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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2024 in all areas

  1. 23 points
    Games? Queen and his family haven’t said jack. They never set a date. They haven’t given mixed signals. They haven’t given any signals! If you read message boards? Yes, the discussion and speculation has gone on for a very long time.
  2. 12 points

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    Couple of things: 1) If by “getting played” you mean the kid is using IU for attention, he’s doing a lousy job of it. The kid never posts and never does interviews and neither does anyone associated with him. The only thing he has posted was a correction of some misinformation. If I’m misinterpreting your meaning, I apologize. 2) Queen’s recruitment has some complicated elements that we’ve tossed around ad nauseum. No need to rehash. But he should take all the time he needs to make the right call for himself. 3) If you dislike recruiting, a lot of people do because it’s gross sometimes, ignore it. Ignore it. Look at the roster in June and judge the results. Personally, I couldn’t give it up if my life depended on it. I’m an addict.
  3. 12 points

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    I'll believe it's Maryland until he says otherwise, but I wouldn't say they're playing games. They haven't given any signals and had never set an official commitment date. They can, and should, take the time they need to make the right decision; it's his timeline not ours.
  4. 9 points

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    What on earth does that have to do with this? The mopey stuff is so damn annoying.
  5. 6 points

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    Not really. He never put a gif prediction for Indiana. His official prediction was Kentucky
  6. 5 points

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    As a realist I can say we're not being played. It's a kid. Can you blame him? To him this is the most important decision in his young life. He's not leaking anything and hasn't teased. He's doing it the right way and I believe we won't get him. It's Ok, it happens. As a guy whose work basically entails being a realist, I can say that your focus of why IU has stunk the past thirty years is not recruit orientated but administrative. Focus on that instead. Not enough new blood there. Just a bunch of yes men/women and people who want job security who don't want to take logical chances in and out of the field.
  7. 5 points
    Much prefer Peacock to needing that BTN+ subscription. If was only able to choose one I'd take Peacock every day and twice on Sundays. Better production, better announcers, and cheaper--$19.99 for the year with some good non-basketball programming.
  8. 4 points

    College Bball Thread

    https://themessenger.com/sports/jay-wright-villanova-wildcats-done-coaching-retired-cbs-analyst-tv-college-basketball Article on Jay Wright being done with coaching. Wright figured out what so many in that world don’t: that there really is more to life. Good for him. There aren’t many guys it would be better to be than him.
  9. 4 points

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    The realist is up in arms about “getting punked by an 18 year old…” Roger that.
  10. 4 points
    We win this one no matter the point difference, I will be a happy man. This is one of those games you know we can win but know its gonna be physical. I think if Malik can stay out of trouble, and X and MM make some shots we walk away with a win.
  11. 4 points

    College Football Thread

    I know I'm childish but I've actually matured over the years. I used to hate players that transfer away from IU. Now I'm rooting like hell for Penix. That's growth
  12. 4 points

    College Bball Thread

    So DiD We
  13. 4 points

    (2024) PF - Derik Queen to Maryland

    If 2 of Ware, MM or Malik are back I thing a PG is a much bigger need. Sure it would be good to at a top 10 guy but I sure hope we add a strong PG and another shooter as well.
  14. 3 points

    College Football Thread

  15. 3 points
    Not optimistic about road games, so I think we come up short. This is not the Rutgers team of late, however, so escaping with a win is definitely in the realm of possibility. Just get the W any way we can and I'll be happy.
  16. 3 points
    every single road game for me. We aren't good enough to blow teams out. Gotta out grit them and find matchup advantages, usually malik. They don't particularly shoot it well but we seem to be the cure for many of those ailments. (I think part of that is teams gameplan to come out and gun against us and it gives the players the freedom and green light to feel good about jacking up everything-THAT and we rotate terribly)
  17. 3 points
    We need a more physical Ware down the stretch.....
  18. 3 points
  19. 3 points

    College Football Thread

    Couldn’t happen for a worse fanbase. Haven’t been this annoyed about a champion in a long time.
  20. 3 points
    This is very true. Also, Boogie is slick. Wish we were getting him. But a big part of me wants to get a transfer portal guard who has proven they can do it. Or move Gallo to the 1 and get an experienced 2. Sent from my iPad using BtownBanners mobile app
  21. 3 points
    Its going to be pouring rain starting from noon tomorrow with winds from 45-80mph... Flood warning/state of emergency issued starting at 5pm, which is exactly when I would be leaving my house... Attending may be a gametime decision tomorrow due to weather, but I spent way too much to not go! Also don't want to end up stranded in a flood. Rooting for the storm to carry further north...
  22. 3 points
    Be thankful that we don't have to see him again.
  23. 3 points

    (2025) - PG Mikel Brown, Jr.

    In January 2024 I’m not sure he is. Defensively, he’s definitely not, though he’s not bad. Davis is just really disruptive and obviously takes pride in his defense. Kid’s in the middle of everything Brown’s more projectable. He’s bigger. He’s a little longer. Little better athlete. Really deep range. But I would think what Woody would light on is that Brown has obvious NBA-caliber playmaking chops. 2 plays come to mind: 1) Brown jumps and contorts his body to catch an outlet pass on the left wing that’s thrown high and behind him. Catches it in 1 hand and before he hits the ground he guns it at a 45 degree angle crosscourt dead on the money to a guy running the right alley for a dunk. Watched it multiple times and not sure when he even identified the guy. 2) catches a pass coming off a down screen and wants to hit the screener cutting to the rim. Doesn’t have an angle and almost anybody throws it as an alley-oop, which would have been really tough. Instead, Brown makes a quick faint to his right, gets the roll defender to move a hair left and then whips a bounce pass through the tiny window he created between his defender and the roll defender for a layup. That was cool. Those aren’t college PG plays. Those are Chris Paul plays. They’re not teachable. That being said, assuming there are no issues we’re unaware of, if I had the choice between accepting a Davis commitment today or waiting on a potential Brown re-class I’d take Davis and never look back. I’m a believer in the kid’s game and he’s got the mother of all chips on his shoulder. Have become a big fan.
  24. 3 points
    Dave from Dayton


    Don't you just hate it when someone takes a quote out of context and applies it elsewhere?
  25. 2 points

    College Football Thread

    Worst Where's Waldo character ever.
