kelsey Barlow.  Neither close to the athlete Blackmon or Newkirk are; but both understood positioning, hands in passing lanes, and simple effort.

We need kids who will make good decisions with the ball and value each possession.  We need kids who buy into what the coach says and not (like Blackmon) refuse to go into the huddle during a timeout.  We need a mix of kids who are good with the ball and kids who know how to play without it.  We need big men who have good post footwork and don't need to shoot 3's. 

A coach who can get those things done, along with x's and o's and all the PR stuff will win at Indiana.  It does not have to be Billy Donovan.   I don't follow anything closely enough to tell you who that guy is, but Sampson and Crean were both "names" who had been to a recent final four and had "pedigree."  Indiana needs to get this hire right; not worry about whose name is on the list.

This echoes my thoughts really well. Great post.

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I'm curious about GM's "temperament".  I'm aware of his meltdown in Canda, but that's the only issue I'm aware of.  Are there other instances or a reputation for such? (I have no idea one way or the other).

Also, I thought I read that part of the CKW dismissal involved a problem with the hooch and forcing players to play when they weren't healthy.

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