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Hayes is definitively not the player we thought he was.

I think Hayes is every bit the player we thought he was.  Living in Wisconsin, I get to watch the Badgers a lot.  There is a big difference this year from last. 

Last year there were three other guys on the Badgers that opposing teams had to watch out for. This year Hayes is really the only one on the team that is a threat.  He gets double teamed almost every time he gets the ball.

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want in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one fills up first.

this topic is dead in 2016...


the problem is that IU is going to achieve just enough...

what a conundrum we are in as IU fans... 


we can't wish them to lose, lest we look like fools...but if too successful...then...well, you know.


There is a lot of season left and this topic isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

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For all those people that hate Dakich and misappropriate his intentions. This is a must listen.. This guy gets it.

@ChronicHoosier: Missed this earlier, but Dan Dakich went all in on Bob Knight's hypocrisy today. Like, balls deep. https://t.co/kZkIYMrIvk #dayum #iubb


I'm not one of Dakich's biggest fans at all but what he said here is spot on.

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Dak is going to make someone mad that he shouldn't make mad.

Who Bob? Dakich already said he doesn't care. Mentioned something yesterday the last conversation he had with Knight didn't end well.

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The fact that we talk about Coach Knight like he's some malevolent god and players are in and out of his circle based on every decision they make is beyond sad. The guy has a lot of good qualities, but is also a giant baby.

Has nothing to do with his coaching ability.

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Honestly when you take away his loyalty to former players who are good men who haven't done anything wrong to him his good qualities are running a bit thin. I idolized him as a kid and am still one of his biggest fans but I think he got way to big of head and is has gotten way to comfortable being a complete a hole. Good coach though lol

This is where I am.

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Hurting himself, he could have a court named after him,a statue, thousands of adoring fans that would block all the bad out of their minds. Hell he could probably be Mayor of Bloomington, but alas he's to prideful and stubborn.

The court is named after Branch McCracken, but I agree in general.

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So I saw this line on the twitter feed of ESPN.com's front page and my heart skipped a beat...



From the Celtics: coach Brad Stevens traveled to Indiana



He's visiting a former player from Butler, probably Andrew Smith. 

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I saw his wife (I think?) tweet something yesterday that seemed really desperate.

Edit: Here it is:

@Samantha44Smith: Please pray. Pray so very hard. We need a miracle & Andrew asked me to have you all rally with us in prayer in this moment.


I saw his wife (I think?) tweet something yesterday that seemed really desperate.

Edit: Here it is:

@Samantha44Smith: Please pray. Pray so very hard. We need a miracle & Andrew asked me to have you all rally with us in prayer in this moment.



I can't bring myself to "like" you post, but I'm glad you posted it.

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