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Fire Coach Woodson Thread

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His tone this year leaves an awful lot to be desired. Not even taking issue with lack of insight/substance because you're unlikely to get that from press conferences, post games, etc. To me he just sounds tired and conceited... and like he knows he will be protected. I don't pretend to know what goes on behind closed doors, but the whole narrative around Quinn pulling strings / calling shots certainly makes sense, especially with all the context this season has provided. His response about "continuing" to put us in position to compete for championships is so corporate and disconnected from reality. He could've delivered the same message in a way that's much more reflective of the current mood. Mike Woodson has forgotten more about basketball than most of us have ever known but at 66 years old he's not equipped to do this job at the highest level. Not at all.
You think how could a guy like quinn who went 65- 1in two years ould not settle for then nonsense. Then I remember he went like 13-69 as an NBA coach so he is used to losing now

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People on here get upset when folks “attack his character,” but Mike Woodson’s attitude absolutely stinks. He exhibits an arrogance that a coach with his college coaching track record really has no business exhibiting. 
We may honestly end up in worse shape once Woodson is finally gone vs when archie left.

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3 minutes ago, Hoosierfan2017 said:

People on here get upset when folks “attack his character,” but Mike Woodson’s attitude absolutely stinks. He exhibits an arrogance that a coach with his college coaching track record really has no business exhibiting. 

I don't doubt Mike Woodson is a good guy on an interpersonal level. He'd probably be a fun guy to sit at the bar with and BS. He's "old school" which is perfectly fine, but it's a new day and new age in college basketball. It's sort of astonishing for things to be bad on so many levels...clearly not working... and it's somehow still an open question what to do... meanwhile football school OSU realized their basketball coach wasn't working and cut ties before March even rolled around. I'm sorry, I know IU is not the program it used to be... but if we're ever gonna get there again, we need decision makers who are ready to meet the moment. A 4th year of Woody is basically a few guys from the glory days holding the program hostage. Normally I think things are never as great or awful as they seem. But for a myriad of reasons, this time around, things actually do feel like we're in a really, really bad spot unless a change is made.

Wild how different the energy is around the program after just a few months. 

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This program unfortunately needs a complete rebuild and it needs to happen after this season. We have had the same identity and problems since Archie stepped foot on campus. Our identity is now 17000 plus fans clinching their butt cheaks together on the first free-throws of the game because we suck so bad. No perimeter shooting. Poor below average guard play. Zero perimeter defense. We are never mentally tough for 40 minutes! These things should have been corrected by the new coach and especially by year 3. I read on here earlier the people who make decisions think this season is a fluke? That's scary. Flukes should not exist when talking about a entire body of work. Facts are the staff failed to get the right players and develop the ones they had. This is a coaching problem 100 percent and hopefully nobody in charge can't see that.

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That quote is distressing. I certainly am no MW fan, and being in the crowd who was too young to remember the last banner he is just a stubborn man and sub par coach. I am sure it is more difficult for folks who remember him as a player, and respect that. This, however, sounds like a coach who as no intentions of going quietly and is either completely disassociated from the reality of his program, or worse, doesn’t seem to care. I’ve tried to stay away from conjecture on his attitude— but going on the record that forcefully almost sounds like he is daring Dolson to fire him. Not like a coach who is on the hot seat. Next year will be worse and it’s going to be ugly. 

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Guys like Woodson and Allen and many others I have to give them credit whether earned or not whether fair or not they are some of the more well off financially people in the world….if they are just average in taking care of the money they have been given.

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4 minutes ago, Home Jersey said:

I don't doubt Mike Woodson is a good guy on an interpersonal level. He'd probably be a fun guy to sit at the bar with and BS. He's "old school" which is perfectly fine, but it's a new day and new age in college basketball. It's sort of astonishing for things to be bad on so many levels...clearly not working... and it's somehow still an open question what to do... meanwhile football school OSU realized their basketball coach wasn't working and cut ties before March even rolled around. I'm sorry, I know IU is not the program it used to be... but if we're ever gonna get there again, we need decision makers who are ready to meet the moment. A 4th year of Woody is basically a few guys from the glory days holding the program hostage. Normally I think things are never as great or awful as they seem. But for a myriad of reasons, this time around, things actually do feel like we're in a really, really bad spot unless a change is made.

Wild how different the energy is around the program after just a few months. 

Yeah... that's the thing that's different this time around... to me it feels like the energy has been zapped... With Crean it was up and down with all of his manic behavior... with Miller is was just dull and bland... but with Woodson, everyone has seen (or is starting to see) just how bad it really is - how out of touch he is, how he hasn't surrounded himself with any true help... and Buckner refuses to let go, and either Dolson is refusing to let go or Buckner has his hands tied so he can't let go... it's kind of like being stuck in quicksand - the more Woodson, Buckner, et al struggle to hang on the worse it continues to get.

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14 minutes ago, OKHOOSIER said:

That quote is distressing. I certainly am no MW fan, and being in the crowd who was too young to remember the last banner he is just a stubborn man and sub par coach. I am sure it is more difficult for folks who remember him as a player, and respect that. This, however, sounds like a coach who as no intentions of going quietly and is either completely disassociated from the reality of his program, or worse, doesn’t seem to care. I’ve tried to stay away from conjecture on his attitude— but going on the record that forcefully almost sounds like he is daring Dolson to fire him. Not like a coach who is on the hot seat. Next year will be worse and it’s going to be ugly. 

The amount of damage he could do over the next year is unfathomable.  At this point Dolson would almost be in breach of his fiduciary duties to the University if he keeps him on.

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Yeah... that's the thing that's different this time around... to me it feels like the energy has been zapped... With Crean it was up and down with all of his manic behavior... with Miller is was just dull and bland... but with Woodson, everyone has seen (or is starting to see) just how bad it really is - how out of touch he is, how he hasn't surrounded himself with any true help... and Buckner refuses to let go, and either Dolson is refusing to let go or Buckner has his hands tied so he can't let go... it's kind of like being stuck in quicksand - the more Woodson, Buckner, et al struggle to hang on the worse it continues to get.
We could recover after archie but now another awful hire who refuses to let go not sure we can recover after this one. It will be 8 years minimum of two awful coaches. The program will probably be at rock bottom.

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@chris if as you say he is back for next year but you think that will be his last, does that mean he leaves next year regardless?  If we just make the NCAA but again are an early out is he still going to be gone (retire)?  If we somehow get to a sweet 16, but the prospects for the following year are questionable would we keep him for year 5?  

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Just now, Hornsby said:

We could recover after archie but now another awful hire who refuses to let go not sure we can recover after this one. It will be 8 years minimum of two awful coaches. The program will probably be at rock bottom.

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Honestly... I'd have a tough time telling you of any other programs that, before a terrible season has even ended and no momentum on the recruiting trail, would be willing to go into the following season with the same coach. We have HUGE roster holes to fill. We've seen how successful they were (not) with the portal last offseason. Same issues his entire tenure mostly still there. Only a fool would buy the argument that X being injured is the difference between this team being tournament-ready or not.

We couldn't get guards to play here over him and Trey - fine. Are we gonna be able to get ANY players when it's clear they're going to play for a losing team with a coach who is likely gone after the year? Another season like this and we'll be lucky if we can convince even "the next big thing" mid-major candidate to come here. If your stock is high, why on earth would you step into a mess like this? So that leaves us shopping in another undesirable aisle. I don't know how we break the cycle, or if the admin even wants to. 

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21 minutes ago, Home Jersey said:

I don't doubt Mike Woodson is a good guy on an interpersonal level.

One more thought on Woodson being a "good guy"... look back at our long list of failed coaches in both football and basketball... with very few exceptions, we could all agree that most of them were "good guys"... but they were good guys who had no business coaching at Indiana... the very walking embodiment of the Peter Principle.

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